Town of Whitingham

Planning Commission


These Minutes will be accepted into the public record (with any corrections noted) at a future meeting of the Whitingham Planning Commission.


P.O. BOX 529



Attendees: Brad Lackey, Chair; Linda Donaghue, Clerk; Kristen Breeden, Phil Edelstein; Ben Joyce, representing applicant Chris Blake for subdivision review; Gig Zboray, Zoning Administrator; Jenepher Burnell and Kristine Sweeter, representatives to the Windham Regional Commission.

Brad called meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Additions or Changes to agenda: add WRC reps at 7:30.

Mr. Joyce described the property belonging to Chris and Carrie Blake who wish to subdivide (currently has single family residence and a camp on the property). Their goal is to sell the house and keep the camp on a separate 14+ acre lot. Although the property has 625’ of frontage on Stone House Road, once subdivided, the new lot would not have any frontage on Stone House Road. The Blakes want to maintain access from an unidentified old road through the Cook property that has reportedly been an established access and egress for many years. Mr. Joyce described the history of the access road, noting that it has some characteristics of an old town road and shows up on a Beers map dated 1869 but no records were found in the town land or highway records. He said there are descriptions of various properties having access to Stone House Road by a road that is assumed to be a 3-rod road. The Madden property to the north has had, and will continue to have, a right-of-way through the Blake property. Hypothetical situations regarding the legality of rights of access were discussed. The issue before the Commissioners concerned recognizing the existing right of way for purposes of meeting frontage requirements extending to Stone House Road. Kristen asked whether the permission of the Cooks was necessary. Gig noted that the access through the Cook property is not written anywhere so she questioned how that meets frontage requirements. At 7:52, Brad made a motion to approve the right-of-way on the Blake property as shown on Ben Joyce’s preliminary survey of November 15, 2017. Linda seconded. All in favor.

Our town representatives to the Windham Regional Commission, Jenepher Burnell and Kristine Sweeter, were present to discuss their work as representatives and how they report relevant information. Both Kristine and Jenepher are on the Planning Coordination Committee. Jenepher would like transfer to the Community Development Committee. Jenepher recognized that some information she receives should come to the Planning Commission. Jenepher usually attends full commission meetings and Kristine concentrates on town plan reviews.

It was suggested that the representatives meet with the Planning Commission at least annually or as necessary when pertinent information should be shared with the Commission.

The process of updating and approving a plan at the regional level was discussed. The Planning Commission’s public hearing is set for January 10, after which changes can be made as necessary before sending the document to the Selectboard. Gig suggested commissioners review the draft prior to the hearing. Gig noted that our town plan should include the appointment of an energy coordinator that is currently not in the document.

Commission reviewed the annual report and made minor changes.

Brad made a motion at 8:29 to accept the Minutes of November 29, 2017 as written. Kristen seconded. All in favor.

Gig noted that we were awarded a municipal planning grant of $8770 and we will contract with Windham Regional Commission to assist with zoning regulations update.

Gig made the Commission aware of a phone call from Erica Roper at WRC about an available grant for “better connections,” a VTrans and Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation involved program to address brownfields, beautification, and flood mitigation.

At 8:45, Linda made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 13, 2017 as written. Brad seconded. All in favor.

Kristen made a motion to adjourn at 8:47. Phil seconded. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Donaghue, Clerk.