Hellenic Accreditation System

Annex F1/13to the Certificate No. 48-6

of the
Laboratories of Applied Industrial Research and Analysis SA,
Tested materials/ products / Types of test/ Properties to be measured / Applied Standards/ Techniques to be used
Chemical Tests
1. Fruiting vegetables / Residue-determination of:
a) organophosphorus, nitrogenous
b) triazines
c) organochlorines
d) 9pyrethroids
(Cyfluthrin, Fenvalerate, Deltamethrin, λ-Cyhalothrin, Cypermethrin, t-Fluvalinate, Permethrin, Bifenthrin, Acrinathrin)
e) 21 others
(Propham, Cycloate, Dinitramine, Ethoprophos, Metalaxyl, Pirimicarb, Myclobutanil, Ethalfluralin, Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid, Procymidone, Tetradifon, Fenarimol, Trifluralin, Vinchlozolin, Triadimefon, Penconazole, Bromopropylate, Quintozene, Indoxacarb, Azoxystrobin) / In house multiresidue method(CRGV-1,2Q) using GC/NPD,ECD
2. Fats, oils / Residue-determination of 22agricultural drugs
(Acephate, Chlorpyrifos-et, Chlorpyrifos-me, Dimethoate, Fenthion, Fenthion-O-analog, Fenthion-Sulfone, Fenthion-Sulfoxide, Omethoate, Parathion-et, Parathion-me, Bromopropylate, Cypermethrin, λ-Cyhalothrin, Deltamethrin, Dieldrin, Endosulfan-a-b, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Ethalfluralin, Fenarimol, Tetradifon) / In house multiresidue method (CRGO-1,2Q) using GC/NPD,ECD
3. Cereals, pulses and their by-products / Residue-determination of:
a) organophosphorus, nitrogen-containing
b) triazines
c) organochlorines
d) 9pyrethroids
(Cyfluthrin, Fenvalerate, Deltamethrin, λ-Cyhalothrin, Cypermethrin, t-Fluvalinate, Permethrin, Bifenthrin, Acrinathrin)
e) 21 others
(Propham, Cycloate, Dinitramine, Ethoprophos, Metalaxyl, Pirimicarb, Myclobutanil, Ethalfluralin, Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid, Procymidone, Tetradifon, Fenarimol, Trifluralin, Vinchlozolin, Triadimefon, Penconazole, Bromopropylate, Quintozene, Indoxacarb, Azoxystrobin) / In house multiresidue method (CRGC-1,2Q) using GC/NPD,ECD
4. Stone fruit, other fruit, grapes, tropic fruit, dry fruit, raisin, fruiting vegetables, citrus fruit / Residue-determination of dithiocarbamate agricultural drugs / In house method (PM-1)for quantitative determination using UV/VIS spectroscopy
5. Dairy Products / Determination of Aflatoxin Μ1 / In house method (CRH-1)for quantitative determination using HPLC
6. Wine, beverages, dried fruits, dried vine fruits (currants, resins, sultanas) condiments, cereals and their by-products / Determination of Ochratoxin Α / In house method (CRH-2)for quantitative determination using HPLC
7. Fresh and cured meats / Determination of Nitrates / Nitrites / In house enzymatic method (EN-4)for quantitative determination using UV/VIS spectroscopy
8. Oils and fats / Determination of Fatty acid methyl esters / In house method (CRG-5)using GC/FID based on EU regulation 2568/1991
9. Cereals and their by-products, dried nuts and dried fruits / Determination of Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G3 / In house method (CRH-3)for quantitative determination using HPLC
10. Dairy products / Determination of Moisture / In house method (CL-215) based on AOAC 990.19
Determination of Ash / In house method (CL-216) based on AOAC 945.46
Determination of Total Proteins / In house method (CL-217) based on AOAC 991.20
Determination of Total Fat / In house method (CL-218) based on AOAC 905.02
1. Food feed and environmental samples from food production / 1.Detection ofSalmonella spp.Except. S. Typhiand Paratyphi / ISO 6579- 1:2017
Method code: MRS-1
2. Food / 2.Detection of Listeria monocytogenes / Aloa One Day/AES
Validation certificateAFNORAES 10/03- 09/00
Method code: MRLMd-1
3.Enumeration of beta-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli / ISO 16649-2:2001
Method code:MRECL-1
4.Enumeration of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus / APHA (Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, 5thedition, chapter 39,69/2015)
Κωδικός μεθόδου: MRSA-1
5.Enumeration of Yeasts / Moulds / APHA (Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, 5thedition, chapter 21.51/ 2015)
Κωδικόςμεθόδου: MRYM-1
6. Enumeration ofTotal Viable Count / ISO 4833-1:2013
Method code: MRTVC-1

Site of assessment: LaboratoryPermanent premises, 6 Apostolou Paulou str., 15123 Marousi,Attiki, Greece.

Approved signatories: N. Yannovits, Α.Pouli.

This scope of Accreditation replaces the previous one dated 21.12..2017.

The Accreditation Certificate No.48-6 to ELOT EN ISO / IEC 17025:2005, is valid until26.11.2021.

Athens, 01.02. 2018

Konstantinos Voutsinas

Managing Director of E.SY.D.

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