Minutes, ICCA Scandinavian Chapter Meeting


Venue:IMEX, Frankfurt

  1. Welcoming words

Erika Eischer, the Chapter chair welcomed all colleagues to the Chapter meeting at IMEX. The meeting was attended by 42 members.

Erika gave a recap of the previous meeting on 15.3. in Tampere:

  • was attended by 46 members
  • Historical moment: The Scandinavian Sustainable Meetings Accord was signed by a majority of present members.
  • Workshop with Guy Bigwood on sustainability: presentation of the measurement results by destination, workshop on how to develop the green issues further, how to implement best practices, how to educate and motivate partners
  • Case presentations by Steen Jakobsen and Lennart Johansson
  • Presentation “Food is art – putting emphasis on taste, origin and presentation”, Chef Juhana Paturi
  • Lecture on “Corporate Social Responsibility – How to implement it in the Nordic countries”, Dr. Matias Laine
  • Lecture on “The importance of exercise for mind and body”, Dr. Marjo Rinne
  • Business Lead Exchange
  • Peer H. Kristensen showed a nice video on Aarhus and invited all members next March to a Spring meeting in Aarhus (4-.5.3.2013)
  1. The Scandinavia Sustainability Meetings Accord was signed by a those members who had not yet had the opportunity to sign it.
  2. ICCA updates: The Chapter has got 5 new members since 1 Nov 2011 (68 in total). Erika welcomed them warmly to the ICCA family:
  3. Gävle Convention Bureau, Sweden (Elisabeth Hugg)
  4. VisitTrondheim AS, Norway (Øyvind Schei)
  5. ODM – World Wide Meeting and Congress Org, Sweden (Ashraf Anwar Abdallah)
  6. CAP Partner, Denmark (Teresa Krausmann)
  7. East Sweden Convention Bureau, Sweden (Nico Nauta)

The Chapter chair for 2013 comes from Visit Aarhus, General Manager Peer H. Kristensen.

  1. Chapter Web pages

The template is provided by ICCA HQ, contact person Ronaldo Cardano, email , same format for all Chapters.

The address is:

Planned content:

  • Introduction of the Chapter and member countries / welcome message – picture(s) of each country (Pls note that information on Iceland and Sweden are still missing!)
  • chapter activities and other events
  • Sustainability project (Guy Bigwood)
  • chapter guidelines
  • list of members
  • press releases
  • contact information: steering committee, country representatives
  1. IMEX America on 9.-11.10.2012 in Las Vegas

The Chapter will have a joint booth at IMEX in Las Vegas in October 2012. The working group with a representative of each country willtake care of all arrangements in co-operation with Marie Burewall. This year there will be more space and more partners than last year.

  1. Joint UK-Ireland & Scandinavian Chapter Summer Debate 7.-8.6. in Edinburgh

The UK-Ireland Chapter had invited the Scandinavians to their Summer Debate in Edinburgh. Our Chapter and the Sustainability project would be presented by Lennart Johansson and Kristian Rödbro. Other topics are City Assets, Marketing your city, Securing association business and Hybrid events. All members were encouraged to participate.

  1. Chapter guidelines

The ICCA board has approved new guidelines for the Chapters. The main difference to our model is that the chair should be elected for a two-year term andcan be re-elected two times. The deputy chair should be elected from a different country than the chair. Erika negotiated with Pat Soen and Ksenija Polla if our Chapter could be allowed to keep our model (incoming chair, present chair and past chair, one year term each).

Members were unanimously willing to keep the present system, since rotating the chairmanship between the five countries was considered the most democratic and a well functioning system. It was decided that the steering committee writes an official letter on this to ICCA HQ.

  1. Business Lead Exchange with Iberian Chapter during EIBTM in Barcelona?

The Iberian Chapter chair had proposed to arrange a BLE between the Iberian and Scandinavian Chapters during EIBTM. The idea was held feasible only if the Iberians can provide a database that consists of clients that really rotate between South and North. Erika will contact Frank to ask about this.

  1. Extra fee of 150 € for the Sustainability project

Members had agreed to pay an extra fee of 150 € to cover the cost of Guy Bigwood’s extensive Sustainability report and consultation work related to that.

Sigrun Sigurdardottir promised to invoice the fee through an on-line registration system, to be paid through a normal bank system. She will send instructions on this to all members.

  1. Next meeting at ICCA Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Sun 21.10.2012.