December 14, 2017, SAIN Minutes
Call to order 8:16 a.m.
Members Present: Cassandra, Dee, Janette, Emily, Jen, Karla, Brittni
Visitor: Kelly Bush
Quorum – yes
Approval of Minutes:November minutes were approved with 3 minor changes.
Financial Report:
Financial reports for November were approved.
Fundraising Update:
Leadership Skagit project – Jen has not heard back from them. She will try to contact someone.
Brittni was contacted by a 4H group wanting to volunteer and told them we didn’t have anything right now. Cassandra suggested having them fill treat bags to hand out at events. Emily suggested they “adopt” a horse to help promote for adoption. Cassandra will talk more to Maribeth, one of the moms.
Facebook Fundraisers – FB will send funds to SAIN. One of the fundraisers directed people to Guidestar and Janette noted that the info on their page was out of date. Dee will update.
Calendar update – The calendars are almost sold out. Jen will post where to purchase. Cassandra will pull them from Chuckanut to put at other locations that are selling. Danica suggested charging more next year, $12-$15. The Country Stores and Bony Pony sold the most, so we will put our focus there next year. The photographer suggested having a photo shoot with all the horses using a black background to highlight each horse for next year.
Giving Trees – The trees are all in place (thanks Dee!). People are just putting money in the donation cans and not taking the stockings. Dee will get the info on these to Jen to post.
Raffle - tabled
Event Update:
Bony Pony Black Friday Sale – For outside table we should have two people there at all times for safety.
Country Living Expo – Jan. 27. Cassandra needs to know when board members can be at the table.
Disaster Preparedness Seminar - tabled
Volunteer Update:
Dee resigned Volunteer Coordinator duties and Karla agreed to take it on for now until a permanent replacement can be found. Teri can still help as needed.
Foster Health Update:
Cody’s sarcoid is coming back. Brittni will follow up with Dr Hansen. Cassandra suggested adding canola oil to his food, it is working on her horse.
Gladys is doing better. Dr. Hansen checked her teeth, was not sure what was going on with her.
We discussed Betty’s broken tooth and possible plans of action if she enters our care. Possibly do radiographs first. Questions: What is her pain level? How much are we willing to spend? Emily will contact Dr. Hansen for more info.
Jen asked about using a supplement for Dodger’s heaves. Board approved.
We need someone to worm Junior and get him moved closer. He needs a dental. Cassandra will send Dr. Julie Eihl’s contact info to Debi and Brittni to get that scheduled.
Frank needs his feet trimmed and to be vaccinated.
Foster Training & Coordination Update:
Junior and Betty need to be moved. Thor needs to be moved. If Laura can’t take him then Brittni will take him for now. Dodger was moved to Jen’s.
Hay for foster homes – Karla will purchase from Brad Wyman and coordinate pick-up and delivery. Brittni will check with Leanne to see if she needs more.
Hay storage for next year – Patty will check out Karla’s friend’s barn.
Mattie is doing well in training.
Willow has been adopted.
Care for horses not turned over to the county – horses should not be neglected when they are in the county’s care. SAIN is not liable when providing this care.
Media Update:
Jen is working on reach of content. Wants to work on a website update. Looking for info to put on there as far as education.
Newsletter content – Skagit Co-op, Willow’s story, new horses, new board members.
Suggestion was made to update our logo.
Misc. Items:
Annual meeting agenda items.
Holiday cards – signed and turned over to Dee to mail.
Brittni will resign in June after the tack sale.
The board voted to add Kelly Bush to the board as a general member for now.
The annual meeting will be Patty’s final meeting.
CassandraTalk to Maribeth about possible 4-H volunteer projects
Send Dr. Eihl’s contact info to Debi and Brittni
BrittniTalk to Dr. Hansen about Cody’s sarcoid
JanetteWork on newsletter
DeirdreUpdate Guidestar info
Send Jen info on Giving Trees to post
EmilyContact Dr. Hansen about Betty’s tooth and plans of action
Follow up with Country Store on outstanding calendar funds
Check on outstanding funds from Dash and Splash
Send names and emails to Janette for newsletter database
Contact the Ovenell site to have it cleaned up
KarlaCoordinate hay pickup and delivery from Brad Wyman
JenContact Leadership Skagit
Post where to purchase calendars
Meeting adjourned at 11:00a.m
Annual meetingJanuary 13, 2018.