Observation checklist

Duration of observation (mins)
Observed / Unit / Criteria
Greet customers politely and positively
Greet their customer respectfully and in a friendly manner / £
£ / NVQ 1
NVQ 10 / 2.2
Hold a conversation with their customer that establishes rapport
Listen actively to what customers are saying / £
£ / NVQ 16
NVQ 9 / 1.2
Outline the organisation’s services and products to customers
Give their customer information they need about the products or services offered by their organisation
Explain their services or products and their organisation’s service offer to their customer clearly and concisely / £
£ / NVQ 1
NVQ 10
NVQ 16 / 2.1
Identify and confirm their customer’s expectations / £ / NVQ 10 / 1.4
Summarise information for customers / £ / NVQ 9 / 1.5
Recognise the limits of what they are allowed to do when delivering customer service / £ / NVQ 2 / 1.2
Explain in a way that is clear and does not cause offence when they cannot help a customer
Explain clearly to their customers any reasons why their expectations cannot be met / £
£ / NVQ 9
NVQ 10 / 1.6
Help to give good customer service by passing messages to colleagues
Refer to somebody in authority when they need to / £
£ / NVQ 9
NVQ 2 / 1.10
Undertake contrasting roles within the team task, showing evidence of adapting behaviour to meet the task needs / £ / WS 6 / 2.2
Work in a way that protects the security of customers and their property
Work in a way that protects the security of information about customers / £
£ / NVQ 2
NVQ 2 / 1.4
Follow organisational practices and procedures that relate to their customer service work / £ / NVQ 2 / 1.1

Note: TC = Technical Certificate, NVQ = National Vocational Qualification, WS = Workskills

Assessor signature: Date:

Question and answer

Achieved / Unit / Criteria
State when customer service issues should be referred to someone in authority / £ / TC 1 / 3.4
State how to refer customer service issues to someone in authority / £ / TC 1 / 3.5
Outline how customer service practitioners protect the security of customers and their property / £ / TC 1 / 3.6
Outline how customer service practitioners protect the security of information about customers / £ / TC 1 / 3.7


Action plan

Assessor signature: Date:

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