General Presentation
- PDF format, maximum file size of 500 kb
- 81/2" x 11" (21.5 cm x 28 cm), white paper;
- single-spaced, with no more than six lines of type per inch;
- body text in a minimum 12 pt Times New Roman font;
- all margins set at a minimum of 3/4" (1.87 cm);
Max. 1 page
Knowledge Mobilization Plan
Knowledge mobilization is understood by SSHRC as the reciprocal and complementary flow and uptake of research knowledge between researchers, knowledge brokers and knowledge users—both within and beyond academia—in such a way that may benefit users and create positive impacts within Canada and/or internationally, and, ultimately, has the potential to enhance the profile, reach and impact of social sciences and humanities research. Knowledge mobilization initiatives must address at least one of the following, as appropriate, depending on research area and project objectives, context, and target audience:
Within academia:
- informs, advances and/or improves:
- research agendas;
- theory; and/or
- methods.
Beyond academia:
- informs:
- public debate;
- policies; and/or
- practice;
- enhances/improves services; and/or
- informs the decisions and/or processes of people in business, government, the media, practitioner communities and civil society.
Knowledge mobilization methods may include publications (e.g., journal articles, books, book chapters, reports, etc.); events (e.g., workshops, conferences, etc.); improved and effective teaching and the development of pedagogy/curricula; and other forms of knowledge mobilization such as knowledge transfer, translation, exchange, brokering, synthesis, co-production and networking, often facilitated by the adoption of rapidly evolving digital technologies.
Open Access and Data Management
To the extent possible, and in keeping with SSHRC’s endorsement of open access forms of knowledge dissemination, research results should be made openly available, through, for example, open access publications, websites, publicly accessible databases and/or institutional repositories. Grant holders must comply with theTri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications. To learn more, consult SSHRC’sOpen Accessoverview.
Further to SSHRC'sResearch Data Archiving Policy, SSHRC also encourages researchers to manage and share data arising from their research in accordance with community standards and best practices. All research data collected with the use of SSHRC funds should be preserved for use by others within a reasonable period of time.
In your attachment, include a plan to increase knowledge uptake by target audiences, and anticipated outputs, outcomes and/or impacts of social sciences and humanities knowledge among various appropriate audiences or participants (academic and/or non-academic), including:
- methodologies and approaches to engage appropriate target audiences or participants, including, as applicable, diverse groups of researchers, policy-makers, business leaders, community groups, educators, media, international audiences, practitioners, decision-makers and the general public;
- timeframes or a schedule for the intended knowledge mobilization activities; and
- justifications for how the above two points fit within the project’s particular knowledge mobilization objectives;