Wednesday 20th June 2012

At Cockwood Primary School, 3.40pm

Present: Clair Campbell, Mellony Kirby, Lorraine Curry, Joy Taylor

Apologies: Brigitte Hawkins, Nicola Rose, Izzy Crocker, Sue Jago

1. School Uniform

Clair has sourced information from Swift Print in Dawlish as we have received quotes from Logo Factory UK in Paignton to compare. Even though Swift Print could offer a very good service unfortunately they couldn’t match the prices that Logo Factory UK had quoted. It was agreed to give the business to Logo Factory UK. There will be more information to follow on this.

2. Summer Fete

This is booked for Friday 29th June 2012, weather permitting. This will follow from the sports events. We have a lot of volunteers to help out on the day but still need a few more people to look after some stalls if anyone would like to help please see Clair, Mel or Brigitte. If we do get rained off the second date is for the following week, Friday 6th July 2012. Donations for cakes and toys are required for the stalls please.

3. Finance

The current balance is £3379.81 with lots of pending items to be paid for which amounts to £1843.30, therefore our balance will be £1349.15.

4. Christmas Puddings etc

Tanya Tothill has kindly agreed to organise the Christmas puddings again this year. Clair suggested to do a calendar to sell as something different which she has investigated however we have school photographs being taken in October and a lot of parents buy photographs for Christmas presents and our sales from this project is quite high so we was concerned that parents wouldn’t want o buy a calendar with photos on as well. Clair will look into children making Christmas cards to sell. The Christmas Fayre will be held on Saturday 1st December 2012.

5. EcoKids Collection

This is booked for Wednesday 19th September 2012. Bags will be delivered to school the last week of term so children can take them home for the summer holidays to collect unwanted items.

6. Any Other Business

Clip ‘n’ Climb have asked if we would like to be mentioned on their website for fundraising events. Clair will find out more information.

‘Wizard of Oz’ panto is being held at the Langstone Cliff Hotel. They have kindly given us their hall for free. Tickets will go on sale soon. Not to be missed!!!!

We have been given raffle prizes for our next event, donated by various people, thank you! We will be having a raffle at the panto so if you do have a donation please pass it to Clair, Mel or Brigitte.

Date of the next meeting will be after the school holidays.