Life, Death and Beyond—the Ascended Masters Perspective Part 3 Summary

The Near Death Experience

·  We can learn from those who have died and gone to heaven and then returned to speak about it.

·  Most describe a world so full of wonder and beauty that they never want to leave.

·  Many only return because it was not their time or because they had unfinished work or a mission to fulfill.

·  Betty Eadie, had one of the most complete near-death experiences described in her book Embraced by the Light..

·  There is a sense of detaching from the body and being free and limitless. The person may see their own body and be aware that they are floating above their lifeless form.

·  They have compassion for the body and see it as a vehicle for the “real me,” the spiritual being who they are.

·  Many enter a tunnel and see a pinpoint of light in the distance, towards which they are rapidly moving.

·  They approach their destination and enter a place of great light.

·  The descriptions vary—fields of flowers, beautiful buildings, temples of light, lovely homes with comfortable rooms or classrooms and meeting places.

·  They meet spiritual beings—masterful beings of light, angels and guides. They may also meet relatives who have gone before or loved ones they knew long ago.

The Life Review

·  The soul reviews her life, as if on a movie screen, what they came to learn, what they had been told before they took embodiment about what they were to accomplish in their life, and they compare this to how their life turned out. How well did they learn the lessons of that life?

·  During the review they see themselves as others see them, and they experience what it feels like to be on the receiving end of their words and deeds, as well as their thoughts and feelings.

·  Angels and masters lovingly explain to them the errors of their ways, what worked and what didn’t in a nonjudgmental attitude.

Spiritual Overseers—the Karmic Board

·  The masterful beings who consult with us when we pass on are members of a board of spiritual overseers, called the Karmic Board. These masters have a vast understanding of mankind and the workings of the divine plan.

·  With infinite compassion, and yet with the firmness and discipline necessary to guide souls to their ultimate destiny, they provide guidance and direction in a loving and nonjudgmental way.

·  They point out the consequences of choices made and roads taken or not taken.

·  This eight-member board consist of the Goddess of Liberty, Kuan Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy, The Great Divine Director, Pallas Athena Goddess of Truth, Cyclopea the Elohim of the Fifth Ray, Ascended Lady Master Nada, Portia the Goddess of Justice, Vairochana one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas

·  They are very familiar to us because we go before these masters before we take embodiment and again at the conclusion of our life, when we pass on.

Angels of Record—The Keeper of the Scrolls and Recording Angels

·  For each and very soul, there exists a scroll in heaven with the details of all of her many lives, her deeds and the record of her service to life.

·  There are special angels who work with the Keeper of the Scrolls, and they are called the recording angels. Their task is to write down all that the souls of earth do and say and think, and to keep these records for the Father-Mother God.

·  Heaven is precise and well organized. These records are stored in what is called akasha, an etheric substance and dimension. These scrolls, or records, are known as akashic records, the impressions of all that has ever transpired in the physical universe, recorded for all time.

·  The records can be “read” by those with developed soul faculties. Some souls are able to read these records while yet on earth, and they can tell the history of the earth and her people.

·  The recording angels and the angels of the Keepers of the Scrolls assist the masters to educate the soul of the one who is undergoing the life review.

·  The masters are able to show us our past lives, our divine plan for this life and for eternity, what is our karma that stands in the way of fulfilling our divine plan, and what karmic load must be balanced now, so that we can be on time and get ahead with the cycles of life.

·  We all have to be at a certain point of acceleration in our lives. We have people to meet and places to be and tasks to perform. We can't miss our timetables.

·  Karma is always the ingredient that prevents us from being where we're supposed to be at the right time, even as it sometimes propels us to exactly where we need to be.

·  In many cases, it is the little things that we do that are the most important.

Return to Earth—A Changed Life

·  After a shorter or longer period of time, the soul must make the journey back to earth. Time in the heaven world is different from time in our world. All of this may even take place in minutes and seconds.

·  When they do return and enter their body again, it is to a changed life. They are no longer the person they were, and they often live life very differently.

·  Their outer life may or may not change. But they may see life in a way that changes their decisions and the way they live their life.

·  Not everyone who returns to the body after dying will have a near-death experience and not every near-death experience will have all of these elements.

Resources for Further Study see 1-800-245-5445 USA

·  Embraced by the Light by Betty Eadie

·  Messages from Heaven, Patricia Kirmond

·  Death, Discarnates and Malevolent Spirits, Lectures Part I, II and III, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, CD on Demand

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