Career Box
You will create a box that will teach others about a specific career. This can be a cereal box, shoe box, etc. Cover the box with wrapping paper, brown bag, construction paper, etc. You must then include all of the information from the scoring guide on each side of the box. All sides of the box must have information on them. You will be graded on the content and neatness of your work. Make sure to wrap the box neatly, glue or tape pictures neatly and write neatly. You can decorate your box to go along with your career, as well.
You will need to choose a song and print the lyrics. As you rewrite the song you will need to include all the required content information from the scoring guide. Include the most important information as the chorus, probably the job description. Organize your song, along with content you will be graded on how well the song flows.
Career Scrap Book – (Example: A Day in the Life of a Police Officer…)
You will create a scrap book with at least 6 pages. You can make your own scrap book out of white paper, construction paper and a hole punch with yarn. Each page should focus on one piece of information from the scoring guide. The cover should be very neat and feature the career title and have pictures. Each image in the scrap book must have a brief description and explanation that you can type or write. Your scrapbook can include pictures from magazines, the Internet, newspapers and you should create your own.
Photo Story or Windows Movie Maker
Using Microsoft Photo Story, a free download from Microsoft or Windows Movie Maker, create a production about your career. Your movie will be a combination of images, music, and narration. Your movie should be at least 2.5 minutes long, but no longer than 4 minutes. Your movie should include 10 images, and appropriate instrumental music. Along with the content from the scoring guide, you will be graded on organization of your story board, technology use, volume, pacing and clarity of the movie.
Scoring Guide – 100 pts.
(All of the information below must be included in your final product.)
-Job Description (What does a person with this career do?) 15 pts
-Working Conditions (work environment) 15 pts
-Education/Training (How do you get ready for the job?) 10 pts
-Earnings (How much do you get paid. What factors affect this?) 10 pts
-Career Cluster and Related Careers (at least 5 careers) 15 pts
-Technology: how is technology used in this career 15 pts
-Sources used must be CITED on a separate piece of paper. Good sources
include your ILP and 10 pts
-Organization, Grammar and Neatness of Product 10 pts