MadisonHigh School E-Alerts
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the first step I should take to receive school e-alerts?
Register for an account. To get started, click the Register button at the top of the screen from any page int eh website and follow the instructions. Once you have registered, you still need to subscribe to e-alerts to receive e-mails. For step by step instructions, visit .
Why do I need to provide my birthday to create an account?
The third-party provider for the district web platform, Schoolwires, requires this step to ensure that subscribers are 18 or older. Your birthday is not recorded by Schoolwires or Madison schools.
How do I subscribe to e-alerts once I have an account?
Sign in (top of screen) > Access My Info (top of screen) > Edit My Subscriptions.
Each e-alert contains information related to a specific web page, and is sent to people who subscribe to that particular page, and the Edit My Subscriptions feature allows you to select the pages of most interest to you. . The first screen will give you subscription options for the district. Use the drop down menu to access options for each specific school. You can change your subscription list at any time.
What pages should I subscribe to?
Every parent/family should subscribe to:
- Madison Public Schools Home Page, used for emergency closing and other district-wide messages
- MHS Home Page(Use the drop down menu at the top of the page to get to the MHS options)
- The Home Page for any other school where you have a child attending. (Use the drop down menu)
- Any other pages that interest you.
How will I recognize e-alerts from the school?
The “From” line on the e-mails is: Schoolwires E-Alert System.
I signed up, but I’m not getting e-mail alerts. What should I do?
Registering for an account is not enough. You need to “opt in” to receive the e-mails, including those about emergency closings. To check your account:
- Click Sign in(top of the screen) and then Access My Info (also top of the screen after signing in)
- Click Edit Your Subscriptions (bottom of the screen).
- Make sure you have checked off the Madison Public Schools Home Page, MHS Home Page, MHS PTSO and the Home Page for each school where you have a child attending. (Use the drop down menu at the top of the page to access choices for each school.).
Will I get e-alerts from every page where I subscribe (e.g. teachers, clubs, PTO)?
Probably not. The person or group managing that page may not send e-alerts. Check individual web pages for updated information throughout the year.
Will I receive MHS Guidance E-mails by Class Year or Athletics Team Schedule Change E-Mails.
There are different registration steps for these subscriptions and you must register separately for each one.Each subscription is tailored to a specific need – sign up once for each one and you are done! Visit for more information and registration tip sheets.
September 2006