Fees, Credit and Collections Name:
Part one: View Powerpoint on Fees, Credit and Collections
List 10 Facts learned while viewing Powerpoint
Part two: Complete Job skills (Use Chapter 13 in textbook and workbook)
JOB SKILL 13-2 Use a Calculator
Name ______Date ______Score ______
Performance Objective
Task: Compute charges, payments, and adjustments on a ledger card using a calculator and determine a running balance.
Conditions: Use calculator, adding machine, or computer calculator; pen or pencil; and ledger card (Form 49). Refer to Procedure 13-2 and 13-3 in the textbook for step-by-step directions.
Directions with Performance Evaluation Checklist
Using a calculator, practice touch operation by moving your fingers correctly from the home row to other numbered keys as shown in the illustration. Set up a ledger card for the patient, and add charges and subtract payments and adjustments line by line to determine a running balance.
Gather materials (equipment and supplies) listed under “Conditions.”
1. Set up ledger card for patient John Dearborn (DOB 9/30/50), 112 South Fifth Street, Woodland Hills, XY 12345; home telephone number: (555) 486-0943; work telephone number: (555) 486-5098; insured with Aetna Casualty, policy no. 12345 AET.
2. Starting from top of ledger card, add the balance forward and the charge from Line 1, and insert the total in the balance column on the right.
3. Add the charge from Line 2, and insert the total in the balance column.
4. Add the charge from Line 3, and insert the total in the balance column.
5. Add the charge from Line 4, and insert the total in the balance column.
6. Add the charge from Line 5, and insert the total in the balance column.
7. Bring down the balance from Line 5 to Line 6 in the balance column. Rationale: When a line is used for notations only, the balance should always be brought forward to the next line.
8. Add the charge from Line 7, and insert the total in the balance column.
9. Add the charge from Line 8, and insert the total in the balance column.
10. Subtract the payment from Line 9, and insert the total in the balance column.
11. Subtract the payment from Line 10, and insert the total in the balance column.
12. Subtract the adjustment from Line 11, and insert the total in the balance column.
13. Bring down the balance from Line 11 to Line 12 in the balance column.
14. Subtract the payment from Line 13, and insert the total in the balance column.
15. Subtract the payment from Line 14, and insert the total in the balance column.
16. Subtract the adjustment from Line 15, and insert the total in the balance column.
17. Circle the running balance on the ledger that appears in Line 15 (keep calculator tape when applicable).
JOB SKILL 13-3 Complete and Post on a Ledger Card: Charges, Payments, a Returned Check, and a Check from a Collection Agency
Name ______Date ______
Performance Objective
Task: Prepare a ledger card: post charges, payments, a returned check for NSF, and a check from a collection agency, making correct notations and calculating a running balance.
Conditions: Use calculator, adding machine, or computer calculator; pen or pencil; and ledger card (Form 50). Refer to Procedure 13-2 and 13-3 in the textbook for step-by-step directions. See textbook Example 13-3 and Figure 13-4 for posting illustrations. Refer to fee schedule
Directions with Performance Evaluation Checklist
Set up a ledger card for the patient. Post entries line by line, adding all charges and subtracting all payments and adjustments to determine a running balance.
Gather materials (equipment and supplies) listed under “Conditions.”
1. Set up ledger card for established patient Helen Rice (DOB 1/17/58), 212 Hemmingway Road, Woodland Hills, XY 12345; home telephone number: (555) 486-7721; work telephone number: (555) 486-3333; insured with QRS Insurance Company, policy no. QRS 212345-678.
2. Enter balance forward of $360.00.
3. Enter charge for a Level IV office visit on 3/16/XX with proper reference and description; compute a running balance.
4. Enter notation that the insurance company was billed on 3/17/XX for these services.
5. Post patient payment (check #987) on 3/20/XX in the amount of $360 for amount owed.
6. The bank called stating check #987 is being returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF). Post a reversal of the payment and calculate a new running balance. Patient was called and asked to bring in cash or money order within 3 days.
7. On 3/30/XX, you received notification from insurance company that the patient no longer has insurance coverage. Bill patient for entire balance and make notation on ledger; bring down running balance.
8. On 4/30/XX, you sent second statement to patient indicating “Account is overdue, please play balance.” Make entry on ledger and bring down running balance.
9. On 5/30/XX, you sent third statement to patient indicating, “If payment is not received in five
10. On 6/5/XX, you sent account to Collect 4U Agency. Make notation on ledger; adjust entire balance (subtract it from the running balance), circle it, and post a zero balance.
12. On 7/15/XX, patient paid collection agency $200. Agency sent check #9876543 to the office. Post agency check on patient’s ledger, reverse the adjustment by $200, and indicate account closed.
JOB SKILL 13-4 Complete Cash Receipts
Name ______Date ______
Performance Objective
Task: Complete four cash receipt forms.
Conditions: Use one sheet of cash receipts (Form 51), photocopy machine, and pen. Refer to the Fee Schedule in Part IV and Abbreviations (Tables 7-1 and 15-2) in Part V of this Workbook.
Directions with Performance Evaluation Checklist
The following patients have paid in full for professional services. Post all entries and make a copy of each receipt for Dr. Practon’s file (which you can keep for your records). Give the original receipts to the instructor for grading; these originals in a real situation would be given to the patient for his or her records.
Gather materials (equipment and supplies) listed under “Conditions.”
1. Use February 16 of the current year as the date of service and posting date.
2. Refer to the number in the bottom right corner of the receipt to use for the “reference” column.
3. The first patient is established and had a Level I office visit and therapeutic estrogen injection. Charge separately for the administration of the injection (intramuscular) and the drug (supply). Use correct abbreviations to list the description.
4. Post the charges and add to the previous balance, list payments or adjustments and subtract from the previous balance, then calculate and post current balance. The first patient had no previous balance.
5. The first patient is Ms. Beth T. Hobson; record the last name first.
6. Indicate in “Other” area if the payment is by cash, or list check and check number.
7. Follow steps 2 through 7, post and produce a cash receipt for new patient Henry P. Morgan. He had a Level IV examination and paid in cash.
8. Follow steps 2 through 7 to post and produce a cash receipt for a Level II office consultation for Mrs. Harriet F. Garber. She paid in cash.
9. Follow steps 2 through 7 to post and produce a cash receipt for established patient Miss Carole V. Putnam. She had a Level III office visit and a 2-view x-ray of her right wrist. Previous balance $50; paid for services with check no. 4706.
JOB SKILL 13-5 Compose a Collection Letter, Prepare an Envelope and Ledger; Post Transactions
Name ______Date ______
Performance Objective
Task: Compose a collection letter, address an envelope, and complete a ledger card. Make notations on the ledger and make a photocopy of the letter and ledger.
Conditions: One letterhead (Form 52), one number 10 envelope (Form 53), and one ledger card (Form 54). Refer to step-by-step directions in Chapter 11 of the textbook (Procedure11-2) for written correspondence and Chapter 13 (Procedure 13-3) for ledger card posting. Refer to Chapter 12 in the textbook (Figure 12-6) for illustration of a business envelope.
Gather materials (equipment and supplies) listed under “Conditions.”
1. Prepare a ledger card for Mrs. Mae Van Alystine (DOB 4/12/56) of 2381 Maple Street, Woodland Hills, XY 12345; home telephone (555) 421-8700. She is insured with Mutual Insurance Company, policy number J148, and employed by TBC Import Company, work telephone number (555) 421-0707.
2. On July 10, current year, she was a new patient and had a 30-minute office visit (Level III) and an intrauterine device inserted (58300). Post both charges, listing CPT code numbers in the “reference” column, and calculate a running balance.
3. Indicate on the ledger that the insurance company was billed on the same day services were rendered; bring forward the balance owed.
4. On July 25 the insurance company denied payment because the visit was for a contraceptive device. Indicate that the patient was billed on the ledger card.
5. The patient was billed a second time on August 25; indicate this on the ledger card and bring forward the balance owed.
6. The patient was billed a third time on September 25; indicate this on the ledger card and bring forward the balance owed.
7. Compose a rough draft of a collection letter (letter #1) to be sent on October 25 with a copy of the ledger (statement); indicate this on the ledger card, and bring forward the balance owed.
8. Use letterhead to produce a collection letter, centered on page with full block style; even and equal margins; consistent punctuation; and appropriate paragraphing, capitalization, and abbreviations.
9. Date letter October 25 of current year.
10. Use proper address format for inside address.
11. Place salutation identifying person to whom the letter is being written.
12. Include reference line indicating date of service and charges.
13. In body of letter, state reason for letter and indicate expected response.
14. Place complimentary close and signature line.
15. Insert proper enclosure notation.
16. Proofread for spelling and typographical errors while letter remains on computer screen or in typewriter.
17. Make corrections, proof again, and prepare final copy for signature.
18. Prepare envelope using the U.S. Postal Service’s approved format.
JOB SKILL 13-6 Complete a Credit Card Authorization Form
Name ______Date ______Score ______
Performance Objective
Task: Fill in authorization form with correct information to charge credit card.
Conditions: Authorization to charge credit card (Form 55) and pen or pencil. Refer to textbook Figure 13-7 for a visual example.
Directions with Performance Evaluation Checklist
It is May 15 of the current year, and you are called to the reception area of Dr. Fran Practon’s office because a patient has come in and has a large unpaid balance. It is up to you to discuss the situation with him and come to an agreement on how the account can be paid. After having a discussion, the patient agrees to use his credit card and make monthly payments until the account is paid in full.
Gather materials (equipment and supplies) listed under “Conditions.”
1. Fill in the patient’s name, Mr. Stewart T. Wilson; he is the cardholder.
2. Mr. Wilson will be using his Visa credit card, account number 4444-2222-8888-777, expiration date August, 2011.
3. Mr. Wilson agrees to make monthly payments of $100 on the 15th of each month; his balance is $800.
4. Have the patient sign and date the form.
JOB SKILL 13-7 Complete a Financial Agreement
Name ______Date ______
Performance Objective
Task: Fill in a financial agreement with a schedule of payments.
Conditions: Financial Agreement (Form 56), calculator, and pen or pencil. Refer in the textbook to Figure 13-8 for a visual example and Procedure 13-5 for step-by-step directions.
Directions with Performance Evaluation Checklist
Mr. Biederman has received an itemization of all charges that are now overdue. He has no insurance and has agreed to a payment plan; there will be no financial charge.
Gather materials (equipment and supplies) listed under “Conditions.”
1. Enter patient’s name, Alan Biederman, and telephone number, (555) 486-9093, on the financial agreement form.
2. Mr. Biederman has incurred $3,000 for medical services with Dr. Gerald Practon and has agreed to pay $600 as a down payment. Determine the unpaid balance and fill in Sections 1 through 9 on the agreement form.
3. Mr. Biederman agrees to pay $200 on the first of every month starting August 1 (current year). Calculate the amount and number of monthly payments and fill in the lower section of the form.
4. Have Mr. Biederman sign and date the form; it is July 1 (current year).
5. On the Schedule of Payment, fill in the total amount owed, the down payment (DP), and the balance owed in the top right portion of the form.
6. Complete the Schedule of Payment by filling in all dates and the amount of each installment payment.