Visit Place:Wadgav (Jangali), Ta. Seloo, Dist. Wardha.

Wadgaaon (J.): Total population: 4000

Geographical Area : 671.85 Ha

Total no of farmers: 228.

Cultivated Area: 496.90.

Major Kharip Crops: Cotton, Soybean, Tur.

Major Rabbi Crops: Wheat, Gram.

Summer Crops: Summer Groundnut.

Irrigation facilities: Boar wells, Wells. And Canal.

Method of irrigation: flood, Sprinkler Irrigation, Drip Irrigation.

Drip and Sprinkler irrigation: 40-60% of total area.

MACP, Wardha identified this place (catchment ofSelooSindhi Station-APMC) for Groundnut demonstrations. Farmer’s meeting was held and concept of the project and demonstrations were explained.

Concept of group formation was explained and promoted through initial training.

Farmers were selected in such a way that selection would benefit to socially backward classes.

Technology demonstrated is explained later in the report.

Total No of Demonstrations: 59 Acres

Critical Inputs: Improved varietyfertilizers etc. (Kit attached with this report)

Variety:Market driven variety: TAG-24, (Foundation Seed- MAHABEEJ)

Technology demonstratedin MACP Demonstration:

Sr. No. / Activity/Technology / Comments
1 / Selection of Farmers / Selection of Farmers by Agriculture Asst, Promoted group farming approach and groups were registered under ATMA agency
2 / Farmers Training (Before Sowing) / Yes. Date of training: 28/01/2012
3 / Seed Distribution / 31/01/3013
3 / Seed Treatment / Especially seed treatment of Rhizobium, Tricoderma, PSB, Bavistinwas used in powder form. Due to seed treatment the emergence capacity of seed is increased. Incidence of wilting is comparatively less.
4 / Sowing / Date 1-20 Feb 2013.
Block level officers and Agri Marketing Expert, BTM and SMS (ATMA) remained present on some plots for guiding farmers on sowing activity. It was insured that sowing on right time, right spacing. The sowing distance in plot is 30x15-20 cm in each plot of Groundnut plot.
5 / Critical Inputs / G’nut seed 40 Kg., Fertilizers-SSP, Urea (Each 50 Kg Bag),Multi-micronutrient 10 Kg., Seed Treatment material Like Rhizobium, PSB, Tricoderma, Bavistin etc. Diamethoate500ml. and Sulpher 10 Kg. Bag.
6 / Irrigation facilities / Yes. Use of sprinkler irrigation instead of flood irrigation is beneficial to farmers. This method of irrigation has saved 30-40% of water and increased the yield.
7 / Sowing Method / By drilling method.
8 / Other practices / Earthing up, and scrolling of drum in Groundnut before peg stage is effective in groundnut.
9 / Market Linkages / Farmers aggregated their produce and sold it to local trader after they received an advice on when to sell from MACP Wardha.

Practices followed in Groundnut

  • Under the MACP project the groundnut was distributed in Wadgav (J.), Wadgav(Khurd), Kinhala, Kelzar, Antargaav and Garmsur. Before distribution of groundnut in villages the progressive farmers was selected and then the training of them are arranged on dated 28/01/2013 in Farmer Information and Advisory Center (FIAC), Seloo, Dist. Wardha.
  • In this training the information of groundnut, sowing method, cultural practices to be followed in groundnut, and the importance of seed treatment told by Dr.S. U. Nemade, PC of KVK, Selsura Ta. Wardha, Dist. Wardha.
  • The seed treatment of Raizobium, PSB, Bavitin, and Trichodearma to groundnut play important role. Due to seed treatment the percentage of wilt in groundnut is reduced and emergency power of the seed is also increased.
  • Theearthing up is the important practice followed in groundnut cultivation. It increases the pod percentage and pegging percentage of groundnut. Also the Gypsum application plays important role in groundnut cultivation it increases the oil percentage of groundnut. Also scrolling of drum in groundnut plot increased the yield of groundnut.
  • These practices told to farmers by Dr. Nemade Sir in his speech in training programme which was conducted in FIAC Hall, Seloo.
  • Farm field schools were organized to solve the farmer’s problems and difficulties for adoption of new technologies for increasing production and productivity.
  • All the projects were visited by PD ATMA, DPD ATMA, TAO, supervisors, AME from MACP, SMS and PIU team members as per requirements.
  • Farmers aggregated their produce and sold it to local trader or Hariganga oil Mill Amravati after they received an advice on when to sell from MACP Wardha.

Maharashtra Agriculture Competitiveness Project – Wardha
Oilseed Crop Demonstration / Area / 300 Acres / Village / Wadgav (Jangali), Kinhala, Garmsul, Kelazar
Crop / Groundnut , TAG-24 / Block / Seloo
Sr. No. / Activity / Unit / Unit Cost / Total no. of Unit / Total
MACP / MACP / Farmer
1 / Soil Testing & AROGYA PATRIKA / Per Sample / 450 / 10 / 4500 / 4500
2 / Seed – TAG 24 (Mahabeej) / Per Demo 40 KG / 4400 / 300 / 1320000 / 1320000
3 / P. S. B / 1 Kg / 37 / 300 / 11100 / 11100
4 / Raizobium / 1Kg / 37 / 300 / 11100 / 11100
5 / Trichoderma / 500 gm / 23 / 300 / 6900 / 6900
6 / Bavistin / 500 gm / 191 / 300 / 57141 / 57300
8 / Sulphur / 10 Kg / 429 / 300 / 128700 / 128700
9 / Uriya / 50 Kg / 535 / 300 / 160500 / 160500
10 / S. S. P. / 50 Kg / 762 / 300 / 228600 / 228600
11 / Dimethoate / 500 ml / 105 / 300 / 31500 / 31500
12 / Micronutrient / 10 Kg / 410 / 300 / 123000 / 123000
Total / 2083041 / 2078541 / 4500
Sr. / Block / Demo / Crop / Total Farmers / SC’s / ST’s / OBC / Women / Gen
1 / Wadgaav (J.) / Oil Seed / Groundnut / 59 / 7 / 4 / 40 / 8

Farmer Meeting And Training at FIAC, Center, Seloo, Dist. Wardha.

Giving Information about Trico derma and seed treatment material.

Seed Treatment Demonstration at FIAC, Center Seloo, Dist. Wardha.

PD ATMA, Dputy. PD. ATMA, AME, Wardha, and SMS (ATMA) visit to Demo Plot.

Irrigation given to Groundnut Plot by Sprinkler Irrigation Method.

Demonstration Plot Of Groundnut.

MACP, Team Pune Visit to Demo Plot.