Crème Champ Camp 2017
Date: June 12-16 Week: 1 Theme: Backyard Science
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayMorning Circle / *Month, Day of the Week, Date, Year
* Weather Check
* Pledge of Allegiance
*Book: Fluffy’s Silly Summer by Kate McMullan / *Month, Day of the Week, Date, Year
* Weather Check
* Pledge of Allegiance
*Book: Harry Goes to Day Camp by James Ziefert / *Month, Day of the Week, Date, Year
* Weather Check
* Pledge of Allegiance
*Book: The Garden of Happiness by Erika Tamar / *Month, Day of the Week, Date, Year
* Weather Check
* Pledge of Allegiance
*Book: The Curious Garden by Peter Brown / *Month, Day of the Week, Date, Year
* Weather Check
* Pledge of Allegiance
*Book: What happens next? Caterpillar into Butterfly
Morning Art / Invite the children to create a picture using frozen paint. / Invite the children to create pet rocks. Children will be encouraged to use a variety of art materials. / Bubble Art! Have the children help add watercolor paint to bubble juice. Then, encourage them to blow bubble onto their paper and let them pop. / Spiders are backyard insects. Invite the children to create a spider web using glue and string. Add a spider after the glue has dried. / After we have gone on our Nature Walk. Have the children use the items we found to create a unique picture using the Nature Print Paper.
Group Activity / I Have ______, Who Has ______. Bug Edition. / Have kids work together on an outdoor scavenger hunt. / Challenge the children to create a spider web maze using streamers. / Challenge the children to work together to create a helicopter. Take them outside and fly them off of the playset to see how long it takes them to land. / Invite the children to participate in a Treasure Hunt!
Math Exploration / Have the children participate in an outdoor shape hunt using the shape wands. / Bug Sort- Sort bugs by their size (small, medium, and large). / Ladybug Addition- Have the children solve addition problems using ladybugs. / Challenge the children to sort animals by how many legs they have. / Summer Subtraction Game!
Science Exploration / Have the children plant seeds in cups. We will be watching the seeds grow throughout the week. / Invite the children to create parachute cups using coffee filters and paper cups. / Challenge the children to make their own bubble solution. Then create giant bubbles. / Challenge the children to make a rock of their own. / Invite the children to participate in a Nature Walk on the playground.
Afternoon Activity / Discuss camouflage. Talk about how camouflage helps animals. Then have the children draw a camouflaged animal. / Invite the children to begin creating an Insect Guide Book. / Have the children continue working on their insect guide. / Challenge the children to make a popsicle stick bird feeder. / Challenge the children to create a diagram of a butterfly’s life cycle using pompoms and other art materials.
Journal Writing / Think Stretch
Would you Rather: spend a summer day hiking on a trail or flying a kite? Why? / Brain Break
I was walking to the park with my friends, when all of a sudden…. / Reading Centers
One thing I can’t wait to do this summer is…. / Brain Break activates
I was playing outside when suddenly I turned into a butterfly. Write about what you would do as a butterfly. / Think Stretch
Write a story about finding a magic tree house in your backyard.
Afternoon Art / Have the children paint with water on the sidewalks outside. / Nature Faces- Create a face using materials from outside. / Flyswatter Painting! / Challenge the children to create a sidewalk chalk picture. / Have the children paint a picture using natural paintbrushes made from items we found outside.
Field Trip / Children’s Science Museum / Draper Sparks Lab / Mad Science
(In House)