Aylesham Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Finance Committee
Wednesday 24th January201817.30
Aylesham House, Dorman Avenue South, Aylesham.
1. Those PresentJ. Cartledge (Chair), M. Townsend (Vice), B. Oliver, B. Morgan, K. Sutcliffe, L. Prescott (Cllrs), K. Razzell (Asst Clerk).
2. Apologies
C. Price, T. Johnstone, T. King (Cllrs), M. Brannigan (Clerk)
3. General Declarations of Interest
Pecuniary and Other Significant and Voluntary interests, where applicable, will be made and recorded against each relevant agenda item. Each member will declare their interest and act in accordance with Standing Orders when a relevant item on the Agenda is discussed.
None declared
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Outline / Action / Resolution
B. Morgan noted that she suggested evenings not Saturday’s for open surgery. / Correction noted and agreed. Proposed B. Morgan, seconded B. Oliver. All in favour, motion carried.
Outline / Action / Resolution
B. Oliver suggested 3% rather than 5% even though the Precept was not put up last year, 3% is in line with inflation. With DDC & KCC going up 5% he felt raising it to 5% would be too much.
B. Morgan had time to reflect on this matter since the last meeting, with the calculation of the Precept costing each household an extra £4 per year, she agrees with 5%.
M. Townsend noted that we did not increase the Precept last year, he felt that the Parish had taken a cut and the Parish Council is playing “catch up”, and as a whole need to progress and move on.
L. Prescott stated that he was against putting up the Precept, he accepted that the Parish Council need money for projects but he came into the Parish Council to help people. He noted that 30% of Dover are on the poverty level, times are hard on people and with the cost of living getting higher and wages not going up he would vote against putting the Precept up.
K. Sutcliffe had read through everything, she felt that the Precept never gets put up and that Aylesham Parish Council are way behind where they should be, and she was not against putting it up to 5%.
J. Cartledge commented on the projects Aylesham Parish Council have coming up. Throughout all the years she fought for the Precept to be put up, which it never was, meaning that things were not getting delivered for the Community. J. Cartledge felt that Aylesham Parish Council should be transparent about (if) and why we would be putting it up.
K. Sutcliffe commented if anyone had worked out 3% over a year (52 weeks), the cost per household would be £2.34. It had previously been noted that if the Precept was put up by 5% that is would cost each household £3.90 per year.
The matter was then passed to a vote, with the majority voting in favour for a 5% Precept increase:
5 for 1 against (L. Prescott). / 5% Precept increase proposed by M. Townsend, seconded by K. Sutcliffe.
5 in favour, 1 against.
Budget for 2018/2019
Outline / Action / Resolution
J. Cartledge thanked the Clerks and Accountant for their hard work over the last few weeks. K. Sutcliffe commented that the accounts have been produced every year, the difficulty for a few years was that we had a new Clerk who had to learn about the new accounts and then she left, and we now have the new Clerks that are getting to grips with the accounts.
It was agreed to continue working in the new Accountant’s style, as this way everyone learns. J. Cartledge noted that he will be back working again with the Parish Council in April to do all of this again so that we are ready for the next financial year and that any anomalies will be picked up. The budget after taking out money for the Skate Park for the next financial year is £128,313.
The Accountant has suggested running costs of £45,000 per year for the Parish Council, and to account for 3 years, save 1.5 years and to use the other 1.5 years.
Recreational & Facilities Committee
Projects for the year ahead to include, benches and bins around the village, possible resurfacing of the car park in Dorman Avenue North, it has been noted that the Co-Op are co-owners of the car park, which APC are trying to meet with to discuss the resurfacing project (this may take longer to achieve and may fall into next year’s budget), maintenance of play parks, collapsible bollard (Dorman Avenue North), trees and bulbs planting in the Market Square Memorial Garden. The budget was decided at £10,000.
Celebration Events
£3,000 has been set aside for Celebration Events in the Market Square throughout the year.
Memorial – £22,000 was allocated to completing this project.
A budget for bollards around the village has been included, this is set at £10,000. It was noted for them to be more spaced out when they are placed.
Professional Advice
£5,000 has been set aside for Professional Advice in the next year, this is for things like the Accountant and any legal costs that may arise.
Projects Summary:
- £10,000 Bollards (around the village)
- £10,000 Recreational & Facilities Committee to include benches, bins, trees, bulbs, collapsible bollard
- £3,000 for Celebration Events
- £22,000 Memorial Project
- £5,000 Professional Advice
£50,000 for projects as noted above
£45,000 one years running costs
£36,000 for the second phase of the Skate Park. / Proposed by B. Morgan, seconded by B. Oliver. All in favour, motion carried.
Clerk & Assistant Clerk Salary
Outline / Action / Resolution
The Clerk and Assistant Clerk’s probationary period has just come to an end. If the Parish Council feel that they have provided a good service within their probationary period then their salaries will be reviewed in line with the points scale at their probationary meetings. J. Cartledge has asked for any feedback regarding their performances from the Councillors to be sent by email to herself and the Vice Chair. / To be discussed further at the Clerk & Assistant Clerk’s probationary meetings.
Appointment of Data Protection Officer
Outline / Action / Resolution
This is something that Aylesham Parish Council must undertake due to the laws changing in May 2018.
It was suggested for the Clerk to contact Nonington and Adisham Parish Council’s to see if they will go into this matter together, therefore reducing the cost for the Parishes. Diane Malley MAAT (who carries out APC Payroll services) has contacted APC as her business has expanded and supplies this service, it was discussed to receive a quote from her, and other possible companies. Once quotes have been received this matter will be discussed further. / Clerk to obtain quotes and contact Nonington and Adisham Parishes.
Date of Next Meeting
Outline / Action/Resolution
To be arranged for May / N/A
AOB – For Information Only
Outline / Action / Resolution
Aylesham Ladies Choir Grant Application Update, K. Sutcliffe has arranged a meeting with E. Barnes of DDC, and Ginny Davis of the choir to progress their grant application and advice on how to complete this.
It was noted by Councillors that the Grant Application form needs to be revised. All members of the Parish Council need to meet in order for this matter to be taken forward and make the forms fit for purpose. A Grant Committee was also discussed, and a possible cap on Grants, however this needs to be looked into further, it may not be possible due to Section 137.
A copy of the Gardeners contract is to be sent to all Councillors, as this is due to be sent out for tender, this again is something that needs to be looked at and revised. / Meeting to be arranged for the Grant Application Form to be revised.
Clerk to email Clive Powell of KALC regarding S137.
Clerk to send a copy of the Gardeners Contract to all Councillors.