CHEMISTRY I Element Research & Poster(90 Points)Name:______
Due Fri 12/14/2007
1. Create an Element information sheet that contains the information listed below for the element you have been assigned. You must use at least five references, and include your sources in the proper format on your information sheet.Four of the resources are required resources that must be used and cited: (1) Reference must be your textbook (be sure to check element handbook in back of text),(1) a Merck Index, (1) a CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, and (1) a website, the 5th required source is your choice.
I recommend using or or a similar website to properly format your citations.As you use classroom references be sure to write down the required information from your resources (page number, author, publisher, title, date, city etc...) on note cards, or in your notebook so you can compose this later.(Be a Mendelev; he organized the elements on note cards, and noticed the periodic pattern, and is credited with discovering the periodic trends of the elements!) Use APA asthe style of citation.
To use the CRC Chemistry and Physics handbook, look in the table of contents for "elements".
Using the Merck Index is simpler; it is an encyclopedia in alphabetical order of elements, chemicals and terms of interest to the chemist. Both of these resources are extremely common in high school, college, and professional laboratories across the nation.
I am sure you are all pretty familiar with Internet Search engines such as Google, AltaVista, Dogpile etc. "Googling" your element will likely provide you with a litany of resources. Your internet site must be reputable site, preferably a college, university, national laboratory or legitimate science site. If I check your website out and they are advertising "Mind Reading Crystals" and warning about the next Martian invasion do not expect credit. Just like statistics, you can find a website that will seem to claim anything.
A few recommended element websites to consider are:
Information sheets must be neat or typed, and must contain all the requested information on a standard letter sized piece of paper. DO NOT WRITE A PARAGRAPH! Design a table or fact sheet to display your information.
Use and check off the checklist on this page to ensure you meet all the requirements.
At a minimum, your information sheet must contain the following:
Atomic number
Atomic mass
Mass number
Number of protons
Number of neutrons
Number of electrons
All Isotopes of this elements (their identity - use hyphen-notation, and for radioactive isotopes list
their half lives, and type of radioactive decay they undergo)
Use the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics for this item
Electron configuration
Noble Gas Electron configuration
Electron orbital notation
Valence Electron configuration
Melting point
Boiling point
Origin of name
Who discovered it
What family it belongs to
Properties of the family it belongs to
3 interesting facts
Cost (give price and amount, and source of this pricing information)
2. Create an advertisement (poster) for your element. The advertisement must include:
Element’s name
Atomic number
Atomic mass
An advertising slogan that describes one or more of its important uses. BE CREATIVE! You must link your slogan to one of its important properties or uses.
An interesting fact about your element
Advertisements must be neat, colorful, and contain all the information listed above. You may use pictures that relate to your advertisement theme.There is no minimum size. If yours is of especial quality it may end up being laminated and remaining in the annals of CHS Chemistry displays for all perpetuity.
Extra Credit Options
You may complete the following projects for extra credit
1. Create a webpage for your element (if you have a regular ISP at home you most likely have web space included with your (parents) monthly fee)
2. Find a really cool element website that I have never used (if you did #1, your own DOES NOT COUNT...)
3. Find some really cool interactive chemistry websites simulations that allow the web user to manipulate things on webpages.
Point Values
30 Points for your Works Cited Page /Bibliography
30 Points for your completed data sheet
30 Points for your advertisement
Chemistry Element Research Project