Cadaver Skills (Broken Down by Suggested PGY level)
PGY 1&2
1. Closed Thoracostomy Tube
2. Cricothyrotomy with placement of size 6 ET tube
3. Medial and lateral lower extremity below knee fasciotomy
4. Laparotomy incision with fascial closure
5. Veress maneuver
6. Hasson maneuver
7. Identification of Treitz with full running of the small bowel
8. ED thoracotomy (left anterolateral with ability to extend to ‘clamshell’)
9. Tracheostomy
10. Lesser sac exposure with identification of pancreatic body and splenic hilum
11. Anterior inguinal exposure (as opposed to retro-rectus)
12. Stamm gastrostomy
13. Witzel jejunostomy with lambert suturing of the small bowel
14. Stapled anastomosis: side-to-side (with ligation of intervening mesentery via clamp, divide, tie)
15. Hand sewn anastomosis: single layer end-to-end, double layer side-to-side, double layer end-to-side
16. Mobilization of right or left colon lateral attachments
17. Brooke end ileostomy/colostomy maturation
PGY 4&5
18. Forearm fasciotomy
19. Right medial visceral rotation (Cattell-Braasch)
20. Left medial visceral rotation (Mattox maneuver)
21. Kocher maneuver
22. Pringle maneuver (including placement of Rummel tourniquet)
23. Carotid exposure (including common carotid, internal/external bifurcation)
24. Thyroid gland exposure with recurrent laryngeal nerve expousre (attempt maneuvers to expose parathyroid gland)
25. Femoral artery & vein exposure
26. Esophageal exposure at the GE junction
27. Exposure of the SMA at its root
28. Above and below knee vascular exposures
29. Liver mobilization (particular for urgent/emergent exposures)
30. Retroperitoneal exposure via extraperitoneal incision
31. Axillary/brachial/subclavian artery exposure
32. *Bonus: submandibular gland exposure