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Environmental Engineering Unit
Faculty of Biotechnology
The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
84105 Beer Sheva, Israel
Phone (972) 8-647-9031 / Fax (972) 8 647-9030SUMMARY
Vitaly Gitis is an environmental engineer with teaching, research and industrial interests. He received his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering in 1988 from Moscow Mining University, Russia, and his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering in 2000 from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Advised by Professor Avner Adin, his Ph.D. research focused on theoretical and practical aspects of rapid sand filtration. While pursuing his Ph.D. research, Vitaly Gitis has also gained experience in applied software engineering and project management. After earning his degree, he joined the Office of Research and Development at the US EPA, Cincinnati, OH as a visiting scientist.
His interests include research of colloidal systems and separation processes, development and implementation of novel methods of physical-chemical treatment for water and wastewater, and modeling of granular and membrane filtration processes. His recent developments focus on increasing water safety against a possible breakthrough of pathogenic microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium parvum and Bacillus anthracis after filtration and disinfection systems. He authored ten papers for peer-reviewed journals in addition to four full papers in proceedings, and six technical reports for the US EPA and industry. He has presented his findings at ten national and international professional conferences in the US, Europe and Israel. He is currently holding a position of lecturer at Faculty of Engineering of Ben-Gurion University where Vitaly is engaged in a variety of projects such as an EPA-sponsored project on the development of a method for real-time evaluation of microbial contaminants removal using genetically engineered bacteria and viruses.
Born: February 3rd, 1966, Moscow, Russia
Citizenship: Israel
Marital status: Married+2
2000 / Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IsraelDissertation: “Deep-bed filtration equation in light of the ripening phenomenon”. Advisor: Professor Avner Adin.
1988 / M.Sc. (including B.S.) in Chemical Engineering, Moscow Mining University, Moscow, Russia, with honors (GPA 4.9/5.0).
1997-1998 / The General Management and Leadership Program, Beit Berl College, Kfar-Saba, Israel.1995-1996 / Software Engineering Program, The Open University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2003 / Lecturer, Environmental Engineering Unit, Faculty of Biotechnology, The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel2000-2002 / Co-Instructor, “Physical-Chemical Processes for Water Quality Control”.
Environmental Engineering and Science Division, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
1998-1999 / Acting Lecturer, "Introduction to Environmental Sciences"; "Laboratory - Introduction to Environmental Sciences"; "Water Treatment Technology and Pollution Control”.
Environmental Sciences Division, Faculty of Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
1994-1998 / Teaching Assistant, "Introduction to Environmental Sciences"; "Laboratory - Introduction to Environmental Sciences".
Environmental Sciences Division, Faculty of Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Since 2003 / Head, Physical-Chemical Water Treatment Laboratory (PCWTL), Environmental Engineering Unit, Faculty of Biotechnology, The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, IsraelDeveloping a method for real-time evaluation of microbial contaminants removal with genetically engineered luminous bacteria. Implementing a modified FIU method to assess treatment plant efficiency by odor. Leading a project on the transport and fate of dye-labeled viruses in nano- and ultrafiltration membranes under the influence of coagulation/flocculation during fouling.
2002-2003 / Visiting Scientist, joint appointment of ‘IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gGmbH in Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany’ and Gerhard-Mercator Universitat Duisburg, Germany
Investigated the influence of chemical/physical conditions on the removal of Natural Organic Matter by ultrafiltration capillary membranes.
2000-2002 / Environmental Engineer/Contractor, Office of Research and Development, US EPA, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Was responsible for planning and design of pilot-scale water treatment systems consisting of sedimentation, flocculation, filtration, and disinfection units. Developed, coordinated, and executed water quality research project on the transport and fate of pathogenic microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium parvum. Developed a mathematical model for rapid granular filtration with multistage deposition kinetics. Acted as a Technical Advisor to numerous projects including backwash-recovered flocculation, seawater filtration, and pre-coagulated membrane separation.
1994-1996 / Military Service, IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).
1988-1991 / Research Engineer, Physical and Engineering Department, Moscow Mining University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Developed and successfully implemented a technology for copper/lead separation by flotation. Was responsible for the development of software for remote control of the process via mathematical modeling and computer simulations. Interacted with multiple customers on a regular basis.
English, Hebrew, French, Russian
C, C++, FORTRAN 77/90, EmTeX, HTML
1999 / Best Instructor in Environmental Sciences Division during 1998/99 academic year1994-1996 / Ian Karten Graduate Scholarship
1988 / Russian Academy of Science Award for the Best Student Paper in Chemical Engineering
2002 / Departmental seminar (The Risk of Waterborne Diseases) at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Beer-Sheva, Israel)2001 / Departmental seminar (Bioterrorism) at University of Windsor (Windsor, Canada)
2001 / Divisional seminar (Removal of Microbial Pathogens) at US EPA (Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.)
2000 / Departmental seminar (Electrofiltration) at University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.)
2000 / Departmental seminar (Rapid Sand Filtration) at The Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel)
American Chemical Society
American Water Works Association
International Water Association
Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences
PUBLICATIONS (total of 31 entries)
PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS (total of 10 entries)
Gitis V., Haught R.C., Clark R.M. and Rothenberg G. (2002) Assessing the removal of inorganic colloids and Cryptosporidium parvum from drinking water. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4 (2), 244-248.
Gitis V., Adin A., Nasser A., Gun J. and Lev O. (2002) Fluorescent labeled bacteriophages –A new tracer for the investigation of viral transport in porous media: 1.Introduction and characterization. Water Research, 36 (17), 4227-4234.
Gitis V., Adin A., Nasser A., Gun J. and Lev O. (2002) Fluorescent labeled bacteriophages –A new tracer for the investigation of viral transport in porous media: 2.Deep bed filtration studies. Water Research, 36 (17), 4235-4242.
Gitis V., Freger V., Haught R.C. and Clark R.M. (200#) Downgraded ripening in deep-bed filters: an unorthodox filtration methodology. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, accepted for publication.
Gitis V., Adin A. and Rubinstein I. (200#) Gravity filtration model with the multistage deposition kinetics. Journal of Chemical Engineering, under revision.
Gitis V., Krishnan E. R. and Haught R.C. (200#). Contact filtration of Cryptosporidium parvum: effects of media depth and coagulation. Journal of AWWA, submitted.
Gun J., Modestov A.D., Kamishny A., Ryzkov D., Gitis V., Goifman A., Hultsch V., Grischek T. and Worch E. (200#) ESI-MS analysis of aqueous polysulfide solutions. Analytica Chimica Acta, submitted.
Michelson E., Gitis V., Lev O., Dor I., Gun J., Modestov A.D., Ostapenko I., Porat R., Teltsch B., Mosse A.R., Rom M., Hadas O. and Malinsky-Rushansky N. (200#) Odor characteristics of the Israel national water carrier. Water Science and Technology, submitted.
Gitis V., Macke D. and Haught R.C. (200#) Evaluating microbial risk with Bacillus subtillis endospores. Environmental Science and Technology, to be submitted.
Michelson E., Gitis V. and O. Lev (200#) Determination of the Odor Threshold Concentrations Of Dimethyl Polisulfides in Drinking Water. Water Science and Technology, to be submitted.
FULL PAPERS IN PROCEEDINGS (total of 4 entries)
Gitis V., Haught R.C, Clark R.M., and E. Radha Krishnan (2001) Attachment of Cryptosporidium parvum to granular filter media. WQTC AWWA in Nashville, TE, November 11-15 2001
Gitis V., Haught R.C., Clark R.M., and E. Radha Krishnan (2001) Depressed filtration ripening enhances removal of Cryptosporidium parvum. IAWQ 2001 World Water Congress in Berlin, Germany, October 15-19 2001
Gitis V., Adin A., Nasser A., Gun J. and Lev O. (2001) A novel method to investigate deep bed filtration stages by fluorescent labeled bacteriophages. IAWQ 2001 World Water Congress in Berlin, Germany, October 15-19 2001
Gitis V., Adin A. and Rubinstein I. (1999) Kinetic models in rapid filtration. AWWA Annual Conference, Universities Forum I, June 22, 1999, Chicago, IL.
CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS (total of 10 entries)
Michelson E., Gun J., Gitis V., Lev O., Teltsch B., Porat R., Rom M., Hadas O. (2002)
Odorous compounds in the Israeli National Water Carrier. IWA Sixth symposium on off-flavors in the aquatic environment, Barcelona, Spain, October 7-10 2002
Gitis V., Li S., Haught R.C. and Clark R.M. (2001) Efficient Removal of Cryptosporidium parvum by Contact Filtration. IAWQ 2001 World Water Congress in Berlin, Germany, October 15-19 2001
Gitis V., Adin A., Nasser A., Gun J. and Lev O. (2001) Fluorescent-Labeled Bacteriophages: A New Biocolloid Tracer for Viral Transport in Porous Media. IAWQ 2001 World Water Congress in Berlin, Germany, October 15-19 2001
Gitis V., Li S., Haught R.C. and Clark R.M. (2001) Contact Filtration of Cryptosporidium parvum: Effect of Media Depth. 2001 Water Quality Technology Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, November 11-14 2001
Gitis V., Li S. and Haught R.C. (2001) Penetration of Pathogenic Microorganisms Through Porous Media. CARESS 2001 Third Annual Conference on Active Research by Environmental Science Students, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, June 14 2001
Gitis V., Li S. and Haught R.C. (2001) Cryptosporidium parvum: filtration stage governs accumulation kinetics. Environment 2001, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 1-3 2001
Gitis V., Adin A., Nasser A., Gun J. and Lev O. (2000) A novel method to investigate deep bed filtration stages by fluorescent labeled bacteriophages. ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Lehigh University, June 18-21, Bethlehem, PA
Gitis V. (1999) Ripening stage in rapid filtration. Abstracts of Caress’99 second annual conference on active research by environmental sciences students, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, May 1999.
Gitis V., Adin A. and Rubinstein I. (1999) Deep-bed filtration equations in light of the ripening phenomenon. Abstracts of the 7th international conference of the Israel society for ecology and environmental quality sciences in conjunction with IWRA and IAWQ, Jerusalem, Israel, June 1999.
Gitis V., Adin A. and Rubinstein I. (1999) Kinetic models in rapid filtration. AWWA Annual Conference, Universities Forum I, June 22, 1999, Chicago, IL.
TECHNICAL REPORTS (total of 6 entries)
Gitis V. and Lev O. (2002) Membrane Integrity Check. Annual Project Report, The Hebrew University for U.S.EPA, Contract No. 74-C-02-04.
Annual Project Report (2000) Rapid Sand Filtration. IT Corporation for U.S.EPA, Contract No. 68-C-99-211.
Gitis V. and Adin A. (2000) Ripening period in rapid filtration. Second annual scientific report, submitted to the Mekorot Israeli Water Company. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, January, in Hebrew.
Gitis V. and Adin A. (1999) Ripening period in rapid filtration. Semi-annual scientific report, submitted to the Mekorot Israeli Water Company. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, September, in Hebrew.
Gitis V. and Adin A. (1999) Ripening period in rapid filtration. First annual scientific report, submitted to the Mekorot Israeli Water Company. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, January, in Hebrew.
Gitis V. (1996) The ripening period of filtration. Scientific qualification report in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D.studies approach. School of Applied Science, Division of Environmental Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 1996.
TEACHING MANUALS (total of 1 entry)
Adin A. and Gitis V. (1996) Water Treatment Technology and Pollution Control. Laboratory Teaching Manual, The Hebrew University, 46 p., in Hebrew.