A Living Monument
for the Centinary of the
International Eucharistic Congress (1913-2013)
On Tuesday 24 September 2013, the Archbishop Mons Paul Cremona OP will be inaugurating Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. This will start with the Eucharistic Celebration at 6.30p.m. at St Publius Parish Church, Floriana, followed by a Procession with the Blessed Sacrament towards the Chapel of Perpetual Adoration at Annunciation Center, in Anton Agius Street.
More than fifty years ago, the Sisters of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus opened the Church known as “Tal-Ispirtu s-Santu”, in Zejtun for Eucharistic Adoration on a perpetual basis, that is twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The Sisters were committed for one hour adoration in turn, so as to make a chain of adoration without interruption. They used to offer their adoration and sacrifices for the needs of the Church, made up mainly of lay people, families and youths. However, unfortunately today we are having a crisis in vocations; Sisters have grown old and diminished in number. So much so that around eighteen years ago they found themselves humanly impossible to keep up their commitment and had to cease from hold Adoration on a perpetual basis.
The time we are living is the moment of the laity. A number of lay people, amongst whom even youths, are feeling the need of re-starting Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration for the new evangelisation of Malta, for the revival of the missionary spirit amongst us Maltese, and that we may see new vocations, and more people who may even consecrate their lives for the new evangelisation of the whole world. Many laymen and laywomen, coming from various parishes around Malta, have already committed themselves for One Hour of Adoration every week.
Therefore, between Monday 23 and Friday 27 September a Eucharistic Week is going to be held in Malta. This is going to be led by Fr Alberto Pacini, a passionate international promoter of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Fr Alberto comes from the diocese of Rome, where he serves as a Rector to the famous ancient Basilica of St Anastasia. After having been closed for more than seventeen years, today this Basilica, near the Foro Romano, is the centre of a great pastoral activity, involving a continuous flow of people, parting from Eucharistic Adoration. The purpose of this Eucharistic Week, apart from one of Eucharistic formation, is to encourage all those who feel called to participate in this project to take up an Hour of Adoration a week, so that in Malta we may have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration once more. This would be like a living monument on the occasion of the Centenary from the International Eucharistic Congress that the Church of Malta has just commemorated last June.
For more information: Fr Paul Fenech 99802290,