Immunofluorescence on frozen sections
Tissue preparation
- Snap-freeze tissue in isopentan precooled close to its freezing point in liquid nitrogen
- Cut sections 5 microns thick and mount onto poly-L-lysine coated glass slides**
- Air-dry sections under a fan for 2-24 hours
Preparation of Poly-L-Lysine coated slides
Use only: Poly-L-Lysine, Hydrobromide (Sigma, Product No: P1524)
Preparation of 600 slides:
50 ug/ml in 10 mM Tris buffer ph 7.4 (total 1.5 L)
Solution may be used twice.
Coating of slides:
- Clean slides for 24 hours in detergent (Extran MA O1, E. Merck, Article-No: 1.07555) (Stability 2 weeks)
- Clean slides for 30 min. in hot water, then for three hours in cold water
- Clean slides in demineralized water
- Put slides for 10 min. in Poly-L-Lysine
- Dry slides at room temperature, store at room temperature in the original boxes (dust free)
*Alternative: Superfrost Plus Gold Slides (very expensive!)
(Menzel; Art. No: K 5800AMNZ72)
Sigma-Aldrich Co.:
Merck KgaG (D-Darmstadt):
Menzel (D-38116 Braunschweig,Saarbrücker Strasse 248):
Direct Immunofluorescence staining
- Sections are thawed at room temperature and dried for 30 minutes
- Wash slides 5 min. with cold PBS-Tween20 (0.1%) at room temperature
- Remove excess PBS-Tween
- Add 100µl diluted antibody (see separate list of antibodies) and incubate in a moist chamber for 30 min. at room temperature
- Remove excess antiserum by PBS
- Wash slides in cold PBS for 5 min at room temperature (2x)
- Mount with fluorescence mounting medium (Dako, Code S3023) and cover with coverslip
- Seal coverslip with nail polish (sealing-fluid)
Dako (DK-2600 Glostrup):
Indirect Immunofluorescence staining
- Sections are thawed at room temperature and dried for 30 minutes
- Wash slides 5 min. with cold PBS-Tween20 (0.1%) at room temperature
- Remove excess PBS-Tween
- Add 100µl diluted primary antibody (see separate list of antibodies for anti-human C4d (Quidel A213) and anti-human C5-9 (Quidel A239)) and incubate in a moist chamber for 30 min. at room temperature
- Remove excess antiserum by PBS
- Wash slides in cold PBS for 5 min at room temperature (2x)
- Add 100µl diluted Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L)-Alexa Fluor488 (Molecular Probes, A-11029) as second antibody and incubate in a moist chamber for 30 min. at room temperature
- Remove excess antiserum by PBS
- Wash slides in cold PBS for 5 min at room temperature (2x)
- Mount with fluorescence mounting medium (DAKO, S3023,) and cover with coverslip
- Seal Coverslip with nail polish (sealing-fluid)
Quidel Corporation:
Dako (DK-2600 Glostrup):
Molecular Probes: