Title - What Color Are Your Skittles?


In this lesson the student use Microsoft Excel and learn how to create spreadsheets, to chart the different colors in a package of Skittles. They will collect data, create appropriate charts and use percentages to describe quantities. Students can use Skittles, M & M's, jelly beans, or other candy of assorted colors.

This is an excellent activity for the following classes:

Spreadsheets and Databases

Computer Technology

LESSON TIME FRAME – 2-4 class periods

Guiding Question: Do all packages of Skittles have the same number and color combinations?
Learning Objectives: The student will learn how to create a spreadsheet to chart the different colors in a package of Skittles. They will collect data, create appropriate charts and use percentages to describe quantities.


  1. Students will be able to use the computer as a tool.
  1. Use a spreadsheet to enter sorted and counted Skittles by color.
  2. Use a spreadsheet to create a pie chart from their data.
  1. Students will be able to gather, organize, and display data.
  1. Use non-computer tool to gather, sort, and count Skittles.
  2. Use a spreadsheet to organize data.
  3. Use a spreadsheet to display data.
  1. Students will be able to compare and contrast data.
  1. Use students’ spreadsheets to compare pie chart.


Standard 0000-04

Students will create spreadsheets and manipulate data.

Objective 0401

Create, retrieve, modify, format, save, and print a spreadsheet

Objective 0402

Copy, move, insert, and delete data

Objective 0403

Insert and delete columns and rows

Objective 0404

Calculate with formulas (+,-,*,/) and simple functions (sum, average)

Objective 0405

Sort data

Objective 0406

Create, save, retrieve, print and interpret the chart


Standard 0000-01

Students will use a spreadsheet application to organize data, complete calculations, and interpret data to make business decisions

Objective 0101

Enter data in cells including text, numbers and formulas using order of precedence

Objective 0102

Manipulate labels and values


Success in this activity is dependent upon student being able to do the following:

Formulate a basic spreadsheet

Understand General Spreadsheet Terminology

Pencils or Pens

Worksheet created to collect data – to name colors and number of each color


Candy of various colors (jelly beans, smarties, Skittles, M&M’s

Small Dixie type cups (optional)

Spreadsheet program


Give each student a package of Skittles. Students will open the package of Skittles and tally the amounts of the different colors of Skittles found in their package. Sort colors using the Dixie cups (optional). Use the worksheet provided to record the information.

1. Open the Microsoft Excel. Have your worksheet handy.

2. Click the mouse in cells B1 (and B2 if needed) and type "My Skittle Colors" in the entry bar.

3. Highlight "My Skittle Colors" in the entry bar and change the font size to 14 and BOLD.

4. Press the enter key to move the information from the entry bar to the active cell.

5. Click the mouse in cell B4 and type in "Green". Highlight the word Green and change the font to size 12 and make it BOLD.

6. Enter the remaining names of the different colors of the Skittles into cells, B5, B6 and B7 and so on.

8. Highlight the cells , change text to the appropriate matching color, then change font to size 12 and BOLD.

8. After you have labeled all of your candy colors, you will need to enter the data recorded for each color. Click the mouse in cell C4 and enter the number of green Skittles found in your package. Repeat for all the colors, entering the data down column C.

9. Once the data is entered, create a Pie chart based on the information entered. From the Insert Menu, select chart. Click next, then click next again.

In the Title Selection, space the type your first name. Click the Data Option tab and select percentages, then click Finish.

10. Move the Pie chart off the spreadsheet table by clicking on the pie chart and dragging to the side. To increase the size of the pie chart, drag down on the bottom and side of the chart area, and the chart will grow in size.

11. Change the color of each piece of pie on the chart.

12. When you have completed your pie chart, click on Print Preview to make sure that the chart and the spreadsheet will be printed. Save your work on your disk - call it Skittle Colors – and print 2 copies and turn in to teacher.


Teacher will monitor students as they are recording data in class.

Students complete their spreadsheet and pie chart graphs. They compare their results to answer opening question.

Teacher will use the Spreadsheet Rubric and/or Teamwork Rubric to evaluate students.

Name: ______/ Teacher:
Date: ______/ Title of Work: ______
Skills / Criteria / Points
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
The teacher observed students working from each other's ideas. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
The teacher observed each student contributing to the project. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
The teacher observed the students exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
The teacher observed the students interacting, discussing, and posing questions to all members of the team. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
The teacher observed the students encouraging and supporting the ideas and efforts of others. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
The teacher observed the students offering ideas and reporting their findings to each other. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time / ____
Total Points / ____
Spreadsheet Rubric
Standard #1: Is able to accurately and effectively utilize information in an existing spreadsheet
4 / Demonstrates mastery over the process of utilizing spreadsheet information.
3 / Carries out the use of spreadsheet information without significant error
2 / Makes significant errors when using spreadsheet information
1 / Makes critical errors when using spreadsheet information
Standard #2: Is able to accurately create a new spreadsheet
4 / Demonstrates mastery over the process of creating a spreadsheet
3 / Carries out the creation of a new spreadsheet without significant error
2 / Makes significant errors when creating a spreadsheet
1 / Makes critical errors when creating a spreadsheet
Standard #3: Is able to create graphs from spreadsheet data
4 / Demonstrates mastery over the process of creating graphs from a spreadsheet
3 / Carries out the creation of graphs from a spreadsheet without significant error
2 / Makes significant errors when creating graphs from a spreadsheet
1 / Makes critical errors when creating graphs from a spreadsheet
Standard #4: Is able to effectively utilize appropriate storage devices to save and retrieve files
4 / Demonstrates a high level of skill when utilizing storage devices
3 / Carries out the use of storage devices without significant error
2 / Makes significant errors when using storage devices
1 / Makes critical errors when using storage devices
Standard #5: Is able to effectively perform routine troubleshooting and setup tasks
4 / Demonstrates a high level of skill while performing routine troubleshooting and setup tasks
3 / Carries out routine troubleshooting and setup tasks without significant error
2 / Makes significant errors when performing routine troubleshooting and setup tasks
1 / Makes critical errors when performing routine troubleshooting and setup tasks


















calculations / move
cells / numbers
computer / piechart
copy / retrieve
create / save
data / skittles
formulate / sort
insert / spreadsheet
manipulate / text