University of Southern Indiana
Graduate Studies
Council of Graduate Program Director and Chairs’ Meeting
September 17, 2014 - OC3076
PRESENT: Rowser (Chair), Beach, Bonnell, Conaway, Ernest Hall, Melissa Hall, Hanka, Hostetler, Kilbane, McDonald, Valadares, and Zehr.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM
- Approval of Minutes
Dr. Hanka moved that the minutes be approved as distributed. Dr. McDonald seconded. Motion passed.
- Announcements
- Graduate Studies Open House – Graduate Studies will be having an Open House on September 25, 2014 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, in the Orr Center Atrium. All Junior and Senior students were sent an electronic email invitation. Currently there are about twenty students who have sent an RSVP. Dr. Rowser asked the council to promote the Open House with their faculty and students.
- ICPSR Membership – Update on the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Dr. DeCoster reported that if there is support from the Library and the colleges he would pursue the membership.
- Graduate Program Review Committees & Schedule – The Graduate Program Review schedule was dispersed and Dr. Rowser stated thataccording to Dr. Blunt the schedule is firm.
- Old Business
- Research Incentive Funds (RIF) – Dr. Rowser invited Dr. Draughonto speak about and answer questions regarding RIF funds.Dr. Draughon shared how facilities and administration distribution money is divided out: 30% goes to the department and Principle Investigator, 25% goes to the college and Principle Investigator, 5% goes to the Rice Library, 30% goes to OSPRA, and 10% goes to the general fund. Dr. Draughonasked Jeff Sickman to look at Ohio University as a model;and he said we could discuss this model with the Deans and the Provost. Dr. Draughon stated that each college does the distribution differently and there are no standards for distribution of funds. Dr. McDonald inquired about Sponsored Research from companies and how would those funds be distributed. Dr. Draughon stated that there have been discussions about a model but currently no solution for a model has been created. Dr. Zehr stated that if a faculty member is funded by a grant to cover 100% of their time then it should cover 100% of the research and their other service commitments. Dr. Draughon stated that those decisions are not made by OSPRA but by the Deans and the Provost. Dr. Hanka stated if a director is awarded a grant then the director should be able to know how those funds are distributed. Dr. Draughon shared that currently it is up to the Dean of the college to decide how funds are allocated and that each college allocates fund differently. Dr. Draughon recommended that each program go back to their college and have a discussion about how the funds are being distributed. Dr. Rowser asked the program directors to have those discussions with their college and be prepared to discuss this topic at our next graduate council meeting.
- Graduate student travel funds –The review committee will meet and review the current policy and present their revisions to the council.
- Criteria for Graduate Faculty Status –Dr. Rowser shared that the Graduate Studies office had received some questions regarding the criteria of vetting faculty to the graduate faculty. Dr. Rowser shared that the policy provides the minimum criteria for vetting faculty to the graduate faculty. However, each college may have additional requirements as part of their vetting faculty members. Council members asked that additional language be added to the policy to include criteria for how a faculty member is promoted to professor and to specify that the program chair/program director is responsible for making sure that all faculty teaching in their programs has a current graduate faculty status.
- Curriculog – Sandy Frank – Tabled till next Graduate Council meeting, due to Sandy Frank’s absence from council.
- Other
- Marketing – The new Graduate Studies brochure highlighting all the graduate programs was dispersed.
- Events – Dr. Rowser announced the following events:
- Career Link – 9-24-2014
- Graduate Studies Open House – 9-25-2014
- University of Evansville Graduate Fair – October 1, 2014
- Exploring Majors and Minors – October 15, 2014
- Next meeting dates:
- October 20, 2014 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM in OC3076
- November 14, 2014 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM in OC3076
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 AM