Sample Assessment Tasks

Health Studies

General Year 12


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Sample assessment task

Health Studies – General Year 12

Task 2 – Unit 3 and Unit 4

Assessment type: Response


Period allowed for completion of the task: Three weeks

Task weighting

10% of the school mark for this pair of units


Health Belief Model

Investigate the use of the Health Belief Model and how it can be used in health promotion to design interventions and prevention programs. You will use the model to design a prevention activity which focuses on behaviour change for a specific health behaviour.

Choose one health behaviour to focus on, such as: improving breast cancer screening rates in women over 50; increasing the uptake of free vaccinations among parents of young children; or reducing alcohol-related harm among young people.

Part 1

Outline the six elements of the Health Belief Model. Explain how each element relates to your chosen health behaviour. The following example is for smoking and illustrates how the first step in the model (perceived susceptibility) relates to smoking behaviour.

Perceived susceptibility

This refers to the risk a person has to a particular disease or health outcome. Smokers may not believe they are at risk; however, the risks of smoking have been well established through many years of research and include heart disease, lung disease, poor circulation and cancer. A health intervention that seeks to encourage smokers to quit needs to make sure that smokers see themselves as being at risk of these particular conditions.

(12 marks)

Part 2

Use the Health Belief Model to inform the design of a prevention activity. This could take the form of a community forum, pamphlet/letter/brochure, conference poster, television or radio commercial or billboard/advertising material. Seek advice from your teacher about the amount of detail required in your activity. The activity needs to address all aspects of the model.

(6 marks)

Part 3

Explain how the prevention activity uses the Health Belief Model to encourage healthy behaviour. Refer to each element of the model in your explanation.

(12 marks)

Marking key for sample assessment task 2 – Unit 3 and Unit 4

Marking criteria / Marks allocated /
Part 1: Outline the six elements of the Health Belief Model. Explain how each element relates to your chosen health behaviour.
·  Clear and accurate outline of each of the six elements / 1–6
·  Clear and accurate explanation of how each element relates to the health behaviour / 1–6
Total / /12
Part 2: Use the Health Belief Model to inform the design of a prevention activity.
·  Clear and detailed evidence that prevention activity relates to the Model. The text is relevant and appropriate and aligns with all elements of the Model
·  Clear evidence, with some detail, that prevention activity relates to the Model. The text is relevant and appropriate and aligns with most elements of the Model
·  Limited evidence that prevention activity relates to the Model. The text is relevant and aligns with a few elements of the Model / 5–6
Total / /6
Part 3: Explain how the prevention activity uses the Health Belief Model to encourage healthy behaviour. Refer to each element of the Model in your explanation.
For each of the six elements:
·  Clear, accurate and coherent explanation for each element of the Model. Clearly and accurately communicates the intention of each element of the Model and explains, in detail, how the activity relates to it
·  Clear explanation for each element of the Model. Communicates the intention of each element of the Model and explains how the activity relates to it / 2
Total / /12
Final total / /30

Sample assessment task

Health Studies – General Year 12

Task 4 – Unit 3 and Unit 4

Assessment type: Inquiry


Period allowed for completion of the task: Three weeks

Task weighting

10% of the school mark for this pair of units


Community development agency and program profile (26 marks)

Successful community development involves actively working with members of the community to identify their needs, make decisions and take action. Across Australia and internationally, there are many organisations involved in community development projects. In this task, you will profile one such organisation involved in designing and implementing community development projects.

Within your chosen agency, you will also investigate a community development program or activity referring to the application of the principles of community development:

·  sustainability

·  diversity

·  social justice

·  human rights

·  addressing disadvantage and valuing local culture

·  knowledge

·  skills and resources.


Use reliable information sources to find one local organisation (within Western Australia or Australia) involved in community development and complete the following:

1.  Name the organisation and describe its role, values and mission (6 marks)

2.  Provide two examples of the type of work it does (2 marks)

3.  Choose one specific program or project it is involved in. Describe the program/project and outline two aims, outcomes or goals. Include two specific activities with which it is involved.
(6 marks)

4.  Highlight three community development principles that are relevant to the specific program/project selected. Explain how these principles are embodied in the specific activities of the program/project. (9 marks)

5.  Explain what the organisation is striving to achieve by being involved in community projects.
(3 marks)

Present your findings in a way negotiated with your teacher.

Examples of agencies involved in community development include:

·  Mission Australia

·  Caritas Australia (and other Church-related organisations)

·  Red Cross (Australia)

·  Oxfam (Australia)

·  local governments.

Marking key for sample assessment task 4 – Unit 3 and Unit 4

Marking criteria / Marks allocated /
1. Name the organisation and describe its role, values and mission.
·  clear and detailed description of the role of the agency
·  some details provided in the description of the role of the agency / 2
·  clear and detailed description of the values of the agency
·  some details provided in the description of the values of the agency / 2
·  clear and detailed description of the mission of the agency
·  some details provided in the description of the mission of the agency / 2
Total / /6
2. Provide two examples of the type of work it does.
·  one mark for each of two detailed and relevant examples which effectively capture the work of the organisation / 1–2
Total / /2
3. Choose one specific program or project it is involved in. Describe the program/project and outline two aims, outcomes or goals. Include two specific activities with which it is involved.
·  clear and detailed program description
·  some details provided in the description of the program/project / 1–2
·  one mark for each of two aims, outcomes or goals / 1–2
·  one mark for each of two activities with which the program/project is involved / 1–2
Total / /6
4. Highlight three community development principles that are relevant to the specific program/project selected. Explain how these principles are embodied in the specific activities of the program/project.
For each of three principles:
·  clear and comprehensive description of the principle and its relevance to the specific program/project
·  accurate description of the principle and its relevance to the specific program/project / 1–6
·  comprehensive and accurate explanation of how principles are applied in specific program activities
·  clear explanation of how principles are applied in specific program activities
·  general explanation of how principles are applied in specific program activities with minimal detail / 3
Total / /9
5. Explain what the organisation is striving to achieve by being involved in community projects.
·  clear, accurate and comprehensive explanation / 3
·  clear and mostly accurate explanation with some detail / 2
·  limited explanation or contains inaccuracies / 1
Total / /3
Final total / /26

Sample assessment task

Health Studies – General Year 12

Task 5 – Unit 3 and Unit 4

Assessment type: Project


Period allowed for completion of the task: Four weeks

Task weighting

20% of the school mark for this pair of units


Health promotion project (40 marks)

Choose one of the National Health Promotion Priority Areas. Research the extent of the problem, the risk factors and behaviours which contribute to the Priority Area. Develop a school health promotion program based on the Health Promoting Schools model which targets specific risk factors for the priority area you have chosen. Your program must take into account the three domains of the Health Promoting Schools model – curriculum, teaching and learning; school ethos and environment; and parent and community partnerships.

Part 1: Data summary (6 marks)

Choose one of the National Health Promotion Priority Areas. For your chosen priority area, research related statistical data and the risk factors that contribute to the issue. The type of data reviewed will depend on the issue chosen and could include:

·  the number of people included in the priority area/the prevalence of the issue (morbidity data)

·  the number of deaths (mortality data)

·  the types of risk factors linked to the priority area

·  the prevalence of these risk factors across the population

·  the approximate health expenditure attributed to the priority area and/or risk factors.

Part 2: Risk factor analysis (6 marks)

Focus on two behavioural/lifestyle risk factors relevant to the priority area. Discuss each risk factor and how it contributes to the health problem. Include in this discussion protective behaviours that are necessary to reverse or minimise the risk. For example, for overweight and obesity (which is a risk factor for diabetes), sufficient physical activity and a healthy nutritious diet can help reduce a person’s risk (these are protective behaviours).

Part 3: Health Promoting Schools Model (10 marks)

Provide an overview of the Health Promoting Schools Model, including a description of each component. For each component, provide two strategies that could be undertaken as part of a whole-school approach to address the risk factors you have identified. These strategies will comprise a school health promotion program to reduce or minimise risk.

Part 4: Strategy development and implementation (10 marks)

With the help of your teacher, identify one strategy within your program which you will develop, and implement, in the school environment. Provide a written summary of the strategy, including the following:

·  what you will do?

·  the aim of the strategy

·  why you have chosen to do this (rationale)?

·  how you will do it?

·  how you will know if you have been successful?

Some examples of strategies could include:

Curriculum, teaching and learning / School ethos and environments / Parent and community partnerships
·  Develop an innovative teaching resource/series of resources to educate students
·  Make contact with a community agency and request a guest speaker about a topic (provide a written briefing for them) / ·  Write a series of campaign materials, such as fact sheets/brochures/posters promoting healthy behaviour, and distribute/pin up around school
·  Hold an open mic session to canvass staff and student views about an issue and determine what would support them to adopt healthy behaviour / ·  Hold a community forum and invite outside speakers
·  Create a series of take-home materials to educate parents

Part 5: Evaluation (8 marks)

Describe what was done to evaluate the strategy you selected and discuss the results.

Marking key for sample assessment task 5 – Unit 3 and Unit 4

Marking criteria / Marks allocated /
Part 1: Data summary
·  clear, comprehensive and accurate summary; accurately sourced
·  mostly accurate and clear summary; some accurate sources used
·  limited and general summary; source material unknown or not relevant / 5–6
Total / /6
Part 2: Risk factor analysis
For each of two behavioural/lifestyle risk factors:
·  clear, comprehensive and accurate analysis; accurately sourced
·  mostly accurate and clear analysis; some accurate sources used
·  limited and general analysis; source material unknown or not relevant / 3
Total / /6
Part 3: Health Promoting Schools Model
·  accurate overview of HPS model / 1
For each of three components:
·  one mark for a clear and accurate description / 1–3
For each of the three components:
·  well developed and appropriate strategy, correctly aligned to identified component
·  appropriate strategy, with some alignment to identified component / 1–6
Total / /10
Part 4: Strategy development and implementation
·  clear and accurate description of the strategy
·  strategy is outlined with minimal detail / 2
·  clear and accurate aim of the strategy / 1
·  clear and accurate rationale for the strategy
·  rationale is outlined with minimal detail / 2
·  method is clearly outlined in logical progressive steps
·  method is outlined with the majority of required steps included
·  method is outlined with minimal detail and required steps / 3
·  clear and accurate description of appropriate measures of success
·  description of measures of success is brief or measures are inappropriate / 2
Total / /10
Part 5: Evaluation
·  clear and accurate description of suitable evaluation method and process
·  mostly accurate description of evaluation process; process may not sufficiently capture intended results / 3–4
·  results are discussed accurately and comprehensively, are relevant, and provide an accurate interpretation of evaluation outcome
·  results are discussed generally, are mostly relevant, and provide a somewhat accurate interpretation of evaluation outcome / 3–4
Total / /8
Total marks / /40

Sample assessment tasks | Health Studies | General Year 12