The Parish Council Meeting was held on Wednesday 11 February 2009, in the Village Hall, Leziate at 7.30pm.
PRESENTCllr. J GrayChair
Cllr. J. EayresVice Chair
Cllr. T. Crane
Cllr. J. Oakes
Cllr. J. Prentice
Mrs. Elaine OliverClerk
Cllr. H BoltCounty Councillor
Cllr. A BealesBorough Councillor
15 Members of the public present
Cllr. R. Peck
Cllr. M. Simpson
Cllr. G. Solly
Cllr Gray opened the meeting by welcoming everybody.
There were no declarations of interests
The Chair invited people to raise any issues
Comments raised as follows:-
A Parishioner expressed concern about the tree damage caused by the deer. This was discussed at length and it was thought that this was due to the extremely cold weather. This will be discussed with the tree warden and put on the agenda for next months meeting.
Action: Agenda for next month.
Another parishioner mentioned the speed limit on East Winch Road and the proposed litter pick.
The Chair reported both items are on the agenda and would be discussed later in the meeting.
The circulated Minutes were approved and signed as a true record of the Parish Council Meeting
on 10.12.08. Proposed by Cllr. Eayres and seconded by Cllr. Oakes.
Grit Bins in the Parish
Cllr. Gray reported that we have 3 grit bins in the parish, located in Fen Lane, Brow of the Hill, Fen Lane and at the school, which it was felt are evenly distributed throughout the parish. If new bins are required they now cost £99.00.
East Winch Road Ashwicken
The clerk read a letter out from NCC regarding the speed limit. It is an optimistic letter and hopes
of a review of the speed limited to see if a reduction can be made to 30 or even 20mph. They are
also hoping for funding for max 20mph when lights show signs and that East Winch Rd would be
an ideal recipient of any funding.
A Parishioner was concerned that this was concentrating on the area near the school and not the
whole of East Winch Road. The Chair said the letter did state East Winch Road but would refer it
to Cllr. Bolt to see if further representation needed to be made.
Bus Shelter Design.
Cllr. Solly had sent a report saying he had met with the Highways engineer who was happy for a
bus shelter to be constructed near the new bus stop at the end of Church Lane. Cllr. Solly was a
little concerned about the depth of the plot and Cllr. Oakes also felt concerned. After much debate
it was felt that the scheme for the new bus shelter should be dropped as any money should be
channeled into the village hall.
Village Hall
The Village Hall Committee had met with the Parish Council before the meeting and there was no
further comment. It was agreed
Action: Clerk to put on next agenda.
Stop the Drop Campaign
It was reported that we had a few responses to the article in the village magazine about a litter
pick. A parishioner present felt a date was needed before people would commit and suggested tea
and biscuits after the event.. The Clerk has registered an interest in the campaign and it was
agreed to order the kits for 50 people. The Chair reported that the insurance issue will need to be
looked at and Councillor Beales will enquire what help the BCKLWN can give with equipment
and rubbish collection. It also needs to be decided how often this pick will be needed and what
areas to concentrate on.
Action: Next month’s agenda
It was reported a lot of rubbish had been left from children playing in the snow. The Chair
explained that there are penalties for this and if people are seen to be doing it they should be
It was reported that there was broken glass in the bus shelter but John Render had very kindly
cleared it.
Report on Planning Meetings
Cllrs. Crane and Gray reported they had attended the recent planning meetings. Both felt they
were of interest and felt we should pursue the idea of the E consultation Hub on planning. Cllr.
Crane reported that financial help may be provided by the BCKLWN. It was
agreed to arrange for a presentation of this at the next P C Meeting.
Action: Clerk to contact BCKLWN
Copies of correspondence had been distributed to all Councillors. Further items were reported as
- NCAPTC – Norfolk Link/Training courses
- N C C – Guide to local area agreement
- CPRE – Newsletter
- NCAPTC – Gold Summit re Our New Rural Economy
- NCAPTC – Green Summit – localist green agenda
- Cllr. Bolt - information re the mineral consultation documents, which is a general idea regarding timescales etc. It is hoped that the Policy Document should go out for 12 weeks consultation at the beginning of March and any comment considered by an Inspector at a Public Inquiry, which will probably be in the Autumn.
The more contentious Sites document has to be completed by the Summer of 2010 so the probability is that there will be 2 further consultations. It will probably go to Cabinet on 15th June and then after about a month a consultation period of 8/9 weeks, which will be followed by the final draft with another 8/9 weeks for comment followed by a Public Inquiry in the Spring of 2010.
No further comment was made on correspondence
(i) Propose and second approval of Payment of invoices
Payment of invoices, as attached, was proposed by Cllr. Prentice seconded by Cllr.
Agreed unanimously.
The cheques were duly signed.
(ii) Propose and second approval of monthly statement
Approval of monthly statement, as attached, was proposed by Cllr. Crane and seconded by Cllr. Oakes. Agreed unanimously
(iii)Donation to LAG
Cllr. Eayres reported that the local crime and disorder group were looking to funding for an open day they arranged. It was agreed unanimously to donate, Cllr. Prentice felt that the limit of £25 should be adhered to, the other Councillors present agreed on £50.00
(iii) Renewal of Street Lighting Contract
It was explained that this contract is for 3 years with the average cost being £ per year. Cllr. Oakes reported that the light was originally installed for people using the telephone box and as that is due to be removed perhaps we should look at removing it.
It was agreed to renew the contract for the time being and enquire on the costs of removing the light.
Action: Research costs and place on next months agenda.
(i) Notification of decisions by Borough Council:-
Permission granted
PP Y2006/2007 Variation of C4 to include 2 store rooms and amended fire escape.
08/002552/O Outline for construction of one dwelling at Chilver House Farmhouse Bawsey
08/02631/F Construction of cartshed at Ashwicken Hall Church Lane
(i) Planning to consider:-
None to consider
(ii) Planning Decisions made during the month:-
08/02552/O outline for 1 dwelling at Chilver House Farmhouse Chilver House Lane Bawsey – P C supported application
Borough Council:- Cllr. Beales reported the decision from the Boundary Committee on
the local government reorganization had been postponed to July, the delay is unwelcome.
He also reported that the BCKLWN are proposing a 2.1/2% increase in council tax.
County Council:Cllr. Bolt reported that the County Council was proposing a 2.95%
increase to council tax but this would include cuts to highway and bus services. Cllr.
Bolt reminded the P C that permission for a new bus shelter should be confirmed with
Trees: Cllr. Simpson was not present.
Footpaths:. Cllr. Eayres reported that horses are using the path through the bluebell woods. It was agreed to mention this to WBB.
Cllr. Gray reported the paths are mostly good for time of year.
Fen & Brand’s Wood: - The Fen is obviously wet, she has taken the willow arbor down from Brands Wood and will finish clearing up.
Bus Shelters:. Bus shelters all in a good condition and the glass has now been cleared from the Brow of the Hill shelter. Cllr. Oakes reported that he has a contact that will demolish the brick shelter at the end of Church Lane and remove the debris at no cost.
Highways: - Cllr. Solly sent a report on the following:-
- The grippes at the bottom of Brow of the Hill have at last been cleared and have alleviated the flooding at this point.
- Grippes at Brow of the Hill and Holt House Lane have been cleared.
- The trees opposite the factory and surrounding issues are in the hands of the solicitors.
- Deer signs will be erected in Brow of the Hill in the new financial year.
Play Area: - Cllr. Crane reported all in good order and the bark had been topped up. He will contact P Jones with regard to the projecting bolt. He felt that the grass surface was a little uneven and suggested contacting P Jones for advice. The moles have made reappearance so the Mole Man needs contacting
Action: Contact P Jones for discussion next month.
Contact Mole Man
The Clerk mentioned that the moles are causing a problem to the grass cutting contractor, it was agreed to ask for a quote and discuss this next month. The Clerk was asked to contact S. Williamson to see if there was any objection to mole control!
Cllr. Oakes mentioned the millennium church window which has still not been installed. Action: Cllr Beales will contact Ian Whittle once again.
Village Hall:- No further comment
Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership: - Cllr. Eayres reported that the Parish
Council had been mentioned and praised at the last meeting for donating money to
Homewatch, once again Cllr. Eayres reported we have very low crime rates and should
be very thankful.
With no further business the Chair, Cllr. Gray thanked all parishioners for attending the
Meeting closed at 8.40
Date of Next Meeting: - 11 March 2009.