supplemental material:
list of Journal-RANKING STUDIEs by Discipline
Beattie, V. and Goodacre, A. 2006. “A new method for ranking academic journals in accounting and finance.” Accounting and Business Research 36(2), pp. 65-91.
Harzing, A. W. 2007. “Journal Quality List Thirtieth Edition,” from (updated 12/28/2007).
Hoffjan, A., Plagge, J. C. and Weide, G. February2007. “A meta-analysis of international journal rankings in accounting,” from
Howard, T. P. and Nikolai, L. A. 1983. “Attitude measurement and perceptions of Accounting faculty publication outlets,” The Accounting Review (58)4, pp. 765-776.
Lowensohn, S. and Samelson, D. P. 2006. “An examination of faculty perceptions of academic journal quality within five specialized areas of Accounting research,” Issues in Accounting Education (21)3, pp. 219-239.
Nobes, C. W. 1985. “International variations in perceptions of Accounting journals,” The Accounting Review (60)4, pp. 702-705.
Smith, L. M. 1994. “Relative contributions of professional journals to the field of Accounting,” Accounting Educators’ Journal (6)1, pp. 1-31.
Busenitz, L. W. et al. 2003. “Entrepreneurship research in emergence: Past trends and future directions,” Journal of Management 29(3), pp. 285-308.
Fried, V. H. 2003. “Defining a forum for entrepreneurship scholars,” Journal of Business Venturing 18(1), pp. 1-11.
Harzing, A. W. 2007. “Journal Quality List Thirtieth Edition,” from (updated 12/28/2007).
Macmillan, I. A. 1993. “The emerging forum for entrepreneurship scholars,” Journal of Business Venturing 8(5), pp. 377-381.
Alexander, J. C. and Mabry, R. H. 1994. “Relative significance of journals, authors and articles cited in financial research,” Journal of Finance 49(2), pp. 697-712.
Borde, S. F., Cheney, J. M. and Madura, J. 1999. “A note on perceptions of Finance journal quality,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 12(1), 89-96.
Borokhovich, K. A., Bricker, R. J. and Simkins, B. J. 1999. “Financial Management’s success as an academic journal,” Financial Management 28(3), pp. 76-82.
Borokhovich, K. A., Bricker, R. J., Frunarski, K. R. and Simkins, B. J. 1995. “Finance research productivity and influence,” Journal of Finance 50(5), pp. 1691-1717.
Chan, K. C., Fok, R., and Pan, M. S. 2000. “Citation-based finance journal rankings: An update,” Financial Practice and Education 10(1), pp. 132-141.
Chung, K. H. and Cox, R. A. K. 1990. “Patterns of productivity in the Finance literature: A study of the bibliometric distributions,” Journal of Finance 45(1), pp. 301-309.
McNulty, J. E. and Boekeloo, J. 1999. “Two approaches to measuring journal quality: Application to Finance journals,” Journal of Economics and Finance 23(1), pp. 30-38.
Oltheten, E., Theoharakis, V. and Travlos, N.G. 2005. “Faculty perceptions and readership patterns of Finance journals: A global view,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40(1), pp. 223‐239.
Information Systems
Chan, H. C., Kim, H. W. and Tan, W.C. 2006. "Information systems citation patterns from International Conference on Information Systems articles," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (57)9, pp. 1263-1274.
Gillenson, M.L. and Stutz, J. D. 1991. “Academic issues in MIS: Journals and Books,” MIS Quarterly 15(4), pp. 447-452.
Hardgrave, B. C. and Walstrom, K. A. 1997. “Forums for MIS scholars,” Communications of the ACM 40(11), pp. 119 – 124.
Harzing, A. W. 2008. “Journal Quality List Thirty-first Edition,” from (current 5/31/2008).
Holsapple, C. W., Johnson, L. E., Manakyan, H. and Tanner, J. 1994. “Business computing research journals: A normalized citation analysis,” Journal of Management Information Systems 11(1), 131-140.
Mylonopoulos, N. A. and Theoharakis, V. 2001. “Global perceptions of IS journals,” Communications of the ACM 44(9), pp. 29-33.
Peffers, K. and Tang, Y. 2003. "Identifying and evaluating the universe of outlets for Information Systems research: Ranking the journals," Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (5)1, pp. 63-84.
Rainer Jr., R. K. and Miller, M.D. 2005. “Examining differences across journal rankings,” Communications of the ACM 48(2), 91-94.
Walstrom, K. and Hardgrave, B. C. and Wilson, R. L. 1995. “Forums for Information Systems scholars,” Communications of the ACM 38(3), pp. 93-107.
Whitman, M., Hendrickson, A. and Townsend, A. 1999. “Research commentary: Academic rewards for teaching, research and service: Data and discourse,” Information Systems Research 10(2), pp. 99-109.
Franke, R. H., Edlund, T. W. and Oster III, F. “The development of strategic management: Journal quality and article impact,” Strategic Management Journal 11(3), pp. 243-253.
Geary, J., Marriott, L. and Rowlinson, M. 2004. “Journal rankings in business and management in the 2001 research assessment exercise in the UK,” British Journal of Management 15(2), 95-141.
Gomez-Mejia, L. R. and Balkin, D. B. 1992. “Determinants of faculty pay: An agency theory perspective,” Academy of Management Journal 35(5), 921-955.
Harzing, A. W. 2008. “Journal Quality List Thirty-first Edition,” from (current 5/31/2008).
Johnson, J. L. and Podsakoff, P. M. 1994. “Journal influence in the field of management: An analysis using Salancik’s index in a dependency network,” Academy of Managmeent Journal 37(5), pp. 1392-1407.
Marsh, S. J. and Hunt, C. S. 2006. “Not quite as simple as A-B-C: Reflections on one department’s experiences with publication ranking,” Journal of Management Inquiry 15(3), pp. 301-315.
Starbuck, W. H. 2008. “Journals Ranked by Citations per Article,” from
Tahai, A. and Meyer, M. J. 1999. “A revealed preference study of management journals’ direct influence,” Strategic Management Journal 20(3), pp. 279-296.
Baumgartner, H. and Pieters, R. 2003. “The structural influence of marketing journals: A citation analysis of the discipline and its subareas over time,” Journal of Marketing 67(2), pp. 123-139.
Guidry, J. A., Hollier, B. N. G., Johnson, L., Tanner, J. R. and Veltsos, C. 2004. “Surveying the cites: A ranking of marketing journals using citation analysis,” Marketing Education 14(1), 45-59.
Hult, G. T. M., Neese, W. T. and Bashaw, R. E. 1997. “Faculty perceptions of marketing journals,” Journal of Marketing Education 19(1), 37-52.
Polonsky, M. J., Jones, G. and Kearsley, M. J. 1999. “Accessibility: An alternative method of ranking marketing journals?” Journal of Marketing Education 21(3), 181-193.
Theoharakis, V. and Hirst, A. 2002. “Perceptual differences of marketing journals: A worldwide perspective,” Marketing Letters 13(4), pp. 389-402.
List of Journals by Discipline
Principle Component Analysis Tables
Table 4. IS/Accounting Journal Factor Loadings (Varimax Rotation)Rotated Component Matrix
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Auditing / .973
Abacus / .965
JA / .962
JAPP / .959
AH / .950
EAR / .932
CAR / .924
AF / .887
JAE / .783 / .498
JAR / .736 / .461
AR / .730 / .402
AOS / .690 / .661
DBAIS / .931
JMIS / .909
EJIS / .907
DSS / .903
IM / .901
ISR / .883
JSIS / .876
IS / .850
MISQ / .731 / .432
DS / .730 / .493
CACM / .559
OScience / .902
ASQ / .894
HBR / .420 / .832
AMJ / .824
AMR / .801
SMR / .542 / .780
MgmtS / .474 / .698
JACM / .941
ACMCS / .923
Computer / .916
HCI / .563 / .780
JIS / .620 / .712
FAJ / .935
JFQA / .893
JBFA / .670 / .706
JF / .425
Eigenvalue / 10.351 / 9.933 / 6.363 / 4.241 / 3.320
% of Var. / 26.541 / 25.470 / 16.315 / 10.873 / 8.513
Cum. % Var. / 26.541 / 52.011 / 68.326 / 79.199 / 87.712
Table 5. IS/Entrepreneurship Journal Factor Loadings (Varimax Rotation)
Rotated Component Matrix
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
OStudies / .936
JMS / .912
AME / .895
ASQ / .886
JMgmt / .872
OD / .859
Oscience / .848
CMR / .845
SMJ / .839
AMR / .793
RP / .789
JBV / .776 / .563
HBR / .771 / .437
AMJ / .758 / .417
MgmtS / .677 / .538
JSBM / .654 / .644
SMR / .615 / .580
AJS / .565
ASR / .512
JMIS / .959
DBAIS / .955
EJIS / .946
IM / .942
ISR / .937
DSS / .934
JSIS / .918
IS / .894
MISQ / .830
DS / .805
CACM / .585
ERD / .804
ISBJ / .420 / .802
ETP / .634 / .678
JTT / .628
JACM / .926
ACMCS / .905
Computer / .901
HCI / .575 / .784
JIS / .565 / .748
SBE / .906
RS / .488 / .753
Eigenvalue / 13.336 / 11.142 / 4.270 / 4.198 / 2.304
% of Var. / 32.526 / 27.175 / 10.415 / 10.238 / 5.619
Cum. % Var. / 32.526 / 59.700 / 70.115 / 80.354 / 85.972
Table 6. IS/Finance Journal Factor Loadings (Varimax Rotation)
Rotated Component Matrix
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
RES / .963
JME / .918
QJE / .911
JET / .910
RJE / .889
JMCB / .861
JLE / .850
Econometrica / .837
JPE / .829
AER / .754
JRI / .731 / .621
JIMF / .718 / .556
JF / .637 / .577
DBAIS / .931
JMIS / .918
DSS / .915
EJIS / .914
IM / .904
ISR / .896
JSIS / .881
IS / .859
DS / .752 / .472
MISQ / .752
CACM / .599
FAJ / .931
JPM / .918
FM / .903
JFQA / .903
RFS / .881
JBF / .403 / .869
MF / .841
JAR / .816
JFI / .442 / .803
JAE / .790
JFE / .524 / .743
ASQ / .888
Oscience / .886
HBR / .437 / .822
AMJ / .815
AMR / .800
SMR / .569 / .763
MgmtS / .413 / .430 / .621
JACM / .933
ACMCS / .911
Computer / .906
HCI / .595 / .753
JIS / .654 / .683
Eigenvalue / 10.797 / 10.451 / 10.249 / 5.720 / 4.023
% of Var. / 22.973 / 22.235 / 21.807 / 12.170 / 8.560
Cum. % Var. / 22.973 / 45.208 / 67.015 / 79.184 / 87.745
Table 7. IS/Management Journal Factor Loadings (Varimax Rotation)
Rotated Component Matrix
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
DBAIS / .959
EJIS / .936
JMIS / .935
IM / .923
ISR / .912
DSS / .896
JSIS / .893
IS / .884
MISQ / .768
DS / .648 / .449 / .567
CACM / .535
ETP / .964
ASQ / .923
OScience / .913
EJM / .879
SMJ / .879
IR / .867
HBR / .852
AMR / .835
AMJ / .821
SMR / .492 / .800
MgmtS / .480 / .416
JCCP / .965
PM / .925
PR / .915
JAP / .553 / .750
Computer / .910
ACMCS / .908
JACM / .861 / .402
HCI / .474 / .739
JIS / .641 / .727
MP / .903
MOR / .898
OR / .783
PB / .826
CP / .601 / .643
Eigenvalue / 9.680 / 9.073 / 3.934 / 3.852 / 3.172 / 1.533
% of Var. / 26.890 / 25.203 / 10.926 / 10.700 / 8.811 / 4.259
Cum. % Var. / 26.890 / 52.093 / 63.021 / 73.721 / 82.532 / 86.790
Table 8. IS/Marketing Journal Factor Loadings (Varimax Rotation)
Rotated Component Matrix
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
DBAIS / .961
JMIS / .945
EIS / .938
IM / .934
ISR / .923
DSS / .921
JSIS / .894
IS / .888
MISQ / .779
DS / .718 / .433
CACM / .533
JSBM / .949
JWB / .946
OScience / .916
ASQ / .905
SMJ / .874
HBR / .829
AMR / .802
SMR / .476 / .789
AMJ / .775
MgmtS / .409 / .700
JADR / .978
IJRM / .972
JR / .963
ACR / .911
MktgS / .911
JAMS / .896
JCR / .840
JBR / .508 / .826
JMR / .778
JM / .775
JACM / .928
ACMCS / .913
Computer / .909
JIS / .613 / .742
HCI / .461 / .735 / .425
PR / .897
JAP / .425 / .835
JPSP / .811
PB / .721
Eigenvalue / 9.882 / 8.901 / 8.569 / 4.056 / 3.461
% of Var. / 24.704 / 22.252 / 21.423 / 10.139 / 8.652
Cum. % Var. / 24.704 / 46.956 / 68.379 / 78.518 / 87.170