research and Teaching Interests

Current Position


Professional EXPERIENCE

Academic Research

Teaching and Graduate Supervision

Research Grants

Organization of Workshops and International Conferences

Selected Consultancy Experience

Board of Academic Journals

Previous Career in Engineering and Software Development



Chapters in Edited Books

Articles in Refereed Journals

Articles in Non-Refereed Journals

Book Reviews

Selected Newspaper or Electronic Articles

Reports and working papers

Relevant Voluntary Activities

Selected Conferences and Seminar Papers

Information System







Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Media Studies

American University of Beirut

PO Box 11-0236

Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon

Phone: 00961-1350000

Univ. ext.: 3823/4383

Mobile: 00961-3414178

Fax: 00961-1739973

research and Teaching Interests

Sociology of knowledge; politics of scientific research; Political sociology and economic sociology of the Palestinian diaspora and refugees; sociology of migration; transnationalism; civil society; elite formation; transitional justice.

Current Position

From July 1, 2011: Professor of Sociology,Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies (SOAM), American University of Beirut (AUB)

From September 15, 2012: Chair, SOAM- AUB


1994 / Ph. D. in Sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales-Paris. Thesis on "Les ingénieurs en Syrie. Modernisation, technobureaucratie et identité", supervisor: Michel Wieviorka. First class with distinction (mention: Très Honorable)
1989 / Master's degree (D.E.A.) "Sciences et Techniques dans l'Histoire, la Culture et l'Organisation des sociétés", University of Strasbourg. Thesis on "La formation des ingénieurs en Syrie et son adaptation aux besoins de la société", supervisor: Philippe Breton.
1987 / B.A. Sociology, Damascus University, With Honors.
1984 / B. S. Civil Engineering, Damascus University, With Honors.

Professional EXPERIENCE

Academic Research

Associate Professor, American University of Beirut / 2/2005- 6/2011
Director, Palestinian Refugee and Diaspora Centre, Shaml.
Duties: administration of Shaml; coordinating of 6 research programs; fundraising of 15 projects;team leader of the research program “Sociology of the Palestinian Return Migration” / 10/2000-1/ 2005
Associated Researcher, Muwatin (the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy) conducting two researches:
Team leader, Research project: ‘Donors, International organization and Local NGOs: Agenda Setting and Networking’
Duties: Participant of the joint project involving Muwatin and CMI (Bergen- Norway) to examine the Impact of Rent-Seeking and Corruption on State Formation in Palestine during the Oslo Interim Period. The three year project employed three external consultants and seven Palestinian economists and sociologists to produce a comprehensive edited volume on state formation in Palestine. / 1/1998 – 2001
Senior Researcher, Centre d'études et de documentation économique juridique et sociale in Cairo (CEDEJ) (French research center)
Duties: coordinator of two research programs: ‘Economic Sociology of the Palestinian Diaspora’ and ‘NGOs in the Arab World’. / 10/1998- 9/2000
Senior consultant, Welfare Association in Jerusalem
Duties: coordinator of a survey and database on donors assistance to the Palestinian NGOs. / 5/1998- 11/1998
Senior Researcher, Centre d'études et de documentation économique juridique et sociale in Cairo (CEDEJ)
Duties: team leader of the research program "Palestinian Economy in the Diaspora". / 2/1995- 9/1997
Associated Researcher, GREMO (Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Moyen-Orient), Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen - CNRS, Lyon, France. / 2/1991-6/1994
Researcher, Social Research Center in Damascus.
Duties: Participation in the fieldworks and analysis of a research project on rural development. / 8/1984-9/1986

Teaching and Graduate Supervision

Courses Taught at AUB

All are 3 credits.

SOAN 201 Introduction to Sociology: Spring 2005, Fall 2006, Summer 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 2007, Summer 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Spring 2011.

SOAN 210 Social Research Methods: Spring 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Spring 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2012, Spring 2013.

SOAN 211 Analysis of Social Data: Spring 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2008.

SOAN 240/324 Sociology of Law and Human Rights (Graduate and undergraduate course): Spring 2006.

SOAN 232/324 Conflict Analysis and Resolution (for Graduates and undergraduates) Fall 2007, Fall 2009.

SOAN 242/318 Globalization and Migration (for Graduates and undergraduates) Spring 2007, Fall 2008, Spring 2011.

SOAN 300 Graduate Research Methods (for Graduates) Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2010, Fall 2011, Spring 2013.

SOAN 245 Transitional Justice (for Graduates and undergraduates) Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2011, Spring 2013.

SOAN 290M/324FThe Social Production of Knowledge(for Graduates and undergraduates) Spring 2011, Spring 2012.

Teaching Experience

May-June 2008: Visiting prof. in University of Bologna and Ravenna (Italy)

Feb.-March 209: Visiting fellow in Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) – Bergen, Norway

11/2004- 2/2005: University of Poitiers- France. Seminar in Diaspora and forced migration, Master 'Migrations Internationales et Relations Interethniques'

- 1/1994-11/2004: Occasional visiting lecturer mainly in France (universities of Paris, Poitiers, Aix-en-Provence), in Palestinian Territories (Universities of Birzeit, al Quds and Al-Najah) and in Egypt(Cairo university).

- 1996-1998:Supervised 9 French and Egyptian Master students associated with the CEDEJ.

- 1999-2004: Supervised 5 Palestinian and foreigner Master students.

Below is a list of selected lectures and institutions:

October 23, 2004 / University of Beir Zeit, Master Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Methodology of Network Analysis”. (Arabic)
June 12, 2004 / IREMAM(Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur le Monde Arab et Musulman) in Aix-en-Provence(France), Master (DEA) seminar on diaspora. Lecture:‘Sociology of ReturnMigration: the Palestinian Case’. (in French)
January- February 2004 / Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ), course on methodology of social science and data analysis using SPSS.
June 30- July 2, 2003 / University of Vienna, Summer Academic Seminar on Culture of Conflict. Lecture: “The Palestinian Diaspora during the Intifada. Right of Return and New Form of Mobilization without Radicalization”.
23 May 2003 / Forced Migration and Refugee Studies (FMRS) in American University of Cairo, Seminar of Master. Lecture: ‘Sociology of Return’.
March 2, 2003 / International Migration, Spaces and Societies (Migrinter) in University Poitiers (France), Master (DEA) seminar on geography. Lecture: “Diaspora studies: comparative perspective”. (in French)
June 1-3, 2002 / Al Quds University, undergraduate seminar on ‘Gender Dynamic and Diaspora’. Lecture: ‘Impact of Palestinian exodus in 1948 on social transformation’. (Arabic)
January 2002 / University of Beir Zeit, Master Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Theories of the Social Movements”
26 April 2001 / Ecole Normal Supérieur (Paris), undergraduate seminar on Géopolitique. Lecture: ‘Flux et réseaux de la diaspora palestinienne’.
23 March 2001 / Forced Migration and Refugee Studies in American University of Cairo, Master Seminar. Lecture: ‘Rethinking the Palestinian Abroad as Diaspora’.
23 October 1998 / Chaire Téléglobe Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques (GRESMO), Université du Québec, Master seminarin peace process. Lecture: "Penser le rapport diaspora, centre. La contribution de la diaspora palestinienne à l'économie des Territoires".
June 1998 / University of Najah (Nablus), Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Sociological Schools in France”
20 December 1997 / Beir Zeit University, Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Theories of Ethnic Entrepreneurship”.
1 March 1997 / MEAwards Research Program in Population and the Social Sciences and the Middle East Research Competition (MERC) (Cairo), MasterSeminar on "Social Science in Egypt: Emerging Voices". Lecture: "The Image of Others, between Arabic and French Agendas".
March 1995 / University of Paris 8, Master (DEA) seminar in Sociology of Sciences: “Sociology of Scientific Professions”.
February 1995 / GREMO (Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Moyen-Orient), Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen, University of Lyon 2, Master (DEA) seminar on Middle East Studies. Lecture: «Economic Sociology of the Palestinian Diaspora».
June 1995 / University of Damascus, Master Seminar on sociology. Lecture: “Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu”.
March 1994 / University of Paris 8, Master (DEA) seminar on Sociology of Sciences: “Engineers as Socio-professional Group”
February 1994 / GREMO (Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Moyen-Orient), Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen, University of Lyon 2, Master (DEA) seminar. Lecture: «Engineers as Socioprofessionnel Group in Syria and Egypt».
January 1994 / University of Paris 8, Master (DEA) seminar on Sociology of Sciences: “Producing Engineers in Syria and in France: some epistemological notes”

PhD Supervision (Committee Member)

Dec. 2012: Suzanne Menhem, Ph. D. thesis « Les nouveaux migrants au Liban : vers une technicisation du marché del’emploi ». Poitiers University.

April 2, 2010: Ghassan Abdellah, Ph. D. thesis: The Political Islamist Movements and the Armed Violence: Hamas and Jihad from 1967-2000 (Arabic). High Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, Lebanese University.

July 8, 2009: Nicolas Pouillard, Ph. D. thesis: Utopies, Tiers-Mondismes et Théologie du Non-renoncement. Islamismes, mouvements de gauche et nationalismes de « libération ». Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales-Paris.

June 4, 2009: Safwat al-Rosan, Ph. D. thesis: Changing Image of Mosques and their Functions in Jordanian Society: Approach Sociologic. High Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, Lebanese University.

September 7, 2007: Nuhran Abu Jidi, Ph. D. thesis: Urbicide: the Delibrate Destruction of City Identity; Towards Post-War Reconstruction the case of Nablus/Palestine. Department of Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

MA Thesis Advisor (submitted)

July 2012: Gianni Izzo: “Murtada Muṭahhari and the Enduring Epistemological Impression on Theophilosophy”. MA in Arabic and Middle East Studies

Feb. 12, 2012: Alice Crabtree: “Transnational Political Activity among the Lebanese Community in Australia”.

October 13,2011: Ruth Bonazza: “Scientific knowledge production in the universities: language issues”. MA in Sociology.

October 22, 2010: Cole Murray, “Theories of Liberation: A comparison of work between Gustavo Gutierrez and Ali Shariati”, MA in Arab & Middle East Studies.

October 3, 2009: Naseem Ferdowsi, “Migrant workers and their children: negotiating belonging in Lebanon”, MA in Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies. MA in Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies.

October 2, 2009: Michael Page, “Religious Transformations in the Palestinian Camps of Lebanon: A Case Study of the camps of Nahr al-Barid, Baddawi, and ‘Ain al-Hilwah”. MA in Arab & Middle East Studies.

June 12, 2009: Diana Farhood, “Family, Decisions and Happiness among Lebanese University Students”. MA in Arab & Middle East Studies.

September 4, 2008: Rima Rassi, “Transitional Justice and Conflict Resolution in Borj Barajne Refugee Camp”. MA in Sociology.

September23, 2007: Marina Krikorian, “The Multiples Belongings of Armenian Diaspora in Lebanon”, MA in Arab & Middle East Studies.

July 2006: Lilian Maria Chryssis, “The Construction of Palestinian Diasporic Identity in Massachusetts: Maintaining a National and Cultural Identity”, MA in Arab & Middle East Studies.

AUB Administrative Responsibilities

2011- Member, Advisory Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

2010- Member,Library Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

2010- Coordinator, Committee of Program Learning Outcome assessments,

Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Media Studies.

2007- 2009 Chair, Social Committee in SBS.

2006- 2009 Member, Research Committee of Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

2006- 2008 Member, Strategic Planning Committee in SBS.

2005 -2006 Chair, Conference Committee in SBS.

2005- 2008Chair, Website Committee in SBS.

Research Grants

2011-12 / Grant from Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research. ($24,000)
2010-11 / Faculty Research Grant, “National and International Dynamic of Scientific Research in Lebanon and Regional Comparisons”. ($7000)
2009 / Ford Foundation. Organization of regional workshop: Promotion and Publication Ranking Systems in the Arab East.
2008-9 / Faculty Research Grant, “Modes of Governance of Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon, the Palestinian Territory and Syria”.
2006 / International Development and Research Center (IDRC), “The Employability of Palestinian Professionals in Lebanon”.
2005-6 / French Institute of Research on Development (IRD), “Impact of foreign funding on research agendas” in the framework of the research program “Evaluation of Scientific and Technological capabilities in Mediterranean countries” (ESTIME)
2004 / Cooperation for Scientific and University Research (program of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs): ‘Modes of Entrepreneurship of Locals, Transmigrants and Return migrants in Palestinian Territories’ (coordinator and researcher of a 4-scolor research team)
2003 / L’Institut des Sciences et des Techniques de l’Equipement et de l’Environnement pour le Développement (ISTED- France): ‘Study of the rehabilitation of historical centers in Bethlehem and Hebron’. (Researcher of a 4-scolor research team)
2002 / International Development Research Center (IDRC- Ottawa): ‘Critical Perspectives on the Absorption of Palestinian Refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel’. (Team leader of a 8-scholar research group)
1999-2001 / Muwatin Center (Ramallah) and CMI (Bergen- Norway): ‘Impact of Rent-Seeking and Corruption on State Formation in Palestine during the Oslo Interim Period’. (Core member of a 9-scholor research group).
1996-1998 / International Development Research Center and Muwatin center: ‘Donors, International organization and Local NGOs: Agenda Setting and Networking’ (Team leader and researcher)
1995 / Middle East Awards (Population Council and Ford Foundation): ‘Palestinian Return Migration’
1995-1996 / European Commission and CEDEJ (Cairo): ‘Palestinian Economy in the Diaspora’ (team leader and researcher of a 6-scholor research group)
1995 / Social Sciences and the Middle East Research Competition (MERC) (Ford Foundation -Cairo): “Palestinian Diaspora: Economy and Identity’
1993 / Ibn Khaldoun Center (Cairo): ‘Civil Society in Palestinian Territories’
1992 / CEDEJ (Cairo): ‘Palestinian Economy in Syria’
1990-1993 / French scholarship, Ph. D. Grant: ‘Les ingénieurs en Syrie. Modernisation, technobureaucratie et identité’

Organization of Workshops and International Conferences

(with L. Takkenberg, L. Hilal and T. Mahfoud) International Conference: “From Relief and Works to Human Development: UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees after 60 Years”. Organized by the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirutand the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA)
/ October 8-9, 2010
Session in Research Committee 31: Modes of Incorporation of the Protracted Refugees. International Sociological Association’s World Congress. Gutenberg. / July 9-16 2010
Regional Workshop: “Promotion, Publications, and Ranking Systems in Arab Universities”. Organized by the American University of Beirut (AUB) – Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences in cooperation with Ford Foundation. / February 11-12, 2010
Scientific coordinator ofthe Regional Workshop “Governing Palestinian Refugee Camps in the Arab East”. Organized by the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB)
/ October 30-31, 2009
Scientific coordinator of the International Workshop: “Power, Governmentality, Resistance and the State of Exception in the Arab World”. Organized byDepartment of Social and Behavioral Sciences-AUB, Association of Arab Sociology and Center for Arab Unity Studies. / August 29-30, 2008
(With Are Knudsen, May Jayyusi and Jaber Suleiman) International workshop: “From Exodus to Exile: Palestinian Lives in the Levant”. CMI and Muwatin. Bergen. / 7-9 September 2007
(With M. K. Dorai) Panel: "New Migrations and Transnational Practices in the Middle East" in Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting. The Mediterranean Program of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Florence (Italy). / 16 - 20 March 2005
(With M. K. Dorai) International Conference: “Refugee Repatriation Process, Patterns and Mode of Transnationality a Comparative Perspective”, organized by Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center (Shaml) and Laboratory of International Migrations, Spaces & Territories (Migrinter) (Poitiers - France). / 6-8 March 2004
(With E. Benvenisti, Ch. Gans) International Conference: “Right of return and resolving Palestinian refugees issue”, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law, Heidelberg (Germany). / 11-13 July 2003
Workshop ‘Donors, International NGOs, and Palestinian NGOs: Agendas and Networking’. Muwatin, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, Ramallah. / 27 July 2002
Research Study Group on “Palestinian return migration: Socio-economic and cultural approaches”, The MEAwards Program in Population and Social Sciences and The Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre (Shaml), Ramallah. / 12-14 June 2001
(with Sarah Ben Néfissa) International Conference “NGOs and Governance in the Arab World” MOST (UNESCO), CEDEJ, IRD, CEPS d'Al Ahram, Cairo. / 29-31 March2000
Panel "Modes de l'entrepreneuriat migrant arabe", Annual Meeting of the AFEMAM, Tours-France. / 2-4 July 1999
International Conference “Palestinian expatriate business people”, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Ramallah. / 7-10 July 1998
(with E. Kinle) Panel “Le capital obéissant ? entrepreneurs et Etats au Proche-Orient”, Annual Meeting of the AFEMAM, Aix-en-Provence- France. / 4 July 1996

Selected Consultancy Experience

Consultant, UNRWA, Poverty assessment and targeting projects for Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon. A multi-disciplinary research project, headed byDr. Jad Shaaban. / 2010
Consultant, World Bank, Nahr el Bared Refugee Camp Crisis: Socioeconomic Impact Assessments and Recovery Plan for Surrounding Municipalities. / 5/2008-6/2008
Consultant, UNICEF, conducting research on “protection of Palestinian refugee child in the region” for the UNRWA conference in Geneva June 2004. / 4/2004-5/2004
Consultant for the EU in assessing and evaluation proposals on Democracy, governance and human rights from potential grantees from Pakistan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. / 2003-2004
Consultant for ESCAW, conducting research on “The role of Palestinian expatriates in the socio-economic rehabilitation and development of the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT)”. / 2004
Consultant for the Association of Palestinian Policy Research Institutions (Rabita) in Jerusalem.Designing and constitution of the database on Researchers in the field of the Palestinian issues. / 7/1998-1/1999
Consultant for the Population Council (Cairo) Survey and database on research on population issues in Palestine. / 7/1998-1/1999
Senior adviser and co-founder of PALESTA. PALESTA is a Palestinian Scientists and Technologists Abroad internet-based network, established to harness the scientific and technological knowledge of expatriate professionals for the benefit of development efforts in Palestine). Duties: Assisting in building awareness about PALESTA, Finalizing the design and plan of the database, Assisting in the scientific processing of feedback form expatriate scientists, Coordinating between the Database committee and "feedback managers" committee. / 3/1998 - 5/1998
Consultant, Mission for the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation through its Department of Expatriates Affairs- Ramallah, UNDP/TOKTEN Palestinian Program. / 11/1997 - 3/1998
Consultant, Feasibility Study of the project entitled “Commercial Development of Historic Beit Sahour, West Bank, PGF Consultants- Canada. / November 1997
Consultant, Royal Dutch Shell Group- Dubai- UAE. / November 1996
Consultant, elaboration of its database on the "Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN), UNESCO- Paris. / January 1995

Board of Academic Journals

2014-: Editorial board, International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies.

2014-: Editorial board, Global Sociology, India International Institute of Social Sciences.

2014-: Editorial board, Journal ofIranian social Studies.

2012-: International Advisory Committee. South African Review of Sociology.

2012-: International editorial board. Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies. IstanbulUniversity.

2012-: international editorial board, International Sociology Review of Books (ISRB)

2011-: Scientific board of TERRA (Réseau scientifique de recherche et de publication)