Kickoff- Must kick or punt from goal line
Ball is dead anytime it hits ground- on punt, kickoff, snap, lateral, fumble, and such
All punts must be declared and no fake punts. The punting team hikes the ball and must remain behind line of scrimmage till the ball is punted. The receiving team can put all their players back since there are no fake punts. Any punt caught in the air can be returned by the receiving team. Any ball that is punted that hits the ground is dead. Any ball that is punted out of bounds is put into play at the yard line where it went out of bounds in the air.
All snaps must be hiked either sideways or between the center legs. The QB cannot just take the snap from self.
To down a ball carrier it is one hand touch below the neck and not hard. The defender cannot leave his or her feet to make a tag. If he does the ball carrier is not down and can continue to run or (if still has an option) pass the ball. (Behind the L.O.S and no pass as of yet). A ball carrier is also down if his or her knees touch the ground
If the QB stays in the pocket the defender must out 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi, 5 Mississippi loud enough that the QB can hear them before they can rush.
If QB hands off, starts to run or passes the ball, the defenders don’t have to count.
Each team has 4 downs to score of set a first down. 1st downs are when the offensive team moves the ball past the mid field line. They must start on 1st down behind the mid field line to get a first down. If the start in front of the mid field line they cannot get a first down, they must score a touchdown.
Blocking and Use of Hands
A) Only upright body blocking with hands and arms against the chest will be allowed. You can’t leave your feet to block.
B) Hands may be used by the defensive team to ward off blocks. Holding is however a penalty.
C) no excess roughness or any play.
Touchback- ball punted into end zone, interception not returned out of end zone and such gives the offensive team the ball on the 25 yard line and that is halfway between goal line and 1st down line.
After a touchdown 5 steps are marked off or five yards and the scoring team must go for the point after.
On Safety- team getting safety receives from team that safety was against. They must kick from end zone like regular kickoffs.
Touchdown 6 pts
P.A.T Run 1 pt
Pass 2 pts
Safety 3 pt
Tie Score team that scores last win.
All High School rules apply like one foot in bound receiving passes and such.
History of Football
The first recorded intercollegiate football game in the U.S. was played Nov. 6, 1869 between Rutgers and Princeton. The game at this time was a combo of rugby and soccer. Each team consisted of 25 men. No formal coaching or protective equipment were used, Rutgers emerged victorious by a score of 6-4. Each goal was scored as one point.
On Nov. 23, 1876, representatives of Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale met and organized an intercollegiate football association. The British Rugby code of rules, with but a few exceptions, was adopted. Yale voted to reduce the number of players fro 15 to 11, but was outvoted and decided to drop from the association. Walter Camp, Yale captain, too Yale back into the association at the convention held in 1879. Camp proposed many rule changes at the convention held in 1880. Most notable of the changes was the reduction of number of players from 15 to 11. Thus, American football was formed.