Directions: Use your book and notes to answer these questions!

Cell Growth

1. Larger cells will divide because they have trouble doing what?
2. Where is DNA found (eukaryotes)? ______
3. As a cell gets larger, what kind of crisis might occur (related to DNA)? ______
4. How does food, water and oxygen enter the cell? ______
5. Understanding the relationship between a cell's volume and ______is the key to understanding why cells divide as they grow.
6. As a cell grows, the volume increases [ more / less ] rapidly than the surface area.
7. Cell division is the process by which a cell divides into two ______.
8. What must happen before cell division can occur? ______

Cell Division

9. What are the two phases of cell division? ______
10. The cells produced by mitosis are [ identical to / different from ] the parent cell.
11. How many chromosomes does a human cell have? ______What about a fruit fly? ______
12. Each chromosome consists of two identical parts called ______
13. Each pair of chromosomes is attached at the ______
14. The "in-between" period of cell growth is called ______
15. The series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide is called the ______
16. Interphase is divided into what three smaller phases? ______(abbreviate)
17. During which phase is DNA replicated? ______


18. What are the four phases of mitosis? ______
19. What is the longest phase of mitosis? ______
20. Tiny structures located in the nucleus that separate and go to opposite sides are called ______
21. What structure helps to separate chromosomes during mitosis? ______
22. What happens during metaphase? ______
23. During what phase do the sister chromatids separate? ______
24. In telophase, the chromosomes begin to disperse into a tangle of ______and the ______reforms.


25. Cytokinesis usually occurs at the same time as ______
26. In order for cytokinesis to occur in plants, a cell ______forms between the two new cells.

INTERPRETING GRAPHICS (see Mitosis figure in your book)

27. In which phase do you first see the spindle? ______
28. What phase occurs directly after metaphase? ______
29. In which phase do the chromosomes move apart? ______
30. In which phases are the chromosomes NOT visible (two phases) ______

TESTING YOURSELF – Do this without looking in your book!

1. The rate at which materials enter and leave through the cell membrane depends on the cell's?
a. volume b. mass c. weight d. surface area

2. Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called the:
a. centromere b. centriole c. spindle d. chromosome

3. The process of cell division results in:
a. sister chromatids b. two daughter cells c. mitosis d. cell growth

4. If a cell has 12 chromsomes, how many chromosomes will be in each of its daughter cells after mitosis? a. 4 b. 6 c. 12 d. 24

5. DNA copies itself during which phase?
a. prophase b. metaphase c. cytokinesis d. interphase

Regulating the Cell Cycle

1. Not all cells move through the ______at the same rate.
2. Experiments show that the controls on cell ______and cell ______can be turned on and off.
3. Tim Hunt and Mark Kirschner discovered that cells in mitosis contained a protein that when injected into a nondividing cell, would cause a ______spindle to form.
4. ______regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells.
5. There are ______types of regulatory proteins.
6. ______allow the cell cycle to proceed only when certain process have happened inside the cell.
7. External regulators direct cells to ______up or ______down the cell cycle.
8. Growth ______are among the most important external regulators.
9. Molecules found on the surfaces of ______cells often have an opposite effect, causing cells to slow down or stop their cell cycles.
10. ______is a disorder in which some of the body's own cells lose the ability to control growth.
11. Cancer cells do not ______to the signals that regulate the growth of most cells.
12. Masses of cancer cells form ______that can damage normal tissues. nnn
13. The Various forms of cancer have many causes, including ______, ______, and even ______
14. An astonishing number of cancer cells have a ______in a gene called p53.
15. Cancer is a disease of the ______.
16. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have the potential to ______.
17. Researchers have found that ______of stem cells can reverse the effects of brain injuries in mice.
18. Embryonic stem cell research is highly ______.