Culinary Arts 1 Prerequisite: None required

Instructors: Carolyn Leach Judi Mohr

Contact Information

Voice mail: (763) 391-8500 Leach ext 32716, Mohr ext 32118

Course Description

What does it take to work with food? The restaurant and food service industry offers expanding opportunities for exciting jobs at many levels! This newly developed course will focus on working in culinary arts while giving students the chance to prepare and sample a variety of foods. Industry standards in safety, sanitation, kitchen equipment, nutritional and cost effective recipe choice, as well as preparation techniques will be explored. Students will have the opportunity to work toward Pro Start certification with self-directed enrichment offered through online curriculum. Whether you are thinking about what to eat tonight or are considering a food related career, Culinary Arts 1 is for you.


Required Text: Culinary Essentials – Johnson & Wales University Copyright 2010

FACS National Standards Correlations

NASAFACS 8.1 Analyze career paths within the food production and food services industry.

NASAFACS 8.2 Demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures

NASAFACS 8.5 Demonstrate professional food preparation methods and techniques for all menu categories to produce a variety of food products that meet customer needs

NASAFACS 14.3 Demonstrate ability to acquire, handle, and use foods to meet nutrition and wellness needs of individuals and families across the lifespan


Online grades will be updated at least every 3 weeks. It is expected that all students regularly access School View for information on grades as

they will not be posted in class. Students may make an appointment to see the teacher before school, after school, or during intervention

for individual discussion of grades or assignments. Grades will be based on notebooks, food labs, quizzes and tests, and participation.

Student Behavior On Time – On Task – Your Best!!

Students are expected to follow all school and classroom guidelines and rules while in class. Consequences for not complying with policies and rules include verbal warning, loss of classroom privileges/points, detention with teacher, call to parent/guardian, or referral to administration. In addition to school guidelines, the following common sense behaviors are expected

Daily Attendance and Participation

Students are expected to attend class each day with all necessary supplies: Writing Utensil (pen or pencil) and 3 ring Notebook

Participation and prompt completion of all assignments is expected.

Due to the interactive nature of this course, there may be assignments/points that are not possible to make up.

Daily Work

Students are expected to complete all assigned in-class and homework tasks. A collection of work is to be maintained for the entire trimester. Each student must have a notebook and paper dedicated to Culinary Arts 1 . All handouts, notes, and in-class assignments and recipes must be kept together in this notebook. Notebooks must be brought to class daily and will be checked periodically for completion of tasks. Students are responsible for checking updated classroom notebook and files to obtain missing work following absences. A well organized notebook will be very important for your success in this course. Projects may be based on information from the notebook, and quizzes and tests may be “open-note”. No assignments will be accepted after a notebook check.

Food Lab Procedures:

Specific safety and sanitation rules will apply to all food preparation labs. Strict adherence to these rules will be expected.

The kitchen is a very busy place and mature, responsible and cooperative behavior will be expected at all times.

Students who cannot follow these rules will be excluded from food preparation lab(s) and an alternate form of learning will be given.

Make Up Work:

Students are expected to see the teacher upon return from an absence.

If a Food Preparation Lab is missed, the student will be expected to prepare the food or a similar form of the food at home AND BRING IN A SAMPLE, or a photograph of you preparing and you with the final product as well as, complete a written summary with a PARENT SIGNATURE for full credit.

Students who miss a quiz or test will be expected to set up a time with the teacher to make it up. A different version of the quiz or test may be used for make up. Assignments missed should be completed and resources may be checked out from the teacher to do them.


After 5 days a zero results. Unexcused absences will result in a zero.

Extra Credit

It will be possible to earn extra credit throughout the trimester however; all assignments must be turned in. Teacher will provide opportunities on occasion. Further, student initiated extra credit is also possible. Please use Extra Credit Form.

Passes and Restroom Use

Trips to the restroom or locker take away from class time and disrupt the learning environment. When a pass is needed approach the teacher during a break in instruction.

Substitute Teacher Policy

Any assignment given by a substitute teacher must be turned into the substitute at the end of class in order to receive credit. Please treat substitute teachers with respect. Any student noted by substitute as off task or disrespectful will receive a detention notice or referral upon teacher return.

Special Needs and Circumstances

If you are in need of assistance or adaptations because of extenuating circumstances please see the teacher right away. If a homework

assignment is a problem for you or you need more time for some reason, please see me the day the activity is assigned and we will work out an individual solution for you. Stop by before or after school anytime! The Family and Consumer Science Department is committed to student success!!

10 10 points: Please sign and return to class by Friday of the 1st week of the trimester

I I understand policies and agree to contribute to a positive learning environment.

Student Name______Hour______

I un I understand the policies and agree to support my student in Culinary Arts 1

Parent Signature______Email______Phone#______

This must be returned before participating in a food lab!!

The Family and Consumer Science Department is committed to student success!!