Working Title Here


Defining the problem means providing a clear and concise definition of the problem or challenge one is addressing. the purpose is to identify where we are so we can figure out where we need to go.

Who Do You Want To Read Your Blog?

Who is my article for? Who is my intended audience?

What are the Big Ideas? The Driving Question(s)? The End in Mind?

This blog post will...


In this stage, the research and digging begins. This involves obtaining the background information that gives the problem its context, and identifying what you need to know and what you need to be able to do to solve the problem.

Links for Research and Reference

●Resource 1 (include description of link for future reference)
●Resource 2
●Resource 3
●Resource 4...


This is where you use the knowledge you’ve gathered to visualize a creative and appropriate solution. This is a whole-mind process where we imagine what the solution will appear like as it would in the future. Instead of asking “why” we ask “why not.” The question of “what’s the worst that could happen” becomes “what’s the best that could happen.”

Brainstorm Blog Titles

●Title 1
●Title 2
●Title 3
●Title 4...

Collect Your Thoughts

Dump your random thoughts here. You may use them later.


Starting from the future, next you design the process backwards to the present to complete the visualized solution in measurable, achievable steps.

Create an Outline

●Point 1
●Point 2
●Point 3
●Point 4...


This stage is the process by which the dream becomes a reality. It’s where you actually implement the design to complete the solution to the problem in two separate steps: Produce (a

ctually creating the solution in its working format), and Publish (applying the product in an effort to solve the problem).

Write the Introduction

Write the Body

Write the Conclusion


The reflection stage where students get to own their learning. They look at the ways they succeeded, and ways they could improve their approach in similar future situations.

Reflect on your process here