Our Ref: C/Excursions/Immersion Day/ASU

5 June 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 7 Immersion Day – Visit to Helmsley Castle and Rievaulx Abbey Friday 23 June 2017

(7AJO, 7ATI, 7LMA, 7LMU, 7NHU)

As you will be aware 3 times a year the whole school’s timetable is suspended for the day and each year group takes part in different activities which are not possible in a normal school day. The next Immersion Day is on Friday 23 June and your son daughter will be part of the Year 7 group who will visit Helmsley Castle and Rievaulx Abbey as part of a joint Geography, History and RE project.

The visit will enable students to gain a real insight into the life of Monks at Rievaulx Abbey and the construction, operation and life of a medieval castle at Helmsley. Students will also investigate both sites to consider their use as tourist attractions. We will encourage students to work in a team and to develop their skills of independent enquiry as well as reflecting on their experiences.

  • Students will not have to wear school uniform but they must come to school suitably dressed for visiting historic sites where most of the day will be spent outside. Sensible footwear is important as a lot of surfaces are uneven and may be slippery. Also students will need to be prepared for possible rain with a waterproof coat or hot sun with a hat and sun cream. With the weather being so changeable at the moment we will be able to give more advice to students nearer the time.
  • Students should come to school at the normal time and they should go to their allocated room in the Humanities/Art block for a pre visit briefing. Students will be informed of the room nearer the time. We will return to school for approximately 4.00 pm, therefore any student who normally uses school transport to get home will have to make alternative arrangements.
  • There will be no charge for this visit as educational visits to English Heritage sites are free and we have managed to secure some funding for the cost of the coach travel.
  • Students will require a packed lunch unless they are entitled to a free school meal in which case one will be provided. Please indicate this on the acknowledgment slip below. There will be no opportunity to purchase food or drinks so it important students bring sufficient with them for the whole day.
  • There are small gift shops at both sites so students may wish to bring with them a small amount of money to purchase souvenirs.

For your child to be able to attend please complete and return the permission slip overleaf and return it to school. If you have not already returned the medical form sent to you by Mr McCluskie at the beginning of the academic year, please return it with the slip below. Without this form we regret your child will not be able to participate in this excursion. If you have returned your child’s form but the medical details have changed please inform us of the changes.

If you have any questions about this event, do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

A Sutcliffe

Head of Humanities

Please complete and return this acknowledgement slip to Mr A Sutcliffe

I acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding the Immersion Day visit to Helmsley Castle and Rievaulx Abbey on Friday 23 June 2017.

Name of Student:______Mentor Group : 7______

(Please print)

I give my consent for my son / daughter to take part in this visit.

My child is in receipt of free school meals and will require a packed lunch on the day: Yes 

Signed: ______Parent/Carer

Date: ______