Quiz #2 Study Guide / Name:
WSS, Period:

Main Ideas



When is the quiz? / ·  Thursday, June 1
Which W.O.W.s will I be asked to / 1.  flummox 5. gusto 9. quell
define and/or use in a sentence? / 2.  gregarious 6. brandish 10. outlandish
3.  jabber 7. egregious
4.  sagacious 8. pristine
Which S.O.W.s will I be asked to / 1.  there, their, they’re 6. its, it’s
identify and/or fix in an example? / 2.  to, too, two 7. good, well
3.  already, all ready 8. then, than
4.  can, may 9. big, small
5.  a, an
Which root words should I be able / 1.  aud 6. dem 11. struct
to match with their meanings? / 2.  aut 7. graph 12. ject
3.  chron 8. hydr 13. omni
4.  cor, corp 9. sect 14. vis
5. dic, dict 10. mal
What should I know about / ·  The 5 characteristics of a proper ¶
How will I be asked to demonstrate my / ·  You will be asked to correct a sample paragraph.
understanding of a proper paragraph?
What will I need to know about writing / ·  Be able to define and identify the following:
a news story? / o  headline
o  lead
o  the 5ws
o  inverted pyramid format

What else should I be able to do? / ·  Write a correct M.I.S. heading