Maestas Family Reunion Newsletter
November 2005
Family Updates
- Diana Maestas, daughter of Lionor & Predicanda (Trujillo) Maestas, granddaughter of Matias & Rosarito (Atencio) Maestas, had gall bladder surgery October 19. She is recuperating.
- Dan & Cresencia (Maestas) Jaramillo of Holman, NM were in Colorado Springs the weekend of October 23 to see their grandson Steven at his High School Band competition.
- Annette Maestas (Maestas) daughter of CD Maestas & Vangie (Roybal) Maestas; granddaughter of Jose and Clodovea (Hurtado) Maestas of Española, NM is working for a month at the Raton, NM post office.
- US Army Capt. Robert Craig, son of Carlos and Adelita (Maestas) Craig, is in Mosul, Iraq until August 2006. His address is Captain Robert Craig HHC/4-23IN APO AE 09319 if you would like to send him good wishes.
- Rick Maestas, son of CD Maestas & Vangie (Roybal) Maestas; grandson of Jose and Clodovea (Hurtado) Maestas, was in Portland, Oregon for his job; he returned home to Manassas, Maryland.
- Earl Chavez, son of Sam & Martha Chavez, grandson of Moises & Flor (Trujillo) Maestas did well this hunting season in New Mexico. He got an Elk.
- Adelita (Maestas) & Carlos Craig went with Lulu (Maestas) & Fidel Valdez to Branson, Missouri in September. The women are the daughters of Ignacio & Adela (Branch) Maestas. Ask Carlos to see his video of him on stage.
- Antonio Esposito, son of Mike and Fabiola (Maestas) Esposito, grandson of Ignacio & Adela (Branch) Maestas got a deer this hunting season. He went to Craig, Colorado to hunt.
- A picture of Matt & Joan (Markham) Maestas was featured on the front page of the Optic Mora Section of the September 9-11-2005 weekend edition. The article was about Joan’s Chokecherry jelly making. Matt is the son of Matias who was raised by Jose & Clodovea (Hurtado) when his mother Sesarita (Cruz) passed away.
- Darren Craig, son of Carlos and Adelita (Maestas) Craig, married Haley Kuchan at a friend’s house in Raton, NM on Aug. 6, 2005.
- Jessie (Valdez) & Jack Humphrey, their daughter Valerie (Humphrey) & husband Bruce Nance are safe after the tornados that killed 22 in Indiana landed blocks away from their homes. Jessie is the daughter of Seriada Maestas.
- Ernest Maestas, son of Yolanda Maestas, grandson of Lionor & Predicanda (Trujillo) Maestas, great grandson of Matias & Rosarito (Atencio) Maestas has joined the US Navy.
- New addition to the family born on 9-9-2005 is Landen Joseph son of Mario Maestas & Eldeanna Sandoval. Mario is the son of Annette Maestas (& Bennie Maestas), grandson of CD Maestas & Vangie Maestas, great grandson of Jose & Clodovea (Hurtado) Maestas.
- From Barbara Rose, daughter of Lionor & Predicanda (Trujillo) Maestas) granddaughter of Matias & Rosarito (Atencio) Maestas:
I wanted to share my good news. I ran for the Barstow Unified School District School Board and won with almost 45% of the total vote! (My nearest challenger had less than 38%.)
On a sadder note, please keep the Hayes family in your prayers. My sister Josephine's ex-husband, James Fred Hayes (48 years old), was killed in Iraq this past Friday [Nov. 4, 2005]. He left behind a wife and five children. He served in the Army for 22 years and was stationed in Fort Campbell, KY. His sisters, brother, and first child Cindi live here in Barstow.
- Joe & Opal Maestas Family - A note from Betsy
Chuck and I were busy with changing jobs and moving. Chuck earned a promotion with the postal service and is now the postmaster of Steep Falls, Maine. I am teaching special education at Gray-New Gloucester High School. We have bought a house in Standish, which is halfway between our two jobs. My mom and dad (Opal and Joe Maestas) came to visit just a week after we moved in. That was a wonderful gift. As you probably know, Mom has been ill for a long time and I thought she would never be able to make the trip from California to Maine again. This past year she has been in a wonderful remission so here they came! We had a wonderful visit.
Maria has moved as well. She's still in Austin TX and enjoying herself very much.
- A note from Pam Maestas Hill daughter of Carlos and Lucille (Olivas) Maestas, granddaughter of Matias and Rosarito (Atencio) Maestas:
Hi there everyone, We hope that all of you have a wonderful day with all of your loved ones. We will be hosting dinner here for both Mike's and my friends and family. This year my Aunt Sophie from N.M. her daughter Sharon, son-in-law Britton and their two kids from Texas will be here in Barstow. We are looking forward to the feast and company. Well again Happy Thanksgiving and please remember to saya prayer forthe troops. Love you all. Pam and Mike
LOST & FOUND: The following items were found, if they are yours please let Ta know.
A lantern, a pressure cooker (one handle missing) a Wilson pan.
Attendance at the 2005 Reunion
Sam Vasquez
Stella Vasquez
Matt Maestas
Joan Maestas
Sammy Chavez
Martha Chavez
Beverly Bonney
Fredrick Chavez
Tim Valdez
Julie Valdez
Elena Valdez
Julianna Valdez
Isabella Valdez
Tamara Barela
Christopher Barela
Shawn Barela
Fabiola Esposito
Mike Esposito
Bianca Esposito
Richard Taylor
Christine Taylor
Anthony Gallegos
Paul Maestas
Denise Maestas
Andrea Maestas
Adrianna Maestas
Richard Maestas
Lauren Maestas
Stephen Maestas
Kaylyn Maestas
Sally Maestas
Matt Maestas
George Maestas
Annie Weitz
Nini Weitz (friends of George Maestas)
Annette Maestas
Kenny Maestas
Mariah Maestas
Jacqueline Maestas
Jesse Herrera
Marissa Herrera
Darrin Herrera
Anissa Herrera
Diane Maestas
Bercie Maestas
Della Foster
Dan Jaramillo
Cresencia Jaramillo
Kenny Maestas
Marissa Maestas
Larry Maestas
Joaquin Manuel Maestas
Lorinda Manuel Maestas
Luzia Manuel Maestas
Joaquin Maestas Jr.
Dan Craig
Jordan Craig
Lydia Scklor
Bob Hudson (Jordan Craig’s grandfather)
Wilma Hudson (Jordan Craig’s grandmother)
Faith Hudson (Jordan Craig’s Aunt)
Amorette Maestas
Pablito Maestas
Domingo Maestas
Jason Maestas
René Maestas
Jordan Maestas
Jonathan Maestas
Andres Maestas
Antonio Maestas
Mathew Martinez(friend of Jordan and Jonathan Maestas)
Santiago Duran (friend of Jordan & Jonathan Maestas)
Santiago Armijo (friend of Jordan & Jonathan Maestas)
Randy Maestas Jr
Laura girlfriend of Randy
Darren Craig
Hayley Craig
Rashaan Craig
Derian Craig
Adelita Craig
Carlos Craig
Pam Hill
Mike Hill
Eric Hill
Debbie Hill
Elias Valdez
Donnie Romero
Malany Romero
Noah Romero
Alec Romero
Levi Romero
Mike Valdez
Rhonda Valdez
Allyson Valdez
Jeff Maestas
Diane Maestas
Ashley Maestas
Crystal Maestas
David Maestas
Laura Maestas
Louie Valdez
Elsie Valdez
Robert Valdez
Christopher Valdez
Sarah Valdez
Sara Sally Esposito
Brian Viduya
Antonio Esposito
Jennifer Van Ort
Paul Jaramillo
Melanie Jaramillo
Steven Jaramillo
Jerry Valdez
Rosalie Valdez
Janelle Valdez
Issac Valdez,
Daniel boyfriend of Janelle
Tudie Bryan
Greg Bryan
Ignacio Maestas
Amanda Moore (friend of Tamara)
Fidel Valdez
Lulu Valdez
Katherine Olquin
Anthony Olguin
Joshua Olguin
Barbara Rose
Candace Rose
Austin Rose
Johnny Serna
Rose Serna
Duncan Serna
Ian Serna
Ahlen Serna
Filimon Maestas
Delma Maestas
Kristy Trujillo
Ernie Trujillo
Kristin Trujillo
Andrew Elijah
Richard Valdez
Cleo Valdez
Marie Trujillo
Johnny Valdez
Jessica Valdez
Ruth Fort
Andrea Valdez
Bryanna Trujillo
Dominic Valdez
Daniel Valdez
Rosa Chavez
Tano Chavez
Jo Alvarez
Lorraine Watkin
Jeanne Bartholomew
Jason Alvarez-Greeley
Dane Ochoa
Eutimia Sanchez
Jerry Cruz
Sofie Serna
If you are not going to participate with secret primos let Barbara Rose know and your secret pal can be reassigned to someone else; there are a few of us willing to take on an extra person.
16th Maestas Reunion General Meeting notes
There were 161 participants, coming from New Mexico, California, Colorado, Illinois, Virginia, Oklahoma and Wisconsin.
A moment of silence was held for those that passed away since the last reunion: Zachary Jones husband of Shalon (Jaramillo) who is the daughter of Paul & Melanie, granddaughter of Cresencia (Maestas) and Dan Jaramillo, granddaughter of Moises and Florinda (Trujillo) Maestas. Also the recent death of Jesse Herrera’s grandmother was acknowledged. Jesse is the husband of Marissa (Maestas) daughter of Annette Maestas and the late Bennie Maestas, granddaughter of C.D .Maestas and Vangie Maestas, great granddaughter of Jose and Clodovea (Hurtado) Maestas.
The oldest family member attending was Stella Maestas Vasquez daughter of Jose and Clodovea (Hurtado) Maestas and the youngest was her great grandnephew Joaquin Jr. son of Joaquin and Lorinda, son of Christy Maestas and Joe Manuel, grandson of C.D. Maestas and Vangie Maestas, great grandson of Jose and Clodovea (Hurtado) Maestas.
- It was agreed upon to continue to have the reunion held from Thursday thru Sunday.
- It was decided to increase the number of port-a-pots to 4 for the next reunion.
- We will continue to rent the tent that is a canopy and also a 2nd one if necessary.
- A discussion was held regarding table and chair rentals or bring personal (mark items if you bring them)
- The bridge responsibility was discussed and because it is a private structure the valley committee will check on it.
- There is a WEB SITE that family members can access to see pictures and get updates.
- It was agreed that Easter would be celebrated in 2007.
- Dogs will be restricted during meal preparation and serving.
- The Menu was discussed: Each family is to make suggestions by mail or e-mail with the buyer(s) to make the final decisions.
- It was decided to purchase a 50 gal drum for drinking water. Antonio and Matt will do this.
- To participate in Secret Pal activities the participants must be 18 years old.
- The fees will remain the same.
- Everyone needs to help to set up and clean up.
- We will continue to mail newsletter by USPS for those without e-mail.
- The current balance in the reunion account as of 10-23-05 is $823.42
Treasurer’s Report:
Starting balance: $1289.71
Port a pots/tents -465.00
Supplies, food, etc. -375.00
Presents/stamps, etc. -94.00
Food from Russells-828.00
Deposit 7 11-2005 1144.12
This includes the cemetery monies.
Reunion Picture CD Available
We took a lot of pictures of the Reunion (over 600) and, for anyone who wants a copy of them; we can make a CD with all the pictures. We anticipate getting shareable software that will run from a CD and create a slide show; until that happens, however, only the pictures will be available on the CD. The only cost for this will be for materials and postage, on the order of $1 - $2 per CD. Write Mike Esposito at for more information.
Softball Game Score!
For those who haven’t yet heard, the softball game pitted Colorado family members against everyone else. The final score: COLORADO 24 --- the World 14! See a slide show of the game at
Cemetery Headstone Fund