Board of Governors meeting minutes

September 16, 2007

The meeting was held at Blackford Road and was called to order by J.Lawson at 10:05 AM.

Board Members present: Brad Batastini, Bob Hope, Dave Miller, Kevin Murphy, Dick Bell, Joel Weintraub, and Ray Earle

Also Present: Sherry Fischer, David Mintz, Steve Weissman, Ann O’Connor, and Karen Beirie

Secretary/ Treasurer’s report:

Total Bank and CD balance…(CD bal 8/31/07; Checking reconciled bal 8/31/07) `.…$81,466.24

Fishing Club checking balance (8/31/07)………………………………………...……….....$4,525.59

Dues report: 2005-2006 memberships paid in 2005-2006 fiscal: 255

2007-2008 memberships paid to 8/31/07: 262

Motion made, seconded & passed to accept the June 17 Minutes.

Website: Bob Hope discussed the offer made by Gordon Shehab to volunteer his help with our website. Cost will be approximately $300.00 per year for hosting and security.

Motion made, seconded & passed to accept Gordon’s offer.


BCC: Two citations were issued. 25 horse power motors will not be listed on the inspection list.

Fishing: Board permission was asked to treat milfoil ourselves. Lake members will drag chains behind boats and have a third boat collect cuttings. Discussion was held concerning the potential for spreading milfoil if all cuttings were not collected. DEP issues Allied Biological a permit to treat with chemicals. Discussion pursued about the safety of chemicals used to treat milfoil.

Rae Earle discussed potential storage of Archives in fire proof storage from Kirk Perry.

Recreation: Two dates for fishing contest need to be set so remainder of calendar can be completed. There will be no sailboat races this year due to lack of participation. Wine and Cheese party was good. About 30 people in attendance. Two picnic tables are now on the Island.

Old Business

Protocol non-compliant boats non-members. Tabled until 10-16-07

By-Law Review: Tabled until 2008. J.Lipari will be added to committee.

Lake Access: Tabled Until 2008. D. Bell discussed how to find out how off lake members access lake to swim, boat, etc. We need to devise a strategy to preserve what they have had in the past. A. Retz compiled a list of all off lake members. D. Bell will pursue why they are not active members. S. Fischer will give D. Bell a copy of revoked members list.

Soil Conservation District Lease: tabled until 2008.

Rules Update: Tabled until March 2008. mini-version of key By-Laws, and boating circulation map with hours of operation will be prepared and circulated to Board members prior to the March 2008 meeting

Pursue Lapsed Members: Delinquent/revoked list was given to C. Doremus. Area advisors contacting members.

Boating Accident 5/27/07: J. Lawson will Hand deliver letter to Ann Sorrel

Budget: Actual budget numbers were presented for FY-07.

Community Raft: J. Lawson appointed, and the board approved the committee: D.Miller, Chairperson, T. Baeli*, D.Dipple, F. Grossman*, R. Hardt, B. Hope, E. Mullins*, W. Winkler, G. Shehab*, * denotes members of the Property Committee. We have one more meeting before October, ideally the Community Raft Committee will have a recommendation before 10/21/07. We hope to have a raft by April 2008. Discussion about storage of the raft on the island or on street access at Deerpark. Lake Member already complaining about boat launches and wants them to stop. S. Weisman suggests we not use the streets since we do not know legal ramifications. Leave storage on Island. Island was graded several years ago. Damage may have occurred before grading. A suggestion that new construction should accommodate storage was made.

Coffee Committee: Phyllis Brown volunteered.

Picnic Committee: There is a lot of help setting up, but not taking down. Picnic committee needs more members to oversee the picnic. Time of arrival and food service was discussed.

C-1 Zoning: Does not apply to us.

Lake Contamination: Allied Biological only washes boats and that is not acceptable. A lot of Kayaks and canoes do not have stickers. All boats must have stickers. R. Earle will write a note for the newsletter about boat contamination.

Enforcement of Boat Operators License: Monitoring fishing licenses and boat licenses was discussed, and comments were made about how much of a police state we are becoming. Are we liable if a person ignores rules? Should Ted look at a license if there is a stop? S. Weisman will look at liability issue.

Newsletter is not easy to e-mail. Must be mailed.

Discussion about e-mailing the minutes to area advisors. Decision was made to e-mail approved minutes to them so they have current information for members.

New Business

Purchase of a new laptop for secretary/treasurer was approved.

LOCA Position on Child Care Facility: Child care facility located near the entrance of East Shore Road was discussed. John Lawson will attend Land Use Board Meeting 9/19/07 representing LOCA member’s opposition.

There being no more business to discuss the motion to adjourn was at 12:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted by S. Fischer.


Minutes 9/2007