January 16, 2010

The Annual Meeting and Luncheon of the SAILING CLUB OF ORIENTAL was held on January 16, 2010 at the St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Parish in Oriental. Following forty five minutes of wine, beer, soda, and conversation, Commodore Earl Evens called the meeting to order at 1151 hrs. Earl Even’s introductions to the meeting included a brief explanation of the work that everyone puts into SCOO, made up of sailboaters, power boaters, and even “non-boaters”, making it a very good year.

Secretary, Mary Anne Lind, noted that as an E-mail went out to the full membership with the minutes of the Annual Meeting of January 17,2009, and in order to move the meeting along at a good pace, it was not necessary to read out the previous annual meeting minutes. The Secretary called for any additions or

corrections from the attendees. As none were noted, a motion was made by Jack Herman and seconded

by Ed Braun to approve the minutes, which were then approved by the full membership.

Treasurer, Bob Miller, reported that the current total income of $7200 is from selling handbooks, burgees, dues and shore events(Approximately 2/3 are from the shore events); expenses are $4700, with a balance of $2492. Ed Braun motioned to approved the Treasurer’s reports, all approved.

Membership Chair, George Sechrist, introduced the new members, approved in 2009. They are:

Michael Nord, reinstated

Bob and Stacy Taylor

Stewart and Allie King

Ashley and Carol Erwin

Jerry and Molly Grubb

Buddy and Kay Rogers-not present

Also in attendance were current applicants:

David and Jeane Shaddock

Drew Perestzky and Cathy Brugett

Greg and Nancy Piner

Vice Commodore, Gordon Kellogg, provided the Cruising Report. He reported that there were 22 scheduled cruising events for 2009 and 4 social events. There was only 1 cancelled event and 2 were moved indoors due to unforeseen circumstances. There were 239 persons participating in the cruising/sailing events, and 7 couples as captains/co-captains. We are always thankful to those who find their own replacements for their event. All those who were Captains of these cruises were given a show of hands. The Oyster Roast was a huge success and will be repeated this year for a nominal fee.

Vice-Commodore, Gordon Kellogg, presented the DUBIOUS AWARDS to the following lucky sailors:

THE DUBIOUS NAVIGATION AWARD to George & Mary Duffie for their trip to Ocracoke. While following their GPS to a wrong marker, their boat Merry Mary ran aground and needed to be rescued.

THE OIL SAVAGING AWARD awarded to Ken and Carol Small. On their return trip from Manteo, their engine overheated and the bilge filled with oil. They managed to find enough jars to save their oil.

THE VAPORLOCK AWARD awarded to Jim Nixon. During the South River progressive cruise. As he could not get his engine to start, he called a towing service, at which time his engine then promptly started.

THE DUBIOUS ROWING AWARD to Stewart and Allie King, new members, for their participation in the ‘blind rowing dinghy’ race during the Dowry Creek cruise. They were awarded this for hitting more obstacles than any others in the event.

THE MERMAID FISHING AWARD to Joanne Hurley and Elise Tierney. During the trip to Morehead City/Cape Lookout, a cameraman(Carl Baxley) caught the skipper fishing, but also caught several mermaids on film

Gerry Crowley, Rear Commodore— reported 9 seminars , averaged attendance was about 20-25persons each. He wanted to thank all of those who attended and acknowledge and thank those who presented these seminars. These were scheduled around Feb/March. They are as follows:

Cruising the north channel Dave and Sandy Netting

Tuning and maintenance issuesMark Lucas of Sailcraft

Diesel troubleshootingCarl Monell

Medical issues and concernsDr. Mark Willi

Battery Option/CareDave Shaddock

Anchoring and docking techniquesGerry Crowley

Outboards/Gas enginesGene Wooster from Mobile East Marine

Cruising Discussions the BahamasRichard Johns & Renee Dumont

Cruising Discussions the ChesapeakeTom and EllieFinta

Thanks also to Larry Walker of Worldwide Marine Training, PARS for use of the computer, and the Town of Oriental for the use of the Town Hall.

Ed Bliss presented the Robert Hyde award to Ken Smallas the person who has done the most to enhance

sailing in Oriental during the year of2009. This award is a corroboration of SCOO and ODC and the plaque is on display at the First Citizens Bank of Oriental.

Joe Valinoti, the winner of last year's 2009 Whitaker Cup Award, presented this years award to Gerry and Cheryl Crowley, as a couple, as the ones who showed the most enthusiasm and did the most to get the community involved in racing.

Commodore Earl Evens noted that we had four members who earned the 1000 Nautical Miles from Oriental Award, and they are:

Tom and Joyce Russell, WHISPERING SEA

William and Sandra Donaldson, LUCILLE

William and Sandra Donaldson, LUCILLE


NewFoundland (for 2009)

New Brunswick (for 2008)

Earl Evens wanted to recognize those board members who are leaving their positions:

Dick Mannion-3 years on board

George Sechrist-3 years, also membership chair

Penny Monell-pilot editor for 5 years, replaced by John Webster.

Beverly and Ralph Mott-social chair for 2 years. (Beverly then introduced each social committee member.) Gert and Kurt Klingman will be taking over this role.

Kirsten Johnson-roster editor

Dan and Lynn O’Neal-Circulation editor

Earl Evens introduced the Nominating Committee Chairman Ed Braun. Ed recognized the committee members of Bob Wester and Caleb marsh and presented the following slate of Officers and Board Members for 2010. They are as follows:


Vice Commodore

Rear Commodore



Gordon Kellogg

Gerry Crowley

Fred Karl

Mary Anne Lind

Bob Miller

Director 2010Cheryl Crowley

Director 2010Ed Bliss

Director 2011Wyatt Cutler(new membership chair)

Director 2011Pat Webster

Director 2012Paul Miller

Director 2012Carl Monell

With no additional nominations from the general membership, a vote was cast and the slate was unanimously approved by membership.

Commodore Earl Evens presided over the Passing of the Flags as follows:

Commodore Earl Evens to Gordon Kellogg

Vice Commodore Gordon Kellogg to Gerry Crowley

Rear Commodore Gerry Crowley to Fred Karl

Past Commodore Larry Jones was not present

New Commodore Gordon Kellogg gave a gift to outgoing Commodore Earl Evens.

Commodore Gordon Kellogg thanked everyone who worked so hard during the year: Beverly Mott, Social Chair and her hard working committee. Penny Monell-Pilot Editor, Ken Small- E-Mail coordinator, Les Smith-Web Site, and Kerstin Johnson.-Roster Editor.

George Duffie remembered who passed away in 2009: Duke Osmanksi, Bill Henderson, Wolf Umbach, Art Oldham.

George Duffie gave the Invocation.

Vice Commodore Gerry Crowley called attention to the 2010 Cruising schedule, noting that most events are being repeated with the addition of a couple of new ones. List was previously sent by email. Since only 3 are committed, need captains to step up to the plate and chair a cruise.

Rear Commodore Fred Karl passed out a list of suggested Seminar topics and requested that members look it over and fill in their interest, suggestions and subject matter experts.

Cheryl Crowley, handbook editor, provided history on the handbook, intended to be a reference with by-laws, board of governors, roster, websites, membership process, cruise Capt responsibilities and even flag etiquette and more.

Commodore Gordon Kellogg adjourned the meeting, and the buffet was served at 1254.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Anne Lind

SCOO Secretary