ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Thursday 19 November 2009


Tony Newton (Director, Chair) / Mary Newton(No: 6)
Simon Bierne (Director) (No:14) / Tony Driscoll (No: 9)
Andy Holloway (Director) / John & Sophia Sinnos (No:11)
Andy Giles (Director) / Janice Cohen (No:12)
Graham Powell (Director) (No:10) / Christine Holloway(No:16)
Sally Powell (Minutes) / Peter Hinkson (No:17)
Trevor & Sue Hart (No: 1) / Jill Giles (No:18)
Carol (No: 2) / Debbie Murray (No:21)
Jeff Abberley (No: 4) / Bhumika Patel (No:22)
Geoff Wright (No: 5) / Elizabeth Bennett (No:23)

Director Elections

TNclarified the Memo of Articles for the Company regarding resignation and re-election of the directors of the Management Committee and explained that they have to resign each year before they can be re-elected. A director’s term of office has no specified length. Anyone living in the close can be nominated to become a director.

Andy Holloway resigned and did not seek re-election. All remaining four directors also resigned, but stood for re-election. TN asked those present to nominate TN, SB, AG and GP. These were all seconded. Geoff Wright(No: 5) volunteered to be a director. He was nominated and seconded.


TN had previously circulated an abbreviated version of the company’s accounts. TN thanked AnneOwens for her work on the production of the accounts. AH asked the committee about an apparent discrepancy under road-sweeping. TN clarified that the cost to clean out 11 small drains is approx £60-70, and is intended that this will be done each year along with the annual road sweeping. Last year we also had the sump pits cleaned and that cost £352.50. We spent more than our budget because the cheques we paid for pump maintenance for 2008 and 2009 were cashed in the same year. This won’t apply to this year or going forward.

2009 Budget

TN reminded all present that, two years ago, it was agreed to keep the annual fee at £350 for the next three years, so nothing has to be done this year. He confirmed that fees will be re-examined next year and will not go over budget. The company has what is now agreed to be sufficient contingency for any necessary extraordinary “normal” maintenance on the Close and on the oak tree at No: 49. While this will cover most unexpected eventualities, should we have a major problem with, for example Road resurfacing, there would still need to be a levy raised to residents. TN estimated that next year’s fees may go down to £310, to be proposed and agreed at the next AGM.

Insurance and gardening costs have increased. Gardening costs now include disposal of waste. Pumping station maintenance costs have also risen. We are currently bound to a three-year contract but maybe next year it will be worth looking at different companies.

Sue asked what the insurance covers. TN explained that it covers (i) Director’s liability and (ii) public liability and accidental damage to pumping station. It does not cover water pipes within properties. The committee agreed to look into insurance to cover this on behalf of the whole Close, though the expectation is this will still need to be covered by individual householders.

TD asked how much it would cost to be connected to the mains sewage. SB explained the water is pumped up to the mains anyway and it is very unlikely we could be connected at any reasonable cost.

Gardening Committee

JS reported on the Gardening Committee’s activities.

  • ‘Greenthumb’ have been employed to feed the grass, cheaper than GP managed.
  • Mary Newton has joined the committee.
  • The laurel hedge bordering Stuart and Debbie’s property has been trimmed.
  • Adrian the gardener has been tidying the front bed.
  • The committe have decided not to appoint a chairman.
  • Bulb planting to take place on Saturday 20 November at 10am –volunteers needed.
  • The grass edges are deteriorating and the committee is getting quotes for this repair. TD asked if it was worth doing. TN suggested all residents had a look to see how bad it is. AH suggested putting down block paving. It was agreed this would be too expensive.
  • Mulching has taken place.
  • Electric box has been painted green.
  • Another member of committee is required. No one volunteered.
  • SS suggested buying a brown bin to recycle garden waste, but our volume is too big.
  • All residents are happy with the work Macbeth are doing.
  • GP has sourced a painter to paint the lamp posts which is now ‘work in progress’. He will paint electric boxes as well.

Parking and Street Signs

TN explained that there have been some incidents of non-residents parking in the close and the committee proposed erecting a ‘No Parking’ or ‘Residents Only’ sign adjacent to the road name sign. AH asked for clarification of the rules on parking. TN said that the parking bays are for visitors’ cars only, not residents’ cars. There is no stipulation on length of stay in these bays. No cars are allowed to park on the grass or in the road or to cause an obstruction.

The proposal to erect a sign regarding No Parking was made and a vote taken. FOR = 9; AGAINST – 6. The motion was carried to have a sign.

AD suggested it said ‘No Unauthorised Parking’. Most of the residents present agreed this was the best wording.

Neighbourhood Watch

AH was the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator and, because he has resigned, a new one has to be found. Peter Hinkson volunteered and he was duly seconded. JS thanked AH for running it for the 5years.

Summer BBQ – Funding

Last summer’s barbecue was partially funded from company funds in order to encourage more people to attend. Everyone agreed that it had been a success. The committee proposed funding 2010’s barbecue with a budget of £150. It was put to the vote – unanimous. It was agreed that July is a good month.


TN explained that some of the covenants are open to interpretation and difficult to understand. He reported that independent solicitors have looked at them and given clarification. The committee wished to reiterate the covenants in a simpler way to remind everyone of them. TN read out each covenant and explained what each one meant. These will be written up and posted on the Close web site.

JA asked how the committee would enforce them. TN said that, firstly, the offender would be talked to by one of the directors. If this didn’t work, then an official letter would be written, followed by legal advice being sought. The cost of any legal action would be borne by the person making the complaint.

JA suggested the wording of some of the covenants could be ‘tightened up’ a bit. PH asked if they could be discarded altogether. TN replied that the cost would probably be prohibitive but the Committee will look into it. JA agreed to assist in this matter and find out what costs might be involved if the covenants were to be removed or rewritten.


Christmas Meal

Thursday 10 December 2009 at the Raj Tandoori at 2000hrs


GP reported that Peter Ling, the gardener, would not be doing any work for us in the near future as he had been arrested for murder.

Meeting closed.

Brockwood Management Company Ltd, 6 Foxon Close, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5SY

Registered company no. 3662592