Biosecurity (NLIS) Regulation 2017 Part 3


Use this form to apply for the authorisation to supply certain permanent identifiers ( NLIS tags) in saleyards and abattoirs under the Biosecurity (National Livestock Identification System) Regulation 2017 (the Regulation).

Applicant details

First name / Last name
Trading name ( if applicable)
Residential or business address
Suburb / State / Postcode

Details of proposed authorisation

Request authorisation to supply certain (tick one or more boxes) / NLIS post-breeder tags for sheep/goats/pigs
NLIS post-breeder devices for cattle
Crown Brands for pigs
Name of saleyard or abattoir
Location of saleyard or abattoir
Dates / period of time

Terms and conditions

  1. Certain permanent identifiers may only be supplied and attached to stock in the circumstances set out in procedures approved by the Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services.
  2. The following records must be kept for all permanent identifiers issued in accordance with clause 23 of the Regulation:
  • the date the identifier was supplied
  • the number and type of identifiers supplied
  • identification code and serial number of each identifier supplied
  • full name and business or residential address of the person to whom the identifiers were supplied
  • full name and business or residential address of the owner of the stock for which each identifier was supplied and in respect of that stock:
  • property identification code for the property of origin of the stock
  • species of stock

These records must be made by the close of businesson the next working day following the supply of any permanent identifiers, kept for at least 2 years, and made available to an authorised officer, or District Registrar on request.

  1. A person who supplies a permanent identifier for cattle must, by the close of business on the next working day after the supply, provide the NLIS administrator with the information set out in clause 23(3) of the Regulation.
  2. Identifiers must be securely stored to prevent theft of misuse.
  3. Authorisation is only valid for the dates specified by the District Registrar. The District Registrar or authorised officer may suspend or revoke this authorisation at any time. In this event, all unused identifiers must be promptly returned to an authorised officer, inspector or the District Registrar.


I have read and understand the terms and conditions above and agree to comply with them.

Signature: / Date: / //

This information is collected by the collecting agency identified in this form in relation to its functions under the Biosecurity Act 2015. This agency/s and the NSW Department of Industry may use and disclose this information as reasonably necessary for the purpose of performing biosecurity risk functions under, or reasonably contemplated by, the Biosecurity Act 2015.

Office Use Only
Permanent identifier approved / □Sheep/goat tags PIC:
□Cattle devices PIC:
□ Pig brands Brand:
Dates of period of authorisation / //
Conditions of authorisation
District register (name)
Signature / Date: / //
