First name: / Enver /
Family name: / Hadžić
Gender: / Male
Date of birth: / 29. April 1948.
Civil status: / Married
Contact phone: / ++387 61 183 873
Present address: / Grada Kalgarija 5, 71000 Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
e-mail: /
Key qualifications / Profesional experience in local and international projects including main office buildings, roads, motorway, bridges, tunnels, hydropower plants, hydrotechnical tunnels, power stations, underground povwer plants, termopower plants infrastructures, buildings and other structures including: planning, design, design revision, project and construction management, environmental assesment, tender preparaion, Supervision of civil and structural works.
Revision of structural designs (conceptual, preliminary, main, detailed, feasibility study....)
Court expert for civil works (structural collapses ,...)
Structural analysis of buildings by computer programs TOWER, PLANET, ROBOT
Building physics analysis,..
Design of foundation and foundation structures/with piles, Design of tunnels linning and tunnel supporting systems,
Structural seismic and dynamic analysis, Structural diagnosis, structural design (steel, concrete, wooden, and composit structures), Soil investigation programing,
Structural analysis of underground structures (tunnels, powerhouses ,…) /supports,linings, rock stability analysis/ by computer programs RHEO-STAUB, SAP, NONSAP, STRESS,…
Structural analysis of arch dams by computer programs (ADAP, SAP,…)
Project design management (buildings, energetic plant, )
Membership of professional body / Profesional engineer – Certificate (No: 07/1-153-53/82, Sarajevo 23.11.1982. year)
Court expert – Certificate (No: 03-04-11-2471/03, Sarajevo 10.03.2003.year)
General secretary and Member of Asociation of Civil Engineers BACE
Member of technical comitte for concrete Bosnia and Herzegovina:
BAS/TC 21 Concrete and concrete products 2005.-2007. godine.
TC 37 Fire safety of buildings, 2005- 2007. godine
Institution and Place: / [ Date from - Date to ] / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Sarajevo / 1967 – 1973 / B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, / 1981 – 1984 / M.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Location and Time / Institution / Description
Sarajevo, April 2005.
Bosnia and Herzegovina / USAID Sarajevo / Seminar on Landslides
Tuzla, 2003, PI University / PI University, Faculty Civil Department
USA-OHIO, 2000. / USAID / Bosnia and Herzegovina Business and Local Governance Training Program
Berlin, 1999 July / (PRAQ III Project / Q106) EC / Training of Trainers of Lectures on voluntary Standardization(PRAQ III Project / Q106),
Sarajevo, 1999. Bosnia and Herzegovina / CSTC/WTCB, ICITE, EOTA, ETA-Danmark and SWBC Int. / Seminar on Construction Product Directives,
Sarajevo, 1998. / USAID Sarajevo / Apprentice Training Program(Business Consulting)
Sarajevo, 1997.
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Faculty of economic and business science / Specialist studies in management and information technologies
Languages / Fluent in Bosnian (Mother Tongue), Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin
(speaking, reading, writing)
English (excellent (speaking, reading, writing)
French (good-basic (speaking, reading, writing)
German (basic (speaking, reading, writing)
Computer skills / Professional skills in Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet
Professional skills in structural analysis: TOWER, SAP, NONSAP, ADAP, RHEOSTAUB, ROBOT (buildings, dams (arch, gravities), tunnel, chimneys, main power buildings, bridges, turbo foundations, foundations of structure, water - intakes, water- outlets, channels, pump stations, underground power plants, substations….
Steel structure, concrete structure, wooden structures, complex structures. Professional skills in building physics
Driving licence / B category, international car driving licence
Personal characteristics / -Task completion oriented;
-Solving all technical problems
-Good organisational skills
-Fast adaptation and learning
Period / 2002-to date April 2007.
Company name / KONEXPERT d.o.o. Sarajevo
Company headquarters / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71000 Sarajevo, Bistrik 22 (old address: Vilsonovo 9) Tel./fax.: 0038733254138,
Company profile / Design and design revision, of civil structure in energetic plants (hydro, thermo,…), buildings, foundation structures, tunnels (hydro-technical, roads, motorway,..), tunnel lining, supports,…) bridges roads, motorway, water intake water outlets, channels, pump stations, walls, dams (arch, gravity,….) , feasibility studies, pre-feasibility studies, site investigations programs, (geotechnical,..), site investigation reports, structure tests programs (buildings, bridges, other structures,..), structures monitoring programs, environmental impact studies, infrastructure projects, structural diagnosis, supervision of structure works and foundation works, structure repairing, Preliminary safety reports, Final safety reports,…
Position / Director, Project Manager, Responsible designer, designer coordinator, Main reviewer, Structural design coordinator, contacts with Clients
Description of responsibilities / Project completion, Project risk analysis and project management, Contacts with Clients, market analysis,.. .
Project Description
4 floors / Design periods 2007. year. Client: Hotel DardaniaSarajevo
Consultant-Designer: Konexpert d.o.o. Sarajevo Depart.- Sarajevo
Bulding in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Position: Main bill and quantity engineer for complete design and main reviewer of detailed design(structural, architectural, electrical
Project Description
MHE Dubrava / Supervision periods: July2006-Juni 2007. Client: Tehel d.o.o.
MHE Dubrava -Hydropower plant on Kozica river. G. Vakuf, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Position: Main responsible supervisor for civil and structural works.
Supervision of structural works and foundation structure of all structures Water intakes(2), Water outlet, MainPowerBuilding, Penstocks (2).
Site investigation programs and site investigation reports for some parts (water intake 1).
Project Description
MHE Lukač / Design period 2006-2007. Client: Tehel d.o.o..
MHE Lukač-Hydropower plant on river Trešanica,Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Position: Main responsible designer for some parts of plant MHE Lukač:
-Detailed Design of repairing of three landslides (including site investigation report).
-Detailed Design around Power house: supporting walls river Trešanica , Water channel outlets, Water intake and water outlet and pipe channel of river Lukač.
Project Description:
Revision of the Study and Planning documentation for motorway Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina- north part (river Sava - Sarajevo (LOT1 and LOT 2 ) and Lot5. / Revision periods 2005-2007. Client Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina(MOCT). Reviewer: INOCSA Spain
Motorway on corridor Vc. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Revision of the Study and planning documentation(LOT1 and LOT 2 ) and Lot5.
Consultant Sub-contractor:Konexpert d.o.o. Sarajevo
Position: Coordinator of local experts works:
Coordination of local experts works and activities during revision of the Study and Planning documentation for motorway (completion of final version of local expert revision reports, participation on meetings (Clients, Reviewer, Consultants, public discussion), site visit, contacts with some special subcontractors and institutions.
Basic parts of revised documentations: Technical study, Backgrounds, Conceptual design, EIA, Preliminary design, Traffic study, Pre-feasibility study, Feasibility study, site investigations reports,.. /
Basic types of structures and elements:tunnels, bridges, culverts, embankments, cuts, foundations, buildings, structures, reports, drawings, calculation, bill of quantities, geotechnical profiles,..
Project description:
Revision of Main and Detailed design of Boiler Steel supporting structure Reconstruction,
Block 7 230 MW, Thermal Power Plant Kakanj / Revision periods December 2005 – April 2006. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA Thermo power plant Kakanj,
Contractor and Designer of boiler reconstruction: SIK GMBH Germany
Reviewer: KONEXPERT d.o.o. Sarajevo
Position: Main responsible Reviewer
Revision of main and detailed design of steel boiler structure reconstruction (structural solution and structural calculation), Block 7, Designed power capacity of Block 230 MW.
Completion of preliminary and final revision reports,
Site visits and reconstructed structure review.
Monitoring system and monitoring reports review.
Contractor visits and participation on meetings (Clients, Contractor, Designer, Reviewer) at sites and Designer and Contractor’s headquarters in Germany.
Project description:
Supervision of rehabilitation of structural elements in Building / Supervision periods: March 2006- October 2006. Client: University Cliniqe Sarajevo
Supervisor- Consultant Electroforce d.o.o. Sarajevo
Consultant’s Sub-contractor Konexpert d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Positon: Main responsible Supervisor for structural works on repairing structure and structure strengthening (steel tapes, bolts,…) on central medicine block- buildings 14th floors).
Project description:
Review of detailed design of two small hydropower plants in Fojnica –civil structural part / Revision periods 2005. year. Client: Intrade-energijaSarajevo
Consultant-Designer: Energoinvest – Energoengineering Co. Enginering Depart.- Sarajevo
Two small hydropower plants in Fojnica municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reviewer: JPElektroprivreda, Sarajevo
Position: Main reviewer for structural design
Revision of structural reports, drawings and structural calculation for power houses, water-intakes, water-outlets, penstocks, site investigation reports, substation foundations, retaining walls, hydro-mechanical equipments,….
Project description:
Supervision of structural works in substations / Supervision periods: March 2004 Client: University Clinics Sarajevo
Supervisor- Consultant Electroforce d.o.o. Sarajevo
Consultant’s Sub-contractor Konexpert d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Positon: Main responsible Supervisor for structural works on structural works on electrical substation and diesel aggregate station.
Project description:
Towers ‘’Bosmal’’ 30 floors in Sarajevo, revision of detailed design / Revision periods 2002. year. Client: Kanton Sarajevo
Consultant Reviewer: Konexpert d.o.o. Sarajevo
‘’Bosmal’’, Building, 30 floors in Sarajevo,
Revision of detailed design /soil investigation works, foundation structures with piles, and structures/Position: Consultant for structural and foundation revision and operation licence procedures
Revision of soil investigation program and soil investigation reports and structures design.
Revision of structural reports, drawings and calculation for foundation and structures.
Period / 2002. to 2004.
Institution name / PI University Tuzla, Faculty for Main, Geological and Civil ,
Company headquarters / Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla, PI University Tuzla
University profile / Student education, civil department (buildings, structures, bridges, tunnels, design, calculations, construction, structures, structural elements and materials testing, investigations,....).
Position / Lectures and training Assistant
Description of responsibilities / Preparation of students for lectures, educations, regulations, examples, trainings, tests, tasks, practical tests work with measuring instruments (bridges,..)
Project Description / Lectures and training in structures tests(Buildings, bridges, structures,..)
For two student generations complete program of education and training with real structures (bridges, chimneys, foundations, buildings, dams,..)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Period / 1991-to date 2002.
Company name / Agency KONEXPERT Sarajevo
Company headquarters / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71000 Sarajevo, Grada Kalgarija 5
Tel./fax.: 0038733467796,
Company profile / Design and design revision, of civil structure in energetic plants (high buildings, high structures, hydro, thermo,…), buildings, foundation structures, tunnels (hydro-technical, roads, ), tunnel lining, supports,…) bridges roads, water intake water outlets, channels, pump stations, walls, dams (arch, gravity,….) , feasibility studies, pre-feasibility studies, site investigations programs, (geotechnical,..), site investigation reports, structure tests programs (buildings, other structures,..), structures monitoring programs, infrastructure projects, structural diagnosis, supervision of structure works and foundation works, structure repairing design, gas systems infrastructures, ..
Position / Project Manager, Responsible designer, designer coordinator, Main reviewer, tender applications, preparation of offers, contacts with Clients, market analysis
Project Description:
Developing of infrastructure projects / Design period 2002. Client: MBI Development d.o.o Sarajevo
“Riverina” -village, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position: Adviser for infrastructures project development and structural works
Village for 17000.thousends habitants with all infrastructures and business buildings.
Project Description:
Supervision works on construction / Construction period 1999. Client: Ans Drive d.o.o Sarajevo
Elementary school Butmir, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position: Main Supervisor for structural works
Project Description:
Additional analysis / Service period: 2000.- 2001. Client: Coca Cola Beverages Sarajevo
Consultant for additional analysis: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position:Collaborator for structures and foundations
Store and Factory 22.000,00 m2, foundation and steel structures analysis, structural loads analysis
Project Description:
5. towers /24 floors/, fire analysis reports / Design period 1997-1999. Client:”City link Amsterdam Sarajevo”
Five towers /24 floors/, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position: Structural engineer for structures and structural elements
Fire analysis reports for damaged structure (RC walls, RC slabs, stairs, lifts spaces,..)
Project Description:
Main design
of roof and façade repairing / Design period 1998. Client: Regesa Barcelona Management Team, Sarajevo
Building MX, Olimpijsko selo 8, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position: Main Reviewer
Project Description:
Structural diagnosisi / Design period 1998. Client:City Link Amsterdam, Sarajevo
Building 14 floors “Palma”’, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position: Structural engineer for foundations and structures and supervisor for structures diagnosis and reparation.
Project Description:
Main design
of foundations and structures / Design period 1997. Client:Hotel ‘’Dardania’’, Sarajevo
Hotel ‘’Dardania’’, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Agency Konexpert Sarajevo
Position: Structural engineer for foundations and structures and supervisor for structures reconstruction
Period / October 2005-to April 2006.
Company name / IRD Engineering S.r.l.
Company headquarters / IRD Engineering S.r.l., Italy, Main office in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Company profile / Design and supervision of roads and motorway design including bridges, overpasses, underpasses, culverts, walls,..
Position / Structural specialty, Responsible designer
Description of responsibilities / Main design of motorway bridges, underpasses, overpasses, interchanges, retaining structures, culverts, bridges on local roads,....
Project description:
Motorway Mahovljani-Gradiska,
Main design / Design period: October 2005-to April 2006. Client: RS Roads departments,
Consultant: Consortium Carlo Lotti & Associati / IRD Engineering S.r.l., Italy.
Position: Structural specialist for structural works on motorway bridges(4), interchanges(2), underpasses, overpasses, retaining structures, culverts(59), local bridges,..
Project description:
Supervision of
Reconstruction of JasenovacBridge over SAVARiver
Croatia / Supervision periods: February 2004 – November 2004,
Client: Hrvatske ceste Croatia , Supervisor: IRD Engineering S.r.l., Italy
Position: Bridge engineer, Foundation structures,
technical assistance , review of detailed design and supervision of works ( bridge foundations, including drilled supporting piles, checking the construction drawings (structural and civil works), supervising the construction activities, technical progress, assuring the quality of bridge foundations construction, indicating problems and suggesting solutions to the Project Supervisor) checking and endorsing the as-built drawings/
Project description:
Assessment of bridges in Kosovo / Project periods:June 2004 – Dec 2004., Client: European commission
Assessment of road bridges in Kosovo
Sub-Consultant: IRD Engineering S.r.l., Italy
Position: Bridge engineer
Assessment of state of all bridge elements ( foundations, abutments, piers, span structures, pavement, indicating problems and suggesting solutions/ data base elements
Project description:
Supervision of
Reconstruction of InterstateBridge over UnaRiver
Bosnia and Herzegovina-Croatia / Project periods: February 2003 – December 2003. Client: European commission
Supervisor: IRD Engineering S.r.l., Italy
Position: Bridge engineer, Expert for drilled supporting Piles and Foundation structures,
Supervision of the Reconstruction of Jasenovac, Bridge part over the UNARiver/checking the construction drawings, supervising the construction activities, technical progress, assuring the quality of bridge foundations construction, indicating problems and suggesting solutions to the Project Manager's Representative) checking and endorsing the as-built drawings/
Period / 1975. to date 2000.
Company name / ENERGOINVEST d.d. Sarajevo
Company headquarters / Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71000 Sarajevo, Hamdije Čemerlića 2
Company profile / Engineering and design of substations, hydro power plants, thermo power plants, transmission lines, industrial plants, water systems, irrigation systems, water treatment plants, penstocks, channels, oil plants and petrol stations, TV towers, basins, harbours, dams (arch, rock, gravity, …), underground plants, tunnels, buildings, office buildings, buildings, foundation structures, tunnels (hydro-technical, bridges roads, motorway, water intakes, water outlets, channels, pump stations, site investigations programs, (geotechnical,..), structures monitoring programs, environmental impact studies, infrastructure projects, structure repairing,...
Position / Project Manager(industrial plants,.), Object Engineer (hydropower plants,..), Project engineer, Responsible designer for structures, Designer coordinator, Main reviewer, structural coordinator, tender applications, preparation of offers, contacts with Clients,
Leading structural engineer,..
Description of responsibilities / Project management, contacts with Clients, project completion, structural design completion
Project description
Repairing of Buildings of Natural science Faculty, structural design / Design periods: 1999-2000. Client: EC Sarajevo
Araepairing of Faculty Buildings,Sarajevo
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energo-engineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Main Structural designer
Main design of structures repairing , (Buildings, composed structures, Steel frames and concrete slabs and foundations12 floors, 5 floors).
Project Description
Chemical Plant, steel, concrete and foundation structures, roads, infrastructures / Design periods:1997. Client: ChemicalPlant,Turkey
Chemical Plant,Turkey,
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energo-engineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Project Manager and structural designer
Main design of Chemical plants structures, (Buildings, Steel , foundations, roads,infrastructures.
Reviewer of site investigation programs and site investigation reports.
Project description
Main office Buildings, structural design / Design periods: 1989-1991. Client: Libya
Main office building-industrial complex,30000. m2, Libya
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energo-engineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Main Structural designer
Main design of structures, (Buildings, Structures, foundations).
Project Description
HPP ‘’Foca’’ gravity dam, main design / Design periods: 1988-1992. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
HPP “Foča”, Foča, river Drina, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Energoinvest – Higrainženjering Department,Sarajevo
Position: Leading structural enginer and project manager
Main design of gravity dam, main design of foundation, rc diaphragm, site investigation programs, seismic parameters for structures and secondary systems
Reviewer of site investigation programs and site investigation reports.
Project Description
Water tunnel “Dabar”, main design, detailed design / Design periods: 1989-1991. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
HPP-Water tunnel “Dabar” , 10,5 km long, Dabar, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
“Hydro-energetic system inside Upper horizons of the TrebisnjicaRiver’’,
Consultant: Energoinvest – Higrainženjering Department,Sarajevo
Position: Leading structural engineer for detailed design,
Main and detailed design of tunnel (lining, supports, rock classifications)
Project Description
Water tunnel “Fatnica- Bileća”, main design, detailed design / Design periods: 1987-1992. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
Water tunnel “Fatnica- Bileća” , 15,3 km long, Bileća, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Consultant: Energoinvest – Higrainženjering Department,Sarajevo
Position: Leading structural and foundation engineer,
Structural designer supervision during construction and design all structural
detailed design and approving for construction. Contacts, meeting and
solving all construction problems with all main and sub-contractors.
Main and detailed design of tunnel (lining, supports, rock classifications), water intake, water outlets, hydro-mechanical structures,
Program of soil investigations works. Tunnelling excavation /middle part 8 km with TBM machine, design of montage elements and all structures in tunnel), NATM method. Designer of investigation programs (structural parts, tunnel lining and tunnel supports systems.
Reviewer of site investigation programs, site investigation reports.
Project Description
HPP “Dubrovnik 2”, Preliminary design. Croatia / Design periods: 1989-1991. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
HPP Dubrovnik 2, tunnel and pipes 16,5 km long, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
“Hydro-energetic system inside Upper horizons of the TrebisnjicaRiver’’,
Consultant: Energoinvest – Higrainženjering Department,Sarajevo
Position: Project structural engineer,
Preliminary design of new tunnel and pipes.
Project Description
“Irrigation Project “South Jazira”,
Main design
Iraq / Design periods: 1990. Client: “DijlaCenter”, Mosul, Iraq.
Irrigation system “South Jazira”, Mosul, Iraq
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energoengineering Co. Enginering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Coordinator of expert group and Consulting engineer for structures and foundations member of expert groups Project structural engineer,
Main design of tunnel with 20 km of length in gypsum rocks, (tunnel lining and supporting system, tunnel calculation with RHEO-STAUB,.), three pump stations (each station with 11 pumps, head 17 m, total flow 120. m3/sec) .
Project Description
TPP “Kakanj”,
Stability analysis of Main chimney and
Main power building / Design periods: 1982-1986. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
TPP Kakanj, Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energoengineering Co. Enginering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Senior structural engineer,
Dynamic stability analysis of chimney /height 305 m for complete plant 810 MW/ detailed design, foundation,
Dynamic stability analysis of Main Steam power generating plant Block 7 (230 MW)
Project Description
TPP “Medan”,
Foundation structures, steel piles, detailed design, pipeline foundations / Design periods: 1979-1982. Client: Electro company Indonesia
TPP Medan (2 units), Medan, Indonesia
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energoengineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Project structural engineer,
Foundation structures and pipe steel piles 66,0 m length, Detailed design
Structural calculations of foundation structure, Detailed design
Structural calculation of pipelines in thermo plant, Detailed design.
Project Description
TPP “Tuzla”,
2000 MW, (4x500 MW)
(4 Steam generating plant design) / Design periods: 1979-1980. Client:JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
TPP Tuzla (4 units), Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energo-engineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Leading structural engineer,
Preliminary design: Thermal power plant 2000 MW (4 x 500 MW) , stability analysis of fossil fuel steam generating plant.
Structural calculation of complex system: supporting boiler structure - boiler structure – “spring systems” - soil.(gravity, seismic loads,…).
Project Description
TPP “Tuzla”,
2000 MW, (4x500 MW)
(4 Steam generating plant design) / Design periods: 1975-1979. Client: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
Pspp Čapljina, TČapljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energo-engineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Project structural engineer,
Detailed design: Hydro power plant (2 x 225 MW), stability analysis of underground power pump plant, height 72 m, rock stability analysis during excavation and all other construction phases.
Structural calculation of tunnels around power plants, and concrete around turbine parts.
Complex system rock concrete and steel pipes and steel elements.(gravity, hydro pressures and other loads,…).
Project Description
HPP “Bočac”,
Arch dams / Design periods: 1975-1977. Client:JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA. B&H.
HPP Bočac, Bočac, river Vrbas, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Consultant: Energoinvest – Energo-engineering Co. Engineering Depart.- Sarajevo
Position: Project structural engineer,
Detailed design: Arch dam height 60 m,
Stability analysis of complex system arch dams-rock
Complex system rock-dam (loads: gravity, hydro pressures, temperature changes,...

14. Publications, papers,..: