1- Impersonal passive

1-People believe that neither side wanted war

2-Everyone knows that eating fruit is good for you

3-Everyone thought that the painting had been destroyed

4-People say that the company bid fifty million pounds for the shares

5-People say the late Mr Jonhson was difficult to work with

6-People think that the jewels were stolen by one of the guests

7-It is believed that the Chinese invented gunpowder

8-They said that the ship didn’t have any damage

9-It is thought that the two injured men were repairing high-tension cables

10-There is a rumour that the escaped prisoner is living in Spain

11-We believe that the government has prepared a plan

12-People say that Mrs Turner was having business difficulties

13-They think that the treasure dates from the 13th century

14-The police believe that a professional thief stole the statue

15-Everyone thought that Helen had missed the train

16-They have said that petrol prices will rise tomorrow

2- Passives

1-the crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium

2-the invention of the computer simplified the work of accountants

3-the waiter will bring your drinks in a moment

4-someone left the phone off the hook all night

5-a burglar broke into our house last week

6-people asked me the way three times

7-the fruit- pickers pick the apples early in the morning

8-lots of people had parked a lot of cars on the pavements

9-they changed the law

10-you have to fill in the application

11-another company has taken over our company

12-we are dealing with your complaint

13-we have not accounted for all the missing passengers

14-they had decorated the tree with coloured balls

3- Write a verb into the correct passive tense

1- The boxes (not pack) yet

2- your food (still prepare)

3- the new ship (launch) next week

4- luckily by the time we got there the painting. (not sell)

5- we had to go on holiday because our house (decorate)

6 I’m afraid that next week’s meeting (cancel)

7- if we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there

8- all main courses (serve) with vegetables or salad

9- the second goal (score) by Hughes in the 41st minute

10 the cathedral (build) in the 14th century