Principal: Mrs. Rosalyn Nickerson Ph: (506) 738-6504 Fax: (506) 738-6513

VISION: Growing, Belonging, Preparing for our Future.

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 2 LUNCH/MILK forms DUE (no exceptions)

8 NO SCHOOL for students – Professional Learning Day for Staff

9 Remembrance Day Service 11:00am (students and staff)

10 African Drumming Workshops for all students at GBB Church (AM)

10 Popcorn Day

11 Remembrance Day – Lest We Forget

13 NO SCHOOL – Remembrance Day observance

15-16 EYE-DA assessments for Pre-Kindergarten students

17 Saint John Port Presentations (K-McGraw and K-Bettle)

20 1st Home Reports go home

23 Popcorn Day

23 Parent-Teacher – 3:30-6:00pm

24 NO SCHOOL for students – Parent Teacher – 9:00-11:00am

Report Cards:

Report Cards will go home on Monday, November 20th. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 23rd, 3:30-6:00pm and Friday, November 24th, 9:00-11:00am.

Please call the school Administrative Assistant (738-6504) at your earliest convenience to book your appointment.

Appointments are 10 minutes in duration. If you feel you require further time with your child’s teacher please arrange another time at a later date.

Specialist Teachers Availability:

Mr. Murphy / Phys. Ed, Methods & Resource / Available during regular
Parent-Teacher times
Mr. James / Guidance / Thursday, Nov. 23rd
Mrs. McLaggan / Music / Email:

for an appointment

Hot Lunch & Milk:

Lunch orders will go home on October 30th. DUE DATE for return to school is THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd.

Reminder to send in your order and payment by due date every month. Please note that unfortunately teachers will not be making change with regards to lunch/milk orders. Teachers do not have a cash float to make this possible. Please send in exact payment. Thank you so very much for your understanding.

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TALK MAIL/ E-MAIL- You will receive messages via telephone and email. If you are not getting the messages please contact the school at 738-6504.

HOME INFO- If there are any changes in address or phone numbers throughout the year please submit this in writing to your child’s teacher.

Terry Fox Foundation:

Congratulations GBP students for a great Terry Fox Walk! Together we raised $107 for cancer research. Terry would have been so thrilled!

Safe Arrival:

If your child is going to be late or absent due to an appointment or illness, please call the school @738-6504.

Picking Up Your Child Before Dismissal:

If you need to pick your child up during school hours for an appointment, etc. please call the school beforehand or send in a note to your child’s teacher that morning so they will be aware.

School Calendars:

GBP will be selling school calendars later this month. Each month will include a group picture from individual classrooms as well as whole school pictures. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

Look Ahead:

Christmas/Holiday concert date: Tuesday, December 12th, 10:30am, Grand Bay Baptist Church

Lost and Found:

Please check our Lost and Found bin for your child’s missing items. The bin is almost overflowing!

Literacy Tip: Expand Vocabulary

When reading with your child each night take time to explore new words. When you come to a new word, take this opportunity to talk about it in interesting ways so your child will enjoy and remember the word.

Ex. 1) This big house is called a palace. Ask: “Who do you think lives in a palace”?

2) The bear was slumbering. Ask: "What does it mean to slumber"?

Then try these new words over the next couple of days in your conversations.

-Terri-Ann Waye

Educational Support Teacher - Literacy

Numeracy Tip: Games Make Math Fluency Fun

When kids think they are ‘just playing a game’ they will always be more engaged. So it’s a great tip for you and your child to make developing math fact fluency into a game.Dice, cards, board games, math bingo, even “Go Fish” are excellent ways of achieving math fact fluency in a game format.

-Jennifer Wright

Educational Support Teacher - Numeracy