Membership Application Process

  1. Submit Membership Application to the Exchange, which includes:
  1. Purposes and reasons for applying membership of the Exchange;
  2. Written commitment to comply with Articles of Association and all regulations of the Exchange;
  3. Structures of organization and operation institutions;
  4. Operational performance for the past two years;
  5. Profiles ofthe shareholders;
  6. Profile and industrial strengthsof the Company;
  1. Complete Brokerage/Non-futures Company Membership Application Registration Reform, List of Employees Engaged in Futures, Resume of Legal Representative, resumes of the key officers and other forms (provided by the Exchange).
  1. Submit the following documents and materials (The documents and materialsmust be affixed with the company seal.)

(1)Apply for brokerage membership (The documents and materials must be affixed with the company seal.)

  1. Copy of theBusiness License for an Enterprise as a Legal Person issued by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce;
  2. Copies of the Business License held by holders with 5% (or above) of shares for an Enterprise as a Legal Person, issued by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce;
  3. Copy of theOrganization Code Certificate;
  4. Copy of the Futures Brokerage License issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission;
  5. Articles of Association, Futures Brokerage Regulations as well as internal control system of the Company;
  6. Financial report or capital verification reportof the last year as audited by the accounting firm or the auditing firm;
  7. Certificate of operation site use;

(2)Apply for non-futures membership (The documents and materialsmust be affixed with the company seal)

  1. Copy of the Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Person issued by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce;
  2. Copies of the Business License held by holders with 5% (or above) of shares for an Enterprise as a Legal Person, issued by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce;
  3. Financial report or capital verification reportof the last year as audited by the accounting firm or the auditing firm;
  4. Approval documents issued by the governing authorities or the Directors of the enterprise for trade in futures or apply for membership of the Exchange;
  5. Internal management and control system of the enterprise or company over its self-operated business;
  6. Use certificate of domicile (operation site).
  1. After receiving qualified material of application for membership, the Exchange will verify qualification of the applicant and submit it to the Membership Examination Committee for a primary examination;
  2. After passing the primary examination, the application will be submitted to the Directors for approval;
  3. The Exchange will issue a Membership Notice to the applicant acquiring the approval;
  4. Within 30 business days after receiving the Membership Notice from the Exchange, the applicant shall go through procedures for joining the Exchange, or otherwise the membership will be deemed as automatically waived.
  5. On completion of all procedures, the Applicant shall be deemed to be an official member of theExchange.