MSITA – MOAC – Excel Lesson 2Student Assessment Instructions
Competency Assessment
Project 2-1: Setting Print Area
Create a worksheet listing several different movies and their genre, then set a specific print areawithin the worksheet.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.
1. From Backstage, Click New and then click the Create button in the right pane of theAvailable Templates window to create a new worksheet.
2. Select cell A1, key Movie, and press Tab.47
3. With B1 already active, key Genre.
4. Beginning in cell A2, key the data shown below. Ignore AutoComplete if prompted touse. You will learn more about this in future lessons.
Movie Genre
Gone with the Wind Drama
The Untouchables Action
Frankenstein Horror
Forrest Gump Drama
Toy Story Children’s Animation
5. Double-click the column divider between columns A and B to adjust the column Awidth to display all of the text.
6. Double-click the label divider between columns B and C to adjust the column B widthto display all of the text.
7. Click, hold, and drag the mouse from cell A1 to F3 to highlight. Click the Page Layouttab; in the Page Setup command group, click the Print Area drop-down arrow, andchoose Set Print Area.
8. SAVE the worksheet as Movies 2_1 and then close the file.
CLOSE Excel.
Project 2-2: Printing a Specifi c Area or Worksheet
You will print an active area and a specifi c worksheet.
GET READY. OPEN the fi le from the Lesson 2 folder titled Movies 2_1.
1. Open Backstage view.
2. Click Print in the Backstage navigation pane.
3. In the Settings section of the Print window, click the Print Active Sheets drop-downarrow, and click the Print Selection option in the drop-down menu.
4. Click the Print button in the upper section of the Print Settings to print the selectedarea of the worksheet.
5. Again in the Settings options, open the Print Active Sheets drop-down menu, andchoose Print Active Sheets.
6. Click the Print button in the upper section of the Print Settings to print the activeworksheet.
7. PAUSE. SAVE the workbook as Movies 2_2.
CLOSE Excel.
Proficiency Assessment
Project 2-3: Managing Document Properties
You are setting up a home office with new computer and communications equipment. Because youare not yet sure of your budget, you need several price options for each piece of equipment. Worksheetsare excellent tools for organizing information so you can make easy comparisons betweensets to data such as wholesale versus over the counter.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.
1. Identify a list of at least 12 pieces of equipment that a state-of-the-art home officeneeds. Some of these may include a desktop or laptop computer; a combinationscanner, printer, and fax; a cordless phone; a cell phone; and so on.
2. OPEN Excel and CREATE a worksheet to store the list of equipment you havegathered. In Row 1, create column headings for your data. Beginning in cell A1, keyEquipment, LowEnd, Moderate, and High End so that you can enter three prices (amounts) for each equipment item.
3. Using advertisements from office supply stores and other retailers (or Internetresources, if available), find low-end, moderate, and high-end options for eachequipment item you have listed. These options can be sale prices from ads, or justeveryday prices for the items you’ve found.
4. Key your amounts of the items into the worksheet.
5. Adjust column and cell width so that you can clearly see all of the data you haveentered.
6. Access Backstage, and click on Info.
7. You will modify the following elements in document properties:
Author: Your First and Last Name
Title: Project 2-3
Subject: Lesson 2 Project
Tags: Equipment
Categories: Excel Lesson 2
8. Close the Document Properties window. You have now saved your settings.
9. Access Backstage and click on Info in the navigation pane to view your changes toyour workbook properties. You will be able to view some of your changes. In order tosee more, click the Show All Properties link at the bottom of the workbook properties.
10. SAVE your document as Equipment 2_3.
PAUSE. LEAVE Excel open for the next project.
Project 2-4: Changing the Quick Access Toolbar
You will customize the Quick Access Toolbar to accommodate commands for users who are notfamiliar with Excel and the Ribbon.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.
1. With the Home tab active, on the Ribbon, in the Alignment group, right-click on Centerand choose Add to the Quick Access Toolbar.
2. Repeating these steps as necessary, using the appropriate tabs and groups, add thefollowing commands to the toolbar: Borders, Increase Indent, Copy, Cut, and Paste.Note the changes to the toolbar in the upper-left portion of the screen.
EXIT Excel.
Mastery Assessment
Mastery Assessment
Project 2-5: Accessing a Template Online
You are in need of an invoice template for a client. You do not have an appropriate template available
in Excel. You need to go to the website to search for one.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.
1. Access Backstage view.
2. Click on New.
3. Click in the Search box, and key Invoice. Press Enter. Note that if you havean Internet connection, you should be connected to If you are without anInternet connection, this process will not work.
4. Browse the results for invoices on the website after it loads.
5. Click on a template to view it in the Preview pane. Click the Download button.
6. After choosing download, Excel automatically opens the template for you. Make noteof what features the invoice you chose has to offer. Make changes to the template tosee changes and actions.
7. SAVE the invoice as Invoice 2_5.
PAUSE. LEAVE Excel open for the next exercise.
Project 2-6: Managing a Custom Ribbon
In order for your client to use and maintain the invoice you downloaded in the previous exercise,he has requested that you customize several tabs on the Ribbon to make the worksheet easier tomanage and edit.
GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.
1. OPEN Invoice 2_5 from the Lesson 2 folder.
2. Open Backstage, and click Options in the navigation pane.
3. Click on the Customize Ribbon button in the Excel Options window.
4. Click the Reset button at the bottom right of the window and choose Remove AllCustomizations. When prompted to delete all customizations, click Yes.
5. Click Home in the Customize the Ribbon panel to highlight it and make it active.
6. Create a new tab named Invoice Edits.
7. Rename the new command group in Invoice Edits Invoice Tools.
8. Choose five commands to add to the Invoice Tools command group.
9. Create another new tab named My Edits.
10. Rename the new command group in My Edits My Tools.
11. Add five commands to the My Tools command group.
12. Click OK.
13. Examine your changes to the Ribbon.
14. Open Backstage and choose Options. Undo all the changes you just made to theRibbon. When prompted, accept all changes.
CLOSE the workbook. CLOSE Excel.
As was mentioned at the beginning of thislesson, Contoso, Ltd., is dedicated to treating its employeeswell. Use web search tools to locate five additional recipes toadd to the cookbook spreadsheet. Use family and friends forresearch in this venture if possible. I am sure there is a favorite,mouth-watering recipe that will come to mind that youwould love to include and share with others. Include twomain courses, two side dishes, and one dessert. Find out asmuch information about the recipe as you can and include thisin the worksheet. If you are able, add a new column to yourspreadsheet to include a history of the recipe and ethnic origin.
Many Excel users don’t realize that they can arrange and manage the Excel environment to suittheir individual needs.With the ability in Excel to customize by adding and managing toolbars, changing default settings,managing the Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon, you can give the end user a more manageableand workable environment.Your accounting department in your firm needs both the Quick Access Toolbar and the Ribboncustomized to accommodate frequently used commands for accounting. Take time to createthree new Ribbon tabs that will organize commonly used commands from the following tabgroups:
Home: Number, Cells
Formulas: Function Library, Formula Auditing
Insert: Charts
You can also take time to add common commands not already on the Quick Access Toolbar thatwould be more convenient there than clicking through tabs to use them.
This will give you practice and offer you and the end user a way to organize and use Excel to itsgreatest potential.