TO: D. Mike Good, City Manager
RE: Monthly Activity Report – May 2007
DATE: June 7, 2007 Page 3
DATE: June 7, 2007
TO: D. Mike Good, City Manager
FROM: Earl King, Acting Director, DPW/Utilities & Eng.
SUBJECT: Report #4010401 - Monthly Activity Report – May 2007
(SUSPENSE: 6/7/07)
The Department of Public Works, Utilities & Engineering significant activities for the month of May are summarized below:
1) Staff has submitted all required budget items to the Finance Department and met
with the City Manager and the Budget Committee to begin review of budget.
2) Staff worked together with City Manager Office and Parks and Recreation staff to
host the successful 80th Anniversary Birthday Bash at City Beach on May 12.
3) Landscaping Division made necessary transfers and encumbered the required
funding to continue the tree and shrub give-away program.
4) Florida Highway Products completed full depth reclamation of three streets and
began striping of the streets that had previously been resurfaced.
5) Construction of Membrane Water Treatment Plant is over 88% complete.
Work progresses as follows:
· Completed painting the membrane process building (main building) both inside and outside.
· Completed installation of sample piping, meters and pumps at the monitoring well.
· Staff completed the required retention pond banking and outfall west of facility.
· Staff also extended emergency AM conduit out of paving limits.
· Completed cleaning systems and sulfuric acid systems.
6) Fleet Services Division ordered the third minibus for the newly-implemented minibus Route #3.
7) Water Distribution Division continuted Phase 2 of 6 of the Golden Isles Drive Water
Main Project. In the process on installing pipe, the Division also made three water
main repairs to the old and decaying main.
8) Following promotion of the new minibus route and installation of signage along the
route, staff has noted the increase in ridership on Route 3.
9) Electrical, plumbing and structural inspections on the Golden Isles Guardhouse have
been completed and the C.O. has been issued.
10) Staff met with FDOT to assure that the City will be able to work together with the
District in light of the likely award of a Transportation Enhancement Grant for the
project on W. Hallandale Beach Blvd.
11) 32nd Year CDBG was awarded to the only responsive, responsible bidder, Acosta Tractors, Inc. on May 2. 2007 Commission Meeting. Community meeting has been held, and notice to proceed was issued on May 30.
12) Staff met together with City Manager and Hollywood staff to resolve differences
between the two cities concerning long-standing wastewater issues. The meeting proved very constructive.
13) Engineering Division has completed 65% of the project design for the Sunrise Drive
water main installation.
14) Staff distributed water conservation kits to community and worked with Police and
Code Enforcement to strengthen enforcement of South Florida Water Management District restrictions.
15) Staff submitted grant applications for the Transportation Enhancement Grants that
are processed through the Broward MPO. Applications are for $400,000 and $500,000. Preliminary rankings indicate the City was successful in both applications.
16) Wastewater Division completed Egret Drive Lift Station Bypass Project.
17) Water Production Division submitted agenda item for liquid chlorination system
design and construction.
18) Water Plant Maintenance Division repaired equipment at chlorinator place of
19) Staff obtained electrical permit for installation of lighting at Golden Isles Park.
20) Landscaping Staff repaired fence and installed sod over new vault area at cemetery.
In so doing, the Cemetery Improvement Project is now complete.
21) Staff worked together with Assistant City Manager Mark Antonio to host a successful
Curci House Historic Renovation Groundbreaking Ceremony.
22) Staff met with Broward County School Board Project Manager, Sonja Coley, to go
over required improvements at the HACC athletic field. Purchase orders are being processed to rent heavy equipment to remove debris from the fields.
23) Departmental staff had strong participation in the Employees Awards Banquet on
May 18.
24) Department worked together with Fire Department to present the Community Forum
on Hurricane Preparedness on May 31.
25) On May 16, Commission designated May 20 – 26 as National Public Works Week.
Staff appreciates the recognition and celebrated the week.
The Department has a number of other projects either underway or being planned, in addition to the many ongoing maintenance and services rendered.
D. Mike Good, City Manager Date
___Approved ___Denied ___Hold for Discussion
cc: Gordon Dobbins, Assistant to Director
Mike Morse, Operations Manager
Carlos Hernandez, Assistant City Engineer
R:\ESK\FY06-07\Monthly Reports\Monthly Report - 07-05.doc