Task Completion Checklist



Name of Participant:

Assigned Job Coach:

EPBC Case Manager:

Step / Action / Date Completed / Name
1* / Participant Intake completed
(filled out and handed into EPBC admin prior to intake appointment)
2 / Job Coach on-boarded
3* / All Discovery-related activities documentedin sufficient detail in Client Connect** (detailed minimum 2x monthly)
4 / By Week 12, Participant and Job Coach met with team to go over Discovery findingsand create list of 3 themes and 20 jobs for each theme.EPBCHS Discovery document drafted and approved within internally incl. 3 themes and job options for each.
5 / EPBCDiscovery document and invoice uploaded ont EPBC system; flag Case Manager to notify it’s there and request Discovery review meeting.
6 / Meeting and review of EPBC Discovery document by Team Lead and the job coach with the Participant and EPBC Case Manager.
7* / If changes to Action Plan, participant willsign updated forms with Case Manager.

** Note EPBC online system names may vary. We will use Client Connect for purposes of this example.

Notes for Intake and Discovery

Step 1: Information also provided to Case manager on disability ahead of appoint if client not comfortable doing form completion in person. Ensure Case Manager name on the package of paperwork given to EPBC admin.

Step 3: Must include what was done, discovered and where; select “in-person” from the contact type drop down when making notes.

Step 7: Client will likely continue onwards with Job Carving portion of CED.

CED 1 & 2(Customized Employment Development)

Name of Participant:

Assigned Job Coach:

EPBC Case Manager:

Has CED 1 or 2 been previously billed for this individual? Yes ____ No ____

If Yes, clarify remaining allowable billing for CED services.

Step / Action / Date Completed / Name
1 / Training for Self –Employment completed (i.e. community based business program, however this isn’t necessary to go forward with EPBC CED-SE if client has adequate support. Training in sufficient detail in Client Connect, including ongoing attendance at workshops and any other self-employment-related activities Thoroughly document in Client Connect what is happening with client toward SE beyond any government funded training program to receive payment for CED.
2 / Billing point for CED 1 - A business plan is developed and uploaded with an invoice for CED 1 to EPBC with a note in Client Connect, and flag Case Manager. The business plan must contain:name of business, estimated hours per week the participant is working on their business, expected income per week, the participant’s ‘position title’, who’s supporting the participant with the work, how necessary expenses are covered, and the start date that the business is launched (or estimated start date). This information also must be documented in Client Connect to naturally follow the notes that explain how we got there.
3 / Billing point for CED 2 – Client’s business has launched and they are now “in business.” Upload CED 2 invoice to SharePoint, make a note in Client Connect, and flag Case Manager. Thoroughly document details of business being launched and client’s SE activities in Client Connect.

Notes for CED

Key Point: All CED 1 efforts of helping client identify a business idea and coming up with a business plan are documented thoroughly in Client Connect. Billing point for CED 1 is the development and submission of a business plan. CED 2 billing point is when the business is actually launched and the client is “in business.” If a client is attending EntreActive, this isn’t meant to replace CED 1, so all efforts with clients must substantiate a CED 1 billing beyond what they do in EntreActive (it would be considered ‘double dipping’ for a client to attend EntreActive and then bill CED just on that activity alone.


Name of Participant:

Assigned Job Coach:

EPBC Case Manager:

Job coaching for CED-SE is essentially the same as regular job coaching, but the work will be done once the client’s business has launched and the client is being assisted hands-on with running the business.

Has Job Coaching 1, 2, or 3 been billed for this individual? Yes ____ No ____

If Yes, clarify allowable billing for Job Coaching services.

Step / Action / Date Completed / Name
1 / The job coach has documented all relevant business-related activities and supportsin sufficient detail in Client Connect,including work preparation, product or service development, sales information, training/teaching, marketing, business administration, transportation coordination, natural support development, and on-site support.
2 / Invoice after client becomes independent or 40hoursof job coachingis completed.Invoice uploaded to SharePoint, documented in sufficient detail in Client Connect, and flag Case Manager. This can be repeated with a rationale twice more if client needs further support, repeat step 1 & 2.

Notes for Job Coaching

Key Points: Documentation expectations for Client Connect are the same with all efforts, progress, sales, business developments, etc. being recorded. Job Coaching can be billed when the client is independent in their SE activities, or there has been 40 hours provided from a job coach.Job Coaching can be billed either when the client becomes independent (any length of time) or when there have been 40 hours of Job Coaching provided. If repeating this service, there must be a rationale entered in Client Connect as to why this services is being repeated (i.e. “client has received job coaching service and still requires further support on the job otherwise they are at significant risk of losing their labour market attachment; another round of job coaching will be provided”).


Name of Participant:

Assigned Job Coach:

EPBC Case Manager:

There are regular check-ins with client and support network to see how it’s going (2x monthly minimum).

Has Job Maintenancebeen billed for this individual? Yes ____ No ____

Step / Action / Date
Completed / Name
1 / All relevant business-maintenance activities and supportsdocumented in sufficient detail in Client Connect on a minimum of a twice monthly basis, including documentation indicating check-ins with the individual and support network at regular intervals.
2 / Invoicing is done at 36 weeks since start date or after 30 hours of job maintenance.Invoice uploaded to SharePoint, documented in sufficient detail in Client Connect, and flag Case Manager

Notes for JM

Key Points: JM 1-36 is billable twice. It involves check-ins with the client, and there must also be regular contact with the employer to ensure everything is going smoothly. If issues arise, the job changes, or management changes, it is possible to go back to job coaching if needed for more training on-site with a rationale as to why the switch in service. Job Maintenance is billed at the 36 week point since start date, or if there has been documented 30 hours of check-ins provided (the latter is less likely, as the check-ins don’t take much time). While the natural transition is to move onto JM weeks 37-48, JM 1-36 can be repeated if the service is intense and the 30 hours have been reached with a rationale for repeating the service (documenting client need in Client Connect).


Name of Participant:

Assigned Job Coach:

EPBC Case Manager:

Same rules as JM weeks 1-36; Billable at week 48 since start date, or when client has reached 30 hours of job maintenance check-ins.

Has Job Maintenance been billed for this individual? Yes ____ No ____

Step / Action / Date Completed / Name
1 / All relevant business-maintenance activities and supportsdocumented in sufficient detail in Client Connect on a minimum of a twice monthly basis, including documentation indicating check-ins with the individual and support network at regular intervals.
2 / Invoicing is done at 48 weeks since start date or after 10 hours of job maintenance.Invoice uploaded to SharePoint, noted in Client Connect, and flag Case Manager

Notes for JM

Key Points: JM 37-48 is billable twice. This involves check-ins with the client, and there must also be regular contact regarding the business to ensure everything is going smoothly. If issues arise, the job changes, or aspects of the business change, it is possible to go back to job coaching if needed for more training on-site with a rationale as to why the switch in service. Job Maintenance is billed at the 48 week point since start date, or if there has been documented 30 hours of check-ins provided (the latter is less likely, as the check-ins don’t take much time). JM 37-48 can be repeated if the service is intense and the 30 hours have been reached with a rationale for repeating the service (documenting client need in Client Connect).