MLR Agrarian Landscape WORLD HERITAGE Bid – Minutes – PSG 14August, 2014 at Stirling
Project Steering Group
Thursday 14th February 2014 from 11:00 to 1:00pm
Adelaide Hills Council Meeting Room, Stirling
Attendees:Adelaide Hills Council
Bill Spragg, Mayor
Andrew Aitken, CEO
Marc Salver, Director Strategy & Development
Mike Flehr, Senior Strategic & Policy Planner
Alexandrina Council
Peter Dinning, CEO
The Barossa Council
Brian Hurn, Mayor
Martin McCarthy, CEO
Paul Micken, Principal Planner
Mount Barker Council
Anne Ferguson, Mayor
Greg Sarre, Senior Adviser Strategy & Policy
City of Onkaparinga
Lorraine Rosenberg, Mayor
Adam Mrotek, Manager Projects and Development Policy
Stephanie Johnson, Project Manager
Alexandrina Council
Kym McHugh, Mayor
Sally Roberts, Manager Planning and Development
Barossa Council
Ian Baldwin, Director Development & Environmental Services
Mount Barker Council
Andrew Stuart, CEO
Greg Waller, General Manager - Planning & Development Services
City of Onkaparinga
Mark Dowd, CEO
Barossa RDA
Anne Moroney, CEO
Meeting start:11:15 am
Meeting close:12:42 pm
1.Welcome and Apologies
- Mayor Spragg welcomed members and staff and noted the apologies.
2.Adoption of Previous Minutes from 27 February 2014.
MOTION: That minutes of the 27 February 2014 meeting of the Project Steering Group be adopted
Moved:Mayor SpraggSeconded:Mayor HurnCarried unanimously
3.Matter Arising from the Previous Minutes
- DC Yankalilla have now joined as Associate members of the Project
- DC Clare and Gilbert Valleys and Light Regional Council declined to join the project.
4.An Update on the Status of the Bid by the Project Management Group
a)The PMG has undertaken considerable work since the last meeting, and have met almost all of the relevant targets detailed in the Project Plan.
b)Implementation of the Engagement Strategy has been undertaken including the recent well attended visits by Prof.AmareswarGalla (of Copenhagen) and James Rebanks (of the UK), which resulted in increased media coverage as a result of the visits.
c)A number of grant applications were submitted but none have been successful to date.
d)The Tasting Australia event was also considered a success. Around 30 people attended the event held in Victoria Square (which was the largest attendance that day).
e)A question was raised in regard the request for State Government funding support and the response from Minister Gago(as Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries) –this matter will be followed up with the new Minister at an appropriate time.
5.Annual Report
- The Annual Report was reported to all 5 Councils earlier this year. A spruced up version for publishing on the Project Website is being finalised.
- Information explaining the bid has been added to the Report, and its format upgraded so it can also function as an explanatory and promotional document.
- The current Annual Report will be available on the website shortly.
- A point was made that the State Governments recent 10 point plan still includes “Premium Food & Wine from a Clean Green Environment” which the Project aligns with. However, the State Govt. wishes to reduce bureaucracy and red tape and it’s imperative to ensure that the Project does not result in additional red tape for primary produces and businesses within the to be listed area.
6.Progress Report from the Project Manager
Stephanie Johnston spoke to her printed report, which covered Project Activities to Date, being:
- Feasibility Report & Economic Impact Study (June 2012)
- Appointment of the Project Steering Group, Project Management Group and Project Manager (2013)
- Invitation to other Councils has occurred (September 2013 and possibly ongoing).
- Adelaide City Council: options for co-operation regarding this Bid and the bid for the Adelaide Park Lands which are considered complimentary. A collaborative approach is to be adopted in this instance.
- Project Plan for the 2013-2017 period was endorsed by the PSG (July 2013).
- Engagement Strategy and associated budget: draft Engagement Strategy and supplementary was endorsed by PSG (October 2013). See also items 9 and 10 below.
- State Government funding: options are being pursued but funding opportunities are limited. Actions to improve Government awareness of and involvement in the Project Bid are progressing.
- Grant applications made for T QUAL Grants – Tourism Quality Project (TQP) program (Federal); TIRF Grants Program (Federal); Regional Development Fund (Stream 2)[State]. However, none have been successful to date.
- Fundraising and Sponsorship Strategy: formal fundraising strategybeing prepared. Private sponsorship options being explored. It is noted that Brand SA supportive of the Bid.
- Visits of Professor Amar Galla and Professor James Rebanks have been successful in terms of media coverage and exposure of the Bid to interested parties: outside funding for these visits has been significant.
- Tasting Australia Event: World Heritage Bid had an entire session at Tasting Australia’s HUB program in Victoria Square around the theme “Why are our nearby agricultural landscapes unique, special and globally important, and how can we use South Australia’s utopian origins to engage with the rest of the world from a position of confidence, selling distinct products and services at added value based upon their provenance?”. Well attended on an inclement day.
- Engagement with ICOMOS: presentation to ICOMOS (May 2013), case for the World Heritage Listing of the Mount Lofty Ranges in a special World Heritage issue of Historic Environment (the refereed journal of ICOMOS). PM attended national ICOMOS conference (Oct /Nov 2013) which lead to close involvement with ICOMOS here and internationally. PM will fund her own trip to the ICOMOS conference in Italy which has a rural landscapes theme this year. National ICOMOS conference will be in Adelaide in 2015. The Bid fits with ICOMOS’s priorities.
- Advisory groups have been appointed, namely the Economic, Heritage, Landscape, Indigenous, Community,and ManagementWorking Groups.
- McLaren Vale Grape Wine and Tourism Association Strategic Supporthas been obtained and this group is actively promoting the Bid as part of their future strategy.
- National Trust collaboration: offer to collaborate to be flowed up formally.
- Australian Garden Society support: SA branch seeking national support for this bid.
- University Partnerships: Flinders Univ. as a GIS data centre and research assistance. Adelaide Univ. - Dr Elissa Palazzo is an experienced World Heritage expert from Italy.
- Marketing Plan: Logo, databases, website and social media capacity: A logo was commissioned and website is operating and can be found at
- Forthcoming events:
- Landscape Heritage Symposium Monday September 22nd 9am to 1pm at the Waite Institute. Speakers include Dr Jane Lennon (Brisbane) on the World Rural Landscapes project, Dr. Valeria Paul (Barcelona and Perth) onlandscape heritage,Prof. Malcolm Cooper (Japan) potential tourism opportunities and threats of World Heritage statusandDr. Elisa Palazzo (Adelaide Uni) on her UNESCO cultural landscape experience in Italy, Portugal, France, Palestine and China
- Friday 28thNovember at 7.30pm at theHahndorf Institute: this is a public presentation with Professor Randy Stringer around the "intangible heritage" of the Mount Lofty Ranges
7.Engagement Strategy and Budget
- The Budget Reconciliation for the 2013/14 year was noted and the $15,000 required for the Strategy for the coming financial year will come from the current Budget surplus. No additional contributions will be sought from member Councils.
8.Draft Budget 2014/15 overview and formal request for next funding cycle
Motion:That the Draft Budget for the 2014/15 Financial Year, as presented, be adopted and endorsed.
Moved: Mayor RosenbergSeconded: Mayor HurnCarried unanimously
9.Planning Statement
- The Planning Statement will address concerns about the potential legislative impact of National and World Heritage listing on the area to be listed. It will be prepared by the Management Advisory Group as a matter of priority.
- The intent of the statement is to:
- Explain the anticipated effect of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and associated legal framework on strategic planning, development policy and development assessment within a listed area
- Identify situations or development proposals that may require referral and assessment and likely procedures that need to be followed in the event that a development proposal needs referral under the Commonwealth legislation
- Highlight that WHS listing will not impose any additional obligations for primary production and common development activities with activities being guided and controlled by local policies in place at the time.
- Highlight that applications for development approval for the vast majority of activities would follow the general procedures already in place.
10.Protocol: Rotation of the Chair and Executive Officer positions (Marc Salver)
Motion:That the position of Chair of the PSG be generally for a period of 24 monthsand is to pass from Council to Council, and further that the Council of which the Chair is a member provides the Chair of the Project Management Group (PMG) and the Executive Officer of the PSG and PMG for the term of that Chair.
Moved: Mayor FergusonSeconded: Peter DinningCarried unanimously
11.Protocol: Revised Terms of Reference for the PSG and PMG
Motion:That the Project Steering Group adopts the proposed Terms of Reference for the Project Steering Group and the Project Management Group, subject to amendments that the position of Chair of the PSG being for a period of 2 years and passing from Council to Council, and that the Council of which the Chair is a member provides the Chair of the Project Management Group (PMG) and the Executive Officer of the PSG and PMG for the term of that Chair.
Moved: Mayor RosenbergSeconded: Peter DinningCarried unanimously
12.Report: Private Fundraising
- The Project Manager explained how private fundraising for the project could be undertaken in order to cover various expenses, as a significant part of its funding strategy. The PMG to develop this further and report this back to the PSG for endorsement.
13.Progress of Advisory Groups
- The Project Manager provided a summary of the structure and activities of the Project’s various Advisory Groups during her Project Update.
14.University Partnerships
- The Project Manager discussed the new roles taken on by Flinders and Adelaide Universities during her Project Update.
15.Any other business
- Paul Mickan provided copies of the Project Plan to date, noting new target dates, the involvement of the various Advisory Groups, and changed Federal Requirements for lodging of National Heritage applications.
- Induction of new elected members after the November 2014 elections: Given that this is an election year, the Project Team was requested to prepare a 2 – 3 page briefing paper for all new elected members. Further, that the Project Team be available to brief new Elected Members if required. Such briefings to be co-ordinated through each Council CEO. It was pointed out that this project should be seen as part of the “business of the Councils” and should be allowed to proceed until new Budgets are agreed for each financial year.
16.Confidential – Renewal of Project Manager contract
- It was reported that the Project Management Group (PMG) has undertaken a formal Performance Review of the Project Manager’s performance to date. Overall, the PMG is very happy with the Project Manager’s performance, noting that she rated highly against most assessment criteria, is a driving force behind the project and provides exceptional value for her fee. The PMG has therefore resolved to extend her contract for a further 12 months. Further, the PMG has agreed to the request to increase the contract value from $40,000 to $50,000 for the next 12 months.
Motion:That the Project Steering Group endorses the Project Management’s Group decision to extend the Project Manager’s contract and increasing the contract sum to $50,000 for the next 12 months.
Moved: Mayor RosenbergSeconded: Mayor SpraggCarried Unanimously
12.Date of Next meeting – at a time to be arranged in February, 2015
Venue: West Wing Conference Room, Adelaide Hills Council Offices, 63 Mt Barker Rd Stirling
Bill Spragg
Chair, Project Steering Group
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