Important HTML tag e.g. <a<b> <body> <br> <button<div<form<h1> - <h6> <head<hr> <html> <iiframeimg> <input>li> <link<option<p<pre> <script<select<span<strong<table> <tbody> <td> <textareaththead<title> <trul
And attributes e.g. id, name, value, class, align, style and all input types.
Form creating with textbox, text area, radio, checkbox, select box and file upload.
Template cutting and HTML5 tags.
Introduction to CSS, Three ways to use CSS, CSS basic Properties like width, height, margin, padding, color, background-color, background-image etc.
Introduction to Javascript, Three ways to use Javascript, Client-side Validation, basic function like alert(), confirm(), prompt().
PHP Basic syntax, PHP data Types, PHP Variables, PHP Constants, PHP Expressions, PHP Operators, PHP Control Structures (if, else, else if), PHP Loops (for, while, do while).
PHP Arrays & Function
PHP Associative Arrays, PHP Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Array Functions. Looping with associative array using foreach().
PHP Functions, Syntax, Arguments, Variables, Return Values, Variable Scope, PHP include(), PHP require().
PHP Forms
PHP Form handling, PHP GET, PHP POST, PHP REQUEST, PHP Form Validation, File uploaded and files type validation.
PHP Sessions
PHP Session Handling, session start, session create, session destroy, PHP Login Session, Managing user access using session.
PHP Strings Handling
Strings and Patterns, Matching, Extracting,Searching Replacing, Formatting, String Related Library functionE.g. str_replace (),strpos(), strlen(), substr() etc.
Working with file and Directories
Understanding file& directory, opening and closing a file, coping, renaming and deleting a file, Importing, Exporting CSV data.
Introduction to OOPS
Introduction, Declaring a class, Access method and properties using $this variable, Public, private, protected properties and methods, understanding the MVC Pattern
Basic MySQL, Simple queries
Database basics, PHP MyAdmin, MYSQL Connect, MySQL Create, MySQL Insert, MySQL Select, MySQL Update, MySQL Delete, MySQL Truncate, MySQL Drop
Advanced query and MYSQL function
WHERE condition, Order By, Group By,Having, LIKE, AND OR operators.
Using functions AVG, COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX etc.
Introduction to AJAX, PHP with AJAX, working with database via AJAX and ajax based project.
Basic functions of JQuery like hide(), show(), toggle(), fade-in() etc.
Validation using JQuery andJQuery events.