Ocean Currents and Meteorology
Lesson Overview
This activity helps Grades 6-8 students to understand how ocean currents affect climate. Using statistics, they will compare Quebec and France which, although situated at similar latitudes, have very different climates. Why? Quebec is influenced by the Labrador current, while France is influenced by the Gulf Stream.
Grade Level
Grades 5 and 6 (3rd cycle – elementary level), Grades 1 and 2 Secondary level (1st cycle – secondary level)
Time Required
One period of approximately 90 minutes
Curriculum Connection
Domain of the Social Universe: Geography
- Competency 1: Read the organization of a territory
- Elements of the competency: Understand how humans impact on the territory. Establish relationships between various geographic scales. Use map-related terminology.
- Competency 3: Learn to become a citizen of the world
- Elements of the competency: Demonstrate the global character of a geographic reality.
Link to Canadian National Geographic Standards
Essential Element #1 (Grades 6-8): The World in Spatial Terms
- Distribution of major human and physical features at country and global scales
- Map types
Essential Element #2 (Grades 6-8): Places and Regions
- Physical and human characteristics of places and regions in Canada and the world
- Factors that influence people’s perception of places and regions
Essential Element #3 (Grades 6-8): Physical Systems
- Physical processes shape patterns in the physical environment
- Wind patterns and ocean currents
- Types of precipitation
- Implications of the hydrologic cycle
- Causes and patterns of extreme natural events
Essential Element #6 (Grades 6-8): Environment and Society
- Impact of natural and technological hazards/disasters on the human and physical environment
- Limits and opportunities of the physical environment for human activities
Geographic Skill #1 (Grades 6-8): Asking Geographic Questions
- Plan how to answer geographic questions
Geographic Skill #2 (Grades 6-8): Acquiring geographic information
- Use maps to collect and/or compile geographic information
Geographic Skill #4 (Grades 6-8): Analyzing Geographic Information
- Interpret information obtained from maps
- Interpret information obtained from a variety of sources
Geographic Skill #1 (Grades 6-8): Answering Geographic Questions
- Develop and present combinations of geographic information to answer geographic questions
Curriculum Connection
- Learning outcome: Understand geographic relationships, using a map of the world
- Skills - Use geographic tools
- Interpret different forms of representations
- Interpret graphs
- Use accurate geographic terms
Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required
- The Atlas of Canada: Map of Canada (The world)
- Useful websites to help students learn more about ocean currents
and the following page of links:
Main Objective
To explain how the ocean currents influence the physical environment (climate) in Quebec and in France.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify the ocean currents that affect Quebec and France
- Know the specific characteristics of each of the climates in the two regions studied
The Lesson
Teacher Activity / Student ActivityIntroduction /
- Ask students to study the oceans on a map of the world.
- Invite students to tell what they know about oceans.
- Ask students to form groups of two.
- Study the map.
- Revise previous knowledge of oceans.
- Find a fellow student to work with.
Lesson Development /
- Divide the teams into two working groups, with one group working on Activity Sheet A and the other on Activity Sheet B.
- Hand out the Activity Sheets and ask students to complete the required tasks.
- Allow some time to do the work. Then have students share what they have discovered about each of the regions studied.
- List the characteristics of the Labrador current and the Gulf Steam.
- Follow instructions.
- With partner, read carefully the questions on the Activity Sheet.
- Become aware of the important differences between the Quebec climate and that of France, despite the fact that both are situated at similar latitudes.
- Verify if their knowledge on the subject was correct, when answering the last question.
Conclusion /
- Reformulate the initial question: “Do oceans and their currents influence climate?”
- Answer question, based on newly-acquired knowledge.
Lesson Extension
Invite students to find out more about ocean currents, Then, they could create a large poster in class on which to insert the information.
Assessment of Student Learning
During the following period, hand students sheets showing non-identified climate graphs. Ask students to identify the climate graph of Quebec City and that of Paris and to justify their answers. Then, ask students to name the two ocean currents studied and to describe the characteristics of each one.
Student Activity Sheet A
1. Using the map of Canada (the world), between which degrees of latitude is Quebec City situated?
2. Which oceans border the province of Quebec?
3. Based on the following climatic statistics for Quebec City, draw a climate graph.
Quebec / J / F / M / A / M / J / J / A / S / O / N / DAVERAGE TEMPERATURE
(OC) / -12.8 / -11.1 / -4.6 / 3.3 / 11.2 / 16.5 / 19.2 / 17.9 / 12.5 / 6.2 / -.07 / 9.1
(mm) / 89.8 / 70.6 / 90.3 / 81.2 / 106.1 / 114.2 / 127.8 / 116.7 / 125.5 / 101.7 / 102.0 / 104.4
Source: Environment Canada
Climate graph:
4. Study the climate graph and write a paragraph to describe the climate of Quebec City.
5. What factors influence the Quebec climate?
6. Write down what you know about the Labrador current (location, direction, hot/cold, etc.).
7. Do oceans and ocean currents influence climate?
Student Activity Sheet B:
1. Using the map of Canada (the world), between which degrees of latitude is Paris situated?
2. Which ocean borders France?
3. Based on the following climatic statistics for Paris, draw a climate graph.
Paris / J / F / M / A / M / J / J / A / S / O / N / DAVERAGE TEMPERATURE
(OC)) / 4.1 / 5.2 / 7.8 / 10.6 / 14.3 / 17.4 / 17.4 / 19.2 / 19.2 / 12.7 / 7.7 / 5.0
(mm) / 55.0 / 45.4 / 52.2 / 44.5 / 62.0 / 53.2 / 58.3 / 46.0 / 52.9 / 54.9 / 57.0 / 55.1
Source: Météo-France
Climate graph:
4. Study the climate graph and write a paragraph to describe the climate of Paris.
5. What factors influence the Paris climate?
6. Write down what you know about the Gulf Stream (location, direction, hot/cold, etc.).
7. Do oceans and ocean currents influence climate?
Canadian Council for Geographic Education1
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society