World Language Admission Requirements
World language requirements vary from school to school.
Competitive colleges typically require at LEAST two years of study in high school. Classes should be in the same language; there is a preference for proficiency in a single language instead of exposure to many languages.
Typically a recommendation is just a signal that study beyond the requirement would strengthen your application.
Michigan Schools
School / RequirementCentral Michigan University / Strongly encouraged 2 years
Eastern Michigan University / “encourage students to have some foreign language experience prior to college but it will not negatively affect students”
Ferris State University / no response
Grand Valley State University / 2 years required
Lake Superior State University / “an additional year of study” of a world language
Michigan State University / minimum of 2 years
Michigan Technological University / 2 years recommended
Northern Michigan University / 2 years
Oakland University / minimum of 2 years
Saginaw Valley State University / no response
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor / 2 years required; 4 years recommended
University of Michigan -- Dearborn / none required
University of Michigan -- Flint / none listed
Wayne State University / “doesn't look at them as a factor in admissions decisions”
Western Michigan University / 2 years or better
Highly Competitive Schools
School / RequirementHarvard / 4 years recommended
MIT / 2 years
Stanford / 3 or more years
UCLA / 2 years required; 3 recommended
Assessments for Credit
School / AP / CLEP / IBCentral Michigan University / 3 or higher (depending on exam) / 48 or higher – French
43 or higher – German
46 or higher -- Spanish / 3 or higher
Eastern Michigan University / 3 or higher / minimum score of 50 / 4 or higher
Ferris State University / 3 or higher / 40 or higher / 4 or higher
Grand Valley State University / 3 or better / 50 or better / 4 or better
Lake Superior State University / 3 or higher / 46 or higher (Fren/Span)
50 or higher (Germ) / 5 or higher
Michigan State University / French – 4 or better
German – 3 or better
Japanese – 3 or better
Spanish – 4 or better
(3 and 2 will waive courses) / 50 or better / 5 or higher
Michigan Technological University / 3 or higher / (none listed) / 5 or better
Northern Michigan University / 3 or better / Spanish/German – 55 or better
French – 64 or better / 5 or better
Oakland University / French – 4 or better
German – 3 or better / 55 or better / 4 or better
Saginaw Valley State University / 4 or higher
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor / 4 or higher (3 or higher for German) / not accepted / 5 (or in some subjects 4)
University of Michigan – Dearborn / 3 or higher / not accepted
University of Michigan -- Flint / 3 or better / speak with office of undergraduate admissions / TBD
Wayne State University / 3 or higher / not accepted / 4 or higher
Western Michigan University / 3 or better / 50 or better / 5 or higher
updated 10/2013