Department of Nursing Promotion 1
Excellence inTeaching; Substantialor Outstanding Scholarship; Substantial or Outstanding Service
SSU Collective Bargaining Agreement 2012-2015 (Article 14, Section 3, pages 14-5 and 14-6)
Required Promotion Materials / Document / Teaching / Scholarship / ServiceA standard promotion form which shall be available in the Provost’s office. / X
A cover letter which addresses:
1. the candidate’s eligibility for promotion (Section 2 of Article 14); and
2. the basis of the candidate’s application for promotion (Section 1 of Article 14); and
3. a short summary of any additional information that may be pertinent to the candidate’s
evaluation. / X
A detailed and current curricula vita / X
A letter of support from the chairperson of the candidate’s department / X
Three (3)additional letters of reference of support from professional and/or academic colleagues / X
If the candidate is applying for Associate Professor, a copy of the promotion and tenure plan, progress reviews, and pre-tenure and promotion review (see Article 13, Section 4) / X
A narrative describing the candidate’s excellence in teaching, which must be supported by the following evidence: / X
- A faculty-developed summary and discussion of all student evaluations for the past three (3)
2. A Dean or Chair’s in-class evaluation within the twelve (12) months preceding the application,
if the candidate does not hold continuing contract; and / X
3. Additional exemplars of teaching effectiveness as determined by the candidate’s departmental
criteria (see section 1, infra). / X
An appendix containing copies of the original summaries of all student course evaluations, including student comments since the last promotion. / X
A narrative (or narratives) describing the candidate’s outstanding achievements in scholarship, outstanding achievements in service, or substantial contributions in both scholarship and service, citing exemplars of the candidate’s scholarship or service, or both (see Section 1, info). / X / X
The narrative(s) should be supported by appropriate documentation (for example: reprints of publications, presentations, book chapters and other evidence of scholarship and/or service). / X / X
Excellence in TeachingPromotion Exemplar Criteria
Required Documentation:The 2012-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article 14, Section 3, pages 14-5 and 14-6) stipulates the following for excellence in teaching.
A narrative describing the candidate’sexcellence in teaching, citing exemplars of the candidate’s teaching (see Section 1, info).
A faculty-developed summary and discussion of all student evaluations for the past three (3) academic years
A Dean or Chair’s in-class evaluation within the twelve (12) months preceding the application (if the candidate does not hold continuing contract or tenure)
Exemplars-Evidence for promotion should be limited to teaching within the review period (the review period is defined as the period since hire or previous promotion, whichever is more recent), and that evidence should include information gathered throughout the full scope of the review period.
A minimum of two exemplars must be demonstrated for each criteriaand can include CBA or Dept. exemplars
Teaching CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar CriteriaEffective teaching may be demonstrated through the following criteria or similar criteria:
a. maintaining currency in one’s subject matter
b. effectively communicating subject matter by several means or methods such as lecture, discussion, laboratory exercise and practical experience
c. assisting students in course related work outside of class
d. developing improved instructional materials or methods
e. promoting students’ critical and creative thinking
f. mentoring students in professional scholarly activities / 1) Dean’s, chairperson’s, and/or departmental colleague’s observations of teaching (a)
2) Syllabi of courses taught (a)
3) Student opinions about course content and presentation style as determined by teaching evaluations and/or documentation of student support (a)
4) Candidate reports of teaching philosophy, plans, techniques, attempts at innovation and growth, etc. (a, d)
5) Peer review of course content, assessment devices, curricular materials, pedagogical techniques, etc. (a)
6) Scholarly writings or presentations on nursing education, practice, research and, the role of the University, etc. (a)
7) Participation in departmental, university, community, and/or professional activities concerning teaching and education (a)
8) Development of improved instructional materials and innovative clinical experiences (a, d)
9) Completion of Sloan C or Quality Matters.(d)
Teaching CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Effective Communication:
Information is communicated to students in an effective manner
Excellence in Teaching may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
a. maintain currency in one’s subject matter
b. effectively communicating subject matter by several means or methods such as lecture, discussion, laboratory exercise and practical experience
c. assisting students in course related work outside of class
d. developing improved instructional materials or methods
e. promoting students’ critical and creative thinking
f. mentoring students in professional scholarly activities / 1) Dean’s, chairperson’s, and/or departmental colleague’s observations of teaching (b)
2) Examples of communicating subject matter by different means or methods such as lecture, discussion, lab exercise, demonstration, and practical experience (b)
3) Student opinions about course content and presentation style as determined by teaching evaluations and/or documentation of student support (b)
4) Mentoring of students in course related undergraduate research / scholarly projects (b, e, f)
5) Recognition for program/teaching activities by reputable internal or external bodies (e.g.: SSU Distinguished Teaching Award, accrediting organizations, etc.) (a, b, c, d, e, f)
6) Mentoring students in non-course related activities or projects designed to promote student professional growth. (b, e, f)
Teaching CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Fair Evaluation:
Evaluation of students is conducted in a fair and unbiased fashion.
Excellence in Teaching may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
a. maintain currency in one’s subject matter
b. effectively communicating subject matter by several means or methods such as lecture, discussion, laboratory exercise and practical experience
c. assisting students in course related work outside of class
d. developing improved instructional materials or methods
e. promoting students’ critical and creative thinking
f. mentoring students in professional scholarly activities. / 1) Dean’s, chairperson’s, and/or departmental colleague’s observations of teaching (b, e)
2) Documentation of evaluation methods in course syllabus (e, f)
3) Student opinions about course content and presentation style as determined by teaching evaluations and/or documentation of student support (b, e)
4) Peer review of course content, assessment devices, curricular materials, pedagogical techniques, etc. (a, b, d, e, f)
5)Sample evaluation tools (e, f)
Teaching CBA ExemplarCriteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Appropriate Course Offerings:
The candidate teaches courses needed by the department consistent with the candidate’s advertised position and established scheduling procedures.
Excellence in Teaching may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
a. maintain currency in one’s subject matter
b. effectively communicating subject matter by several means or methods such as lecture, discussion, laboratory exercise and practical experience
c. assisting students in course related work outside of class
d. developing improved instructional materials or methods
e. promoting students’ critical and creative thinking
f. mentoring students in professional scholarly activities / 1) Syllabi of courses taught (a, b, d, e, f)
2) Unique contributions to the educational aims of the department in relation to program needs (a, b)
3) Collaboration with institutions to maintain clinical partnerships (a,b, c, e)
4)Workload, multiple courses, clinical assignments and labs
(a, b, d, e)
5) Acceptance of emergency assignments to meet department needs (b, c, e)
6) Course Coordinator of clinical course including responsibilities such as orientation of adjuncts to course expectations, simulation lab, online electronic documentation, (a, b, d, e,)
Teaching CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Academic Rigor:
The candidate teaches at a level of academic rigor appropriate to the level of the course.
Excellence in Teaching may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
a. maintain currency in one’s subject matter
b. effectively communicating subject matter by several means or methods such as lecture, discussion, laboratory exercise and practical experience
c. assisting students in course related work outside of class
d. developing improved instructional materials or methods
e. promoting students’ critical and creative thinking
f. mentoring students in professional scholarly activities / 1) Dean’s, chairperson’s, and/or departmental colleague’s observations of teaching (d, e)
2) course development, course redesign, teaching projects. course reports and notebook (a, d)
3) Syllabi demonstrates progression of learning objectives that match the curriculum design (b, d, e)
4) Peer review of course content, assessment devices, curricular materials, pedagogical techniques, curriculum committee minutes etc.
(a, d, e)
5) Sample assignments (description of assignments, lesson plan, course reports, etc.)(a, b, d, e, f)
6) Course changes improvements reflect
mean score of course standardized test meets or exceeds national benchmarks (a,b,d,e)
7) Teaching exemplar demonstrating leveled course objectives (a,b,d,e)
ScholarshipSubstantial and/or Outstanding Criteria
Required Documentation:The 2012-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article 14, Section 3, pages 14-5 and 14-6) stipulates the following for scholarship Substantial and/or Outstanding :
A narrative describing the candidate’s outstanding achievements in scholarship, or substantial contributions in scholarship, citing exemplars of the candidate’s scholarship (see Section 1, info).
The narrative should be supported by appropriate documentation (for example: reprints of publications, presentations, book chapters and other evidence of scholarship).
A faculty-developed summary and discussion of all student evaluations for the past three (3) academic years
A Dean or Chair’s in-class evaluation within the twelve (12) months preceding the application (if the candidate does not hold continuing contract or tenure)
Exemplars for promotion should be limited to scholarship within the review period (the review period is defined as the period since hire or previous promotion, whichever is more recent), and that evidence should include information gathered throughout the full scope of the review period.
To demonstrate substantial scholarship, promotion candidates must meet criteria 1–2
To demonstrate outstanding scholarship, promotion candidates must meet criteria 1–4
A minimum of two exemplars must be demonstrated for each criteria the candidate is to meet based on their above selection and can include CBA or Dept. exemplars.
Similar sources of evidence not listed in the Source(s) of Evidence column (Column 2) may be used provided they are appropriately linked to the CBA criteria (Column 1). Candidates need not include all of the listed pieces of evidence in their applications.
While both the quantity and quality of the candidate's contributions in scholarship are important, in the determination of what constitutes “substantial” or “outstanding” service—the quality of the contribution may be viewed as having greater importance.
Scholarship CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Evidence- Productivity: Research and/or scholarship have produced at least a minimum1 of scholarly artifacts over the course of the review period.
- Giving scholarly presentations to academic organizations;
- Giving scholarly presentations to the campus community;
- Publishing books or publishing treatises in scholarly professional journals;
- Having books accepted for publication or treatises accepted for publication in scholarly professional journals;
- Exhibiting creative works or acquiring show or performance credits at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Having creative works accepted for exhibition or shows or performances at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Holding offices or positions in professional academic organizations or on scholarly editorial boards;
- Obtaining grants, contracts or similar financial support from government, foundations, or other sources for scholarly purposes (other than those included as service);
- Acquiring a degree or certification other than the University required minimum degree as appropriate to the candidate’s department; and
- Maintain professional certification and licensure.
2)Submit, publish or review works for a general audience. (c, d)
3)Presentation, poster, or panel participation (formal or informal) at local, state, regional, national or international conferences. (a, b, e, f)
4)Statements from Principal Investigators attesting to the candidate’s contributions and activities within a research team, as consultant, mentor, or reviewer. (e, f)
5)Completion or satisfactory progression of courses towards a terminal degree. (CBA article 22, 3, k; i, j)
6)Achieving or maintaining professional certification in nursing or related field beyond what is required by the university to maintain employment. (i)
7)Maintaining professional licensure, including the requirements of the licensing state (s). (i, j)
8)Serving as an exam item writer for licensing or certification exams. (e, f)
9) Mentoring an individual or group in the process of evidence based change in a clinical practice. (e, f)
10)Facilitating a journal club for a clinical agency. (e, f)
11)Conducting and/or collaborating in research to benefit the nursing department, nursing profession and/or nursing education. (i, j)
12)Conducting a literature review or conference attendance to gain and apply new knowledge. (a, b)
13)Accreditation reports, preparation, and/or submission.
14)Position within professional organizations with emphasis on scholarship (i.e., scholarship of teaching and learning and/or disciplinary/professional scholarship)
15)Currency in scholarship is demonstrated via attendance at Distinguished Learning lectures, teaching and learning center presentations.
Scholarship CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Currency: Research and/or scholarly artifacts are based on a line of inquiry and/or research conducted at Shawnee State University within the past 5 years. Note that this may reflect multiple discrete, short-term lines of research and/or inquiry.
Effective scholarship may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
- Giving scholarly presentations to academic organizations;
- Giving scholarly presentations to the campus community;
- Publishing books or publishing treatises in scholarly professional journals;
- Having books accepted for publication or treatises accepted for publication in scholarly professional journals;
- Exhibiting creative works or acquiring show or performance credits at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Having creative works accepted for exhibition or shows or performances at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Holding offices or positions in professional academic organizations or on scholarly editorial boards;
- Obtaining grants, contracts or similar financial support from government, foundations, or other sources for scholarly purposes (other than those included as service);
- Acquiring a degree or certification other than the University required minimum degree as appropriate to the candidate’s department; and
- Maintain professional certification and licensure.
2)Submit, publish or review works for a general audience. [c, d]
3)Presentation, poster, or panel participation (formal or informal) at local, state, regional, national or international conferences. [a, b, e, f]
4)Statements from Principal Investigators attesting to the candidate’s contributions and activities within a research team, as consultant, mentor, or reviewer. [e, f]
5)Completion or satisfactory progression of courses towards a terminal degree (CBA article 22, 3, K; i j).
6)Achieving or maintaining professional certification in nursing or related field beyond what is required by the university to maintain employment. [i]
7)Maintaining professional licensure, including the requirements of the licensing state (s). [i, j]
8)Serving as an exam item writer for licensing or certification exams. [e, f]
9)Mentoring an individual or group in the process of evidence based change in a clinical practice. [e, f]
10)Facilitating a journal club for a clinical agency. [e, f]
11)Conducting and/or collaborating in research to benefit the nursing department, nursing profession and/or nursing education. [i, j]
12)Conducting a literature review or conference attendance to gain and apply new knowledge. [a, b]
13) Obtaining grants or similar financial support for research or scholarly activity. [h]
14)Accreditation reports, preparation, and/or submission.
15)Position within professional organizations with emphasis on scholarship (i.e., scholarship of teaching and learning and/or disciplinary/professional scholarship)
16)Conducting and/or collaborating in research to benefit interdisplinary departments, professions, and/or educational programs.
17)Currency in scholarship is demonstrated via attendance at Distinguished Learning lectures, teaching and learning center presentations.
18)Course development, course redesign, teaching projects. course reports and notebooks.
Scholarship CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Sustained activity: Research and/or scholarship is sustained and ongoing throughout the review period (or within the past 5 years)1.
Effective scholarship may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
- Giving scholarly presentations to academic organizations;
- Giving scholarly presentations to the campus community;
- Publishing books or publishing treatises in scholarly professional journals;
- Having books accepted for publication or treatises accepted for publication in scholarly professional journals;
- Exhibiting creative works or acquiring show or performance credits at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Having creative works accepted for exhibition or shows or performances at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Holding offices or positions in professional academic organizations or on scholarly editorial boards;
- Obtaining grants, contracts or similar
- financial support from government, foundations, or other sources for scholarly purposes (other than those included as service);
- Acquiring a degree or certification other than the University required minimum degree as appropriate to the candidate’s department; and
- Maintain professional certification and licensure.
2)Submit, publish or review works for a general audience. [c, d]
3)Presentation, poster, or panel participation (formal or informal) at local, state, regional, national or international conferences. [a, b, e, f]
4)Statements from Principal Investigators attesting to the candidate’s contributions and activities within a research team, as consultant, mentor, or reviewer. [e, f]
5)Serving as an exam item writer for licensing or certification exams. [e, f]
6)Mentoring an individual or group in the process of evidence based change in a clinical practice. [e, f]
7)Obtaining grants or similar financial support for research or scholarly activity. [h]
8)Statements from faculty, department chairpersons attesting to the candidate’s scholarly contributions and activities. [a ,b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
9)Awards, honors, and other recognition of contributions resulting from the candidate’s research or scholarship. [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
Scholarship CBA Exemplar Criteria / Dept. Exemplar Criteria
Significance: Research and/or scholarship are independent2 and of significant scholarly value as defined by peers within the candidate’s discipline.
Effective scholarship may be demonstrated through the following criteria, or similar criteria:
- Giving scholarly presentations to academic organizations;
- Giving scholarly presentations to the campus community;
- Publishing books or publishing treatises in scholarly professional journals;
- Having books accepted for publication or treatises accepted for publication in scholarly professional journals;
- Exhibiting creative works or acquiring show or performance credits at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Having creative works accepted for exhibition or shows or performances at prestigious venues when they are appropriate to the field of study;
- Holding offices or positions in professional academic organizations or on scholarly editorial boards;
- Obtaining grants, contracts or similar financial support from government, foundations, or other sources for scholarly purposes (other than those included as service);
- Acquiring a degree or certification other than the University required minimum degree as appropriate to the candidate’s department; and
- Maintain professional certification and licensure.
2)Submit, publish or review works for a general audience. [c, d]
3)Presentation, poster, or panel participation (formal or informal) at local, state, regional, national or international conferences. [a, b, e, f]
4)Statements from Principal Investigators attesting to the candidate’s contributions and activities within a research team, as consultant, mentor, or reviewer. [e, f]
5)Serving as an exam item writer for licensing or certification exams. [e, f]
6)Mentoring an individual or group in the process of evidence based change in a clinical practice. [e, f]
7)Writing grants or similar financial support for research or scholarly activity. [h]
8)Statements from faculty, department chairpersons attesting to the candidate’s scholarly contributions and activities. [a ,b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
9)Awards, honors, and other recognition of contributions resulting from the candidate’s research or scholarship. [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]
1The Department of Nursing recognizes that the research process leading to the production of scholarly artifacts can be lengthy and variable in its timeframe. It is not expected that artifacts be produced regularly, however, it is expected that there is evidence of research and/or scholarly activity (in all stages of the research process) throughout the review period.