Greeting in the name of Jesus,
The Board of Lutheran Men in Mission personally invites all Men of Our Synod’s Congregations to our Annual Meeting “A Bold Gathering” to be held on March 18th 2017 at:
Peace of Prince Lutheran Church 225-17 115th Ave Cambria Height NY. From 9 to 12 noon, door opening at 8:30 am for breakfast.
“The vision of Lutheran Men in Mission is every man to become a bold, daring follower of Jesus Christ”.
This event comes following our “Building Men for Christ” workshop held on Nov 12th at Ascension Deer Park where 19 men attended to learn about how to “Ministry and Discipline to Men”.
At this year’s Gathering we have well known Presenters joining us:
Rev. Dr. Lamont Wells, Assistant to Bishop Robert A. Rimbo.
Mr. Kevin Burke, Discipling Consultant- National Lutheran Men in Mission.
Rev. Dr. John Krahn, Assistant Pastor, Ascension Lutheran Church, Deer Park. Author of the book “Surviving to Thriving” on revitalizing the church.
Representors from the Synod’s Lutheran Youth Organization.
Learn about the future events planned for Our Chapter, and our Diakoinia Scholarship in memory of Judge Dan Joy.
Plus, Business of the Chapter will be conducted with elections for President and Secretary, Business old and new.
A time for sharing about your Men’s Group at your Church and help us “Steer the Couse of Our Chapter”, you don’t got to have a Men’s group to attend, and of Couse if you like to start one in your congregation we can help.
We pray the you and the Men of your Congregation will be joining us for this special day of walking with Jesus.
Free will offering to cover costs.
Membership sign-up
You can reach us by calling or e-mailing us:
Thank you,
Yours in his name,
Bob Bender, President.
Mission Men in Mission Metro New York synod