Constitution and Statutes CommitteeMinutes
February 6th, 2017
John E. Sapp Conference Room 6:30 PM
Chair: Senate President Burke
- Call to Order
- Meeting was called to order at 6:33pm.
- Initial Roll Call – Vice-Chair Miller
- Quorum was established with 8 voting members: Senators Miller, Slattery, Burroughs, Harrison, Young, Soliman, Peele, and Perego.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Student Remarks
- None.
- Approval of Minutes – January 23rd, 2017
- Senator Soliman - Motion to approve the minutes from the January 23rd meeting. Second. All in favor. Approved.
- Approval of Agenda
- Senator Perego - Motion totable SB-17S-3088. Second. All in favor. Tabled.
- Harrison – Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Approved.
- Guest Speaker
- None.
- Remarks of the Chair –
- Senate President Burke stressed that he wants open discussion throughout this meeting.He then announced that Senator Peregoas the new Senate President Pro-Tempore.
- Senator Constitution Report: Title X- Senator Burroughs
- Reported that this title covered the Code of Ethics, rights of the individual, punishments against Student Government officers who infringe these rights, and ethical definitions. Questions, answers, and discussion followed.
- Unfinished Business
- Article 2 revision and bill drafting
- The committee discussed amending Article 2 of the Student Government Constitution such that any change to the statutes that is approved through the regular process will only go into effect after January 1st or July 1st of the year in which it is passed. The committee then draft a CR, CR-17S-3097: Limiting the Effective Date for External Focus, and assigned two sponsors from the committee, Senate President Pro-Tempore Perego and Senator Peel. Questions, answers, and discussion followed.
- Senator Miller – Motion to forward CR-17S-3097 to Senate for Second Read and to enact the chair to input the necessary revisions to this bill as discussed by this committee. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 7-0-0, forwarded.
- Senate Policies and Procedures Discussion
- The committee continued discussing the revisions they would like to make to the Senate Policies and Procedures. They decided to form an Ad-Hoc committee in order to draft these changes in the form of a bill. Senate President Burke said that he would send out a Doodle Poll to the committee to find an exact time and date to schedule the ad-hoc committee meeting.
- New Business
- SB-17S-3088: Review Date for Resolutions
- Senator Miller – Motion to postpone until SB-17S-3088 until the Feb 20th C&S Committee meeting. Second. All in favor. Postponed.
- Announcements
- Senate President Burke – Senators can still bring in canned goods for the Can Castle event until this Wednesday, February 8th.
- Final Roll Call – Vice-Chair Miller
- Quorum was reestablished with 7 voting members: SenatorsMiller, Burroughs, Harrison, Young, Soliman, Peele, and Perego.
- Adjournment
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:14pm.
Minutes were taken by Lauren King, Senate Secretary.